The Crane, 1 October 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward It is easy to see that the school year is now in full swing. Field trips have begun. Volleyball teams are travelling. Assemblies are happening weekly. The Let’s Bake Team has begun baking with students, and cupcakes are bringing great smiles of joy to our community! This is a reminder that we will hold our Annual Photo Day on Tuesday, Oct 3 at HIS. This day will include individual, class, and whole school photos. Please ensure that students dress smartly and look their best on the day! Our school clubs are starting this week too. Stay tuned for all HIS updates! Please read further for more information. James Steward HIS Principal Field Trip to the Past On Friday, September 29, Grade 5 went on their first…
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The Crane, 24 September 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Thank you to the PTA Wolfpack for their outstanding Hot Bento Lunch this past Tuesday; it was superb! The supreme organization and care that went into preparing this sensational treat was amazing. With the growing number of students, teachers and classes at HIS, our timetable becomes evermore complex!  We anticipate making some school timetable changes soon. While these changes will be accessible in TODDLE, teachers per division and grade will also communicate these where required. I have been noticing a lot of Japanese Baseball Jerseys being worn recently. Clearly, we have plenty of Carp and Tigers fans at HIS. Let’s look forward to some fun times during the coming playoffs. I hope you have a fine week ahead! James Steward HIS Principal Miyajima Gratitude from Alina…
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The Crane, 17 September 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward It has been an historic week at HIS! Our Boys Volleyball Team made it to the final of the tournament held in Fukuoka this past weekend. With games streamed online, they were so close to taking the lead with a ‘set point’ in the first set, but just fell short. Mr. Steward just about fell off of his chair a few times while cheering in front of his computer at home! Unfortunately, despite a superb effort, they could not bring home the championship trophy. However, this bodes well for the final tournament on Oct 13-14. Congratulations to the entire team and coaches, Mr. B and Masayo-sensei! I’m looking forward to the PTA Hot Bento Lunch to be served on Tuesday! I sampled the prototype, and it…
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The Crane, 9 September 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Week 2 at HIS has been another exciting one with many events on the schedule. New students and teachers are settling in. The PTA Wolfpack has begun planning for a series of exciting coming events. Thank you to Mr. Onodera for delivering an excellent ‘guest lesson’ on Migration this past week to our G3-4 students during Japanese class! Parent Information Evening (PIE) was an excellent event. The HIS Staff did a wonderful job with their presentations and parents enjoyed educational discussions with their children’s many teachers. This year’s Teaching and Learning Team is superb and HIS is in great shape. Good luck to our Volleyball Teams in the coming days as they prepare for a series of important games! James Steward HIS Principal Concert Information from…
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The Crane, 3 September 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Dear HIS Community, It has been a stellar opening week at HIS. Of course, students are back studying and learning, but there is already so much else going on! This weekend, we hosted Fukuoka International School for a series of amazing volleyball games. HIS won numerous games in the series with many going down to the wire. If you missed these games, I must inform you, it was the highlight of my weekend! We have so many athletic stars. Be sure to check out some of the photographs in our gallery link. Thank you to our fantastic coaches (Masayo sensei and Mr. B), players and the many student and parent fans that cheered our teams on! As well, we must express our gratitude to our amazing…
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The Crane, 25 June 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward The final week of school was packed with action not the least of which was connected to Action Week itself. Students were engaged in many unique tasks across the school. Planting projects were undertaken. Stonework was finished. Stunning and meaningful artwork (Kids Guernica) was created. Beautification and woodworking projects were completed. Futsal tournaments were played. Mini Personal Projects were designed. The elements of CAS were investigated. Students dove deeply into the DP. Our students and teachers were fabulous. Congratulations to all Action Week groups for their superb contributions which were celebrated Friday at our End of Year Assembly. The Teacher Appreciation Lunch occurred on Tuesday. The PTA Wolfpack created a smorgasbord of exceptional variety and tastes. No one went home hungry; in fact, everyone went home…
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The Crane, 18 June 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Congratulations to our wonderful PYP Grade 5 graduates! Their ceremony was held on Thursday after school amid much fanfare. The speeches were excellent. The gymnasium was beautifully decorated. The graduates looked great! Thank you to Ms. Jessy, Ms. Sweta, Ms. Shefali and the entire PYP Team for their fine efforts. Most of all thank you to our Grade 5 students! Good luck as you enter the MYP in August! We now look forward to the Kindergarten Graduation on Thursday and the 60th Anniversary Party on Friday evening. James Steward HIS Principal YEARBOOK Orders It is that time of year when the HIS Yearbook is due to come hot off the press! Please make your orders here: Miyajima Clean-Up Hello! I’m Alina Hird from G11 and…
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The Crane, 11 June 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Dear HIS Community, It has been one of the busiest weeks of the year, and that is saying something! Congratulations to our Class of 2023! The Grade 12 Graduation was held downtown on Saturday amid robust fanfare. Everyone looked wonderful and our graduates did a splendid job conveying their thoughts while delivering excellent speeches and memories that often had the audience both laughing and crying at the same time. On Friday, we held our Farewell Assembly. All students were able to say good-bye to our graduates. A ‘Time Capsule’ was then buried on campus by this imaginative class. The Class of 2023 then enjoyed a sushi dinner together at a local restaurant. We wish our fine graduates all the best in their young futures. Next on…
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The Crane, 4 June 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Dear HIS Community, It will be a short introduction from me this week. Congratulations to Takako sensei and her masterful leadership related to the Spring Concert on Friday. Thank you to all students for their superb contributions! Graduation is in the air! Please be reminded that our Grade 12’s will graduate on June 10! When you see them, please offer them your best wishes. Speaking of graduations, the PYP Graduation is also set to occur on June 16! Enjoy the week ahead. James Steward HIS Principal HEART GLOBAL WORKSHOP INFORMATION SESSION AT HIS  ハートグローバル(元ヤングアメリカンズ)イベント説明会をHISで! From Jackie Ikegami WHAT: Heart Global Music Outreach (formerly Young Americans) Information Session WHERE: HIS (Room to be confirmed)  WHEN: Friday 9th June, 9:30am  Thank you to everyone in the HIS community…
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The Crane, 28 May 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  This week I had the privilege of joining the annual Peace Ride with Mr. Barker and the Secondary cyclists. They were absolutely exceptional! Mr. Barker’s wonderful organization and passion for cycling radiates within our students. The many challenging kilometres ridden and multiple scenic mountain climbs will leave lasting memories for all that participated. This was truly a major challenge for everyone. Congratulations to the entire Team, including Mr. Bartelink, our dependable driver, and Director General, Peter Skaer, who joined many of our training rides. We are very thankful for such supportive people.  Congratulations are also in order for the Grade 5 Class led by Ms. Jessy and Ms. Sweta, as they completed their PYP Exhibition on Saturday. The range of presentations was excellent, and the quality…
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