The Crane, 21 May 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  I wish to thank all families and HIS Staff for their exceptional work during this challenging week due to the G7 Summit. Having to go ‘online’ is never an easy endeavour, but it appears that we have survived the latest remote learning storm! Related to the Summit, congratulations to all HIS students and staff that supported the Ai Project that aired today on YouTube at 13:00. You did a fantastic job! Congratulations to our G12 Class of 2023! They have just successfully finished their final exams. Graduation Day is June 10. Thank you to Ayako sensei and her team’s exceptional efforts in support of our wonderful students. Please be reminded that May 22 will be a school holiday. If able to, please enjoy some extra…
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The Crane, 14 May 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  It is a short CRANE this week. I wish to remind you that due to the G7 Summit, classes will occur online on Thursday and Friday this week. Information has been shared via teachers and coordinators about how to properly connect to each class. If you have questions, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to ensure all is understood. Next week, on May 22, it will be a school holiday. If able to, please enjoy some extra family time. The Peace Ride will depart from HIS early in the morning on May 22. Please wish the Peace Ride Team good luck as they ride across the region! The IB Exams for Grade 12 will soon be wrapping up. Congratulations to Ayako sensei and her students for…
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The Crane, 8 May 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  I hope that Golden Week has been enjoyable for the entire HIS Community. The week of school just before Golden Week was packed with activities. Within this week’s Photo Gallery, you will find an incredible array of photos from such events as Spirit Week, Ice Cream Day, and of course, Sports Day! Please enjoy the many memories! We are now entering the home stretch as summer approaches. The IB Exams for Grade 12 are now in full swing. Good luck to Ayako sensei and her wonderful students. Graduation is coming June 10! The buzz of HIS IDOL is now permeating our corridors. The Peace Ride will arrive soon! The HIS 60th Anniversary Ball will occur on the evening of June 23 at the Hilton in Hiroshima. More information is coming from the PTA Wolfpack very soon,…
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The Crane, 23 April 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward   There is plenty of information in this CRANE. I will keep my introduction brief, so that you can focus on the many details below. Thank you, once again, to Naoko Kurata and her PTA Wolfpack Team for organizing an amazing International Festival. Saturday night’s celebration party on the ANA Hotel rooftop was a windy and wild experience (see the pictures)!!! Thankfully, the group was able to move inside, as it felt more like February than late April! As well, the PTA Wolfpack has arranged for ICE CREAM to be served to students and staff this Wednesday after lunch courtesy of locally owned Mo Mo Milk! What a welcome treat that will be! There are still many events coming as we move toward Golden Week. Please read…
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The Crane, 9 April 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Dear HIS Community, As Hanami ends in the region, we will have one last time to celebrate here at HIS! Yes, the long awaited and much anticipated International Festival is about to occur! Our PTA Wolfpack has been planning feverishly to ensure that the event will be a grand success. Let’s get ready to enjoy excellent international cuisine, superb entertainment, and exciting fun and games; all to be capped off with our exciting HIS Raffle beginning just after 14:00 on April 15. For your information, here is the most updated list of Raffle Prizes. Be sure to purchase your tickets as soon as possible! Here is the link to purchase tickets from the PTA Wolfpack. Here is the most updated version of the Entertainment Schedule. We…
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The Crane, 2 April 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward   Dear HIS Community, Hanami has arrived in Hiroshima. I hope that you have been able to enjoy some of the beautiful blooms and flowers in the region. I must thank Yumi sensei for initiating Hanami in the Primary School this week, as she took many classes to a park near the school to observe and enjoy the beauty of the season! The Let’s Bake Parent Team was in full force this week as they led our Grade 1-2 class in cookie making. The sweet smell of baking radiated throughout the school, while sales skyrocketed on Friday. Our Open Campus hosted over ten interested families this week. HIS has become a popular destination in recent times. Good work, Team! Our Peace Riders continue to prepare for their…
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The Crane, 26 March 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Dear HIS Community, It was a great first week back after the March Break! This was highlighted by Japan’s victory over the USA in the World Baseball Classic. Both teams were worthy opponents and HIS had fans from both sides. However, it seems that the Japan fans outnumbered those from the USA in the end. Regardless, it was a very fun morning at HIS as we set up the big screen in the genkan, so that all who desired could watch the game unfold. Congratulations to Shohei Ohtani and the Japanese team for winning in the end after a nail-biting finish! HIS Faces in the News (Photo Gallery) Click here to see this week's photos from around the school. Bento Order(弁当オーダー) Bento Order Part…
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The Crane, 5 March 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  The long-awaited March Break is approaching! Before we get there, however, there is plenty to celebrate and accomplish. Congratulations to Ayako Sensei and all students involved in the VA Exhibition 2023 held downtown this week. It was absolutely superb! Here is a fun picture of the TEAM! The Parent Wolfpack continues to prepare for the International Festival on April 15. They are planning to have a draw for many prizes. If your family is connected to a business that might be able to offer a fun, exciting or unique prize, please contact me, James Steward, or Naoko Kurata. Examples of prizes might include: Gift Certificates to Local Businesses,Complimentary Service at a Local Business,Lunch or Dinner at a Local Restaurant,An Overnight Stay in the Region,Air Tickets to…
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The Crane, 26 February 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Dear HIS Community, As we move toward the March Break, an eventful week has passed with plenty of events on the horizon. I wish to congratulate the entire MYP Personal Project Team for their superb efforts on Thursday. The projects were fantastic and the students’ ability to articulate and explain themselves was sensational! Thank you to all project mentors and the organizer of the event, Mr. Washington. Congratulations also to our Futsal Team for their fine efforts in Osaka. The team played very well, supported by Mr. Bartelink and Mr. Barker. The two Mr. B’s wanted to play, but the organizers would not allow them to! On Friday, we also hosted ten aspiring student teachers from Hiroshima University. They came to HIS to observe our teaching…
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The Crane, 19 February 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Dear HIS Community, The clouds have finally broken from a very rainy weekend. I hope that you have been able to stay dry! Our Semester 2 Clubs and Activities are now in full swing. It is wonderful to see our fantastic HIS students participating in such a wide array of pursuits. I really enjoyed joining the Peace Riders on their weekly training ride on Thursday. The weather was beautiful, though a little chilly! It was also great to see our HIS Futsal Club head to Osaka for their tournament over the weekend. I suspect there will be many good stories to be told on Monday! The MYP Personal Project Exhibition will occur this week on Thursday. We wish our fine students good luck! Finally, thank you…
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