The school has Gakko Hojin status granted by Hiroshima Prefecture, and the school’s constitution is the Act of Endowment (English | Japanese). The school’s by-laws (English) – guidance on the implementation of the Act of Endowment – further clarify the composition and operation of its two boards.
The HIS School Development Plan is used to focus on long-term strategic goals for HIS basing all decisions on the HIS Mission and Vision.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors (BoD) numbers eight members and meets approximately monthly during school semesters. The Chair of the Board of Trustees (BoT) and the Principal are automatically members of the Board of Directors. Three more members are elected to the BoD from the ranks of the BoT (and thus sit on both boards). The final three members of the BoD are elected by the Board of Directors as learner persons/community members. The Chair of the Board of Directors is the Rijicho (‘Director General’).
The BoD makes the major strategic decisions regarding the direction and character of the school.
Operational and managerial decisions are the responsibility of the Principal but the Principal is accountable to the Board of Directors.
This is the strategic and ‘operational’ board, and its members are listed here: Board of Directors Profiles
The BoD is currently looking to fill vacancies by a) identifying the skill sets required to support the school’s current strategic direction, and b) recruiting people with the necessary skills.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees (BoT) meets about three times a year. There are four categories of membership of the BoT: parents & guardians, staff, learned persons/community members and the final position is for an alumnus of the school. The Board of Trustees must be consulted regarding significant decisions and events such as the annual budget or the appointment of a new Principal.
The school also has two Auditors who have no vote and may not sit on either board but who may attend all board meetings.
This document explains the roles of the boards more fully: Board of Directors and Board of Trustees
HIS Annual Report
Annual reports detail major events and the financial status of HIS.