The Crane, 10 May 2019

The Crane
Items PTA News International Schools' Assessment (ISA) individual report explanation Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We have had a busy week at HIS with our IB examination period starting. Our Grade 12 students are sitting their final exams and I would like to thank all of our students for being so considerate when moving in the corridors during the examination periods, keeping the noise to a minimum. The final exam for our students is scheduled for Thursday 23 May. It is a very important, exciting and nerve-wracking time for our Grade 12 students and we wish them well. Also, next Saturday is our Arts Gala with the Spring Concert and Visual Arts exhibition at HIS so we are looking forward to seeing you there. For out TED Talk this week,…
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The Crane, 26 April 2019

The Crane
Items Spring Arts Gala Graduation dates - Gr5 & Gr12 PTA News Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Congratulations to all of our Gr4/5 students and the team of teachers who worked with them for the great PYP Exhibition on Thursday evening. In the spirit of the PYP Exhibition, I thought that this TED Talk delivered by Greta Thunberg, student and environmental activist, would be a good one for this week as a strong role model for us all. Enjoy your Golden Week break. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all back after the break. Kind regards Damian Rentoule (Principal) Crane Video Spring Arts Gala Arts Gala: Spring Concert 2019, on Saturday, 18th May 1:30 Hiroshima International School Spring Arts Gala 2019 newsletter info.docx Graduation Dates As we…
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The Crane, 19 April 2019

The Crane
Items Sakura medal book trailer contest winners Principal's Report Good Morning Thank you very much for everyone involved in the organization of the very successful HIS Fun Day last weekend. It was a great day of fun activities and lots of delicious food and it all came together after much work for the school community which we all appreciate very much. Congratulations and thanks to the PTA for the organization of a wonderful day for us all. We have had a very enjoyable Sports Day at Coca-Cola Stadium today. Lots of sunshine and races so thanks to everyone involved. You will see some images on this week's Crane Video. Regarding this week's TED Talk, in the Diploma Program (DP), students take a course called Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and look…
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The Crane, 12 April 2019

The Crane
Items Sports Day Update Article by Grade 5 students on gaming addiction Sports Day Update Action project by Grade 5 students Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you have had an enjoyable week. Our visitors from the Netherlands returned home and they had great experiences during their time here in Japan. Thank you very much to our host families, once again. We hope to send our students over to the Netherlands in September this year. We are all ready for Fun Day tomorrow at school and we really appreciate all of the PTA members who have been working so hard to create this great event for our school community. See you there. I thought you may find these ideas interesting, especially as all of the IB programs have a strong…
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The Crane, 29 March 2019

The Crane
Items Message from the HIS Board of Directors, Director General Kitchen Schedule for  Afternoon Tearoom at HIS Fun Day Growth Mindset Parent Workshop PTA News Principal's Message Dear HIS Community It was wonderful to see our Diploma Program (DP) Music students performing in the recitals this afternoon. It is amazing to see the level of performance that comes as a result of a very long learning journey full of creativity and hard work. Congratulations to our students as well as Takako sensei who is with them for the journey. This week's talk is a TED event from Japan and the subject is 'action', a very important part of our IB programs. This one is in Japanese and it does sound very much like someone putting forward an argument for an IB style education,…
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The Crane, 21 March 2019

The Crane
Items HIS Hoodie Order Sports Day on Friday 19 April Article on Kotaro's motorcycle racing Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you enjoyed our HIS Idol this evening. That was quite a remarkable event with so much variety and with so many students willing to get up on stage. Well done to you all. Also, thank you to our HIS families for coming to our Student-Parent-Teacher conferences. It is a great chance to learn more about your child's learning journey. We hope you enjoyed the day. As part of our IB programs, we have a set of skills that are taught across the curriculum. One of these is self-management, including mindfulness (being present, without distractions) and learning to relax, so I thought you may enjoy some practical tips in this TED…
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The Crane, 15 March 2019

The Crane
Items Parent Workshop - Growth Mindset; Welcome to our teaching-practice interns; PTA News Principal's Message Dear HIS Families I hope you have been enjoying the week. We will be holding a Parent Workshop on 1 April looking at the idea of a growth mindset. The basic idea behind a growth mindset is that we see ourselves as developing learners, a view that treats intelligence, in all its forms, as malleable. In short, we replace the idea that 'I am not very good at something' with the idea that 'I am not very good at something, yet'.  It is an empowering message that challenges many negative self-perceptions. Related to this idea is an area that we should all be concerned about which is the unrealistic and unhealthy expectations that children are exposed to…
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The Crane, 1 March 2019

The Crane
Items Secondary Visual Arts Exhibition; Homestay families still  needed; HIS Fun Day; HIS Sports Day; Bento Orders; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Congratulations to our Grade 10 students and to all the supporting teachers for the Personal Project Exhibition yesterday. The Personal Project is the culminating task for the Middle Years Program and is a chance for students to show off the independent inquiry skills that they have developed. Well done to you all. The TED Talk this week is about a way of looking at the world, specifically, a way at looking at learning. This is a great talk that challenges the way we often look at ourselves as learners. The past few talks have examined the idea of identity and this re-evaluation of our self-perceptions as particular…
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The Crane, 22 February 2019

The Crane
Items Personal Project; Secondary Camp dates; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community When someone asks me what is special about HIS, the answer always comes back to our students. We have a uniquely supportive and caring school culture and an exceptional educational program and I think that there is no doubt that this helps our students to shine in all of the different ways they do. That was a great image presented on the flyer for the Photography Club Exhibition. It was a photo by Nanako (Gr11) with a single sunflower standing apart from the rest - unique, proud and strong.  You can hear a short explanation of the reasoning for this image's selection in the series of interviews with the photographers in this week's Crane Video. This idea…
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