The Crane, 29 November 2019

The Crane
Items: Congratulations to Sora; Amy & the Pope's Visit; Festive Eve - Wicked; Koto Workshop; Teacher/Parent/Student Volleyball; AED Machine; Water Bottle Filling Station; New Building Update; PTA Nominations. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you have all enjoyed your week. Just a reminder that we need a name written on all clothing that students wear to school, especially jumpers. Children take them off and leave them in all sorts of places as you can imagine. If they have names, they will find their way back. If not, they tend to gather in large, smelly piles in our lost property box. A simple name is a better option for all involved. Festive Eve is coming together. It has been an amazing effort so far. Thank you to Elin, Amy &…
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The Crane, 22 November 2019

The Crane
Items January Koto Workshop for HIS Parents; Festive Eve; Nominations for Parent-Teacher (PTA) Association Committee. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you all enjoyed your week. It has been getting a bit cooler and we are, as usual at this time of year, experiencing a rise in student absences due to various sicknesses. Please make sure you speak with your children about the importance of washing hands regularly during the day and if they are feeling sick, particularly if they have a temperature, please keep them at home to help prevent the spread of infections. Even if this is may feel inconvenient at the time, it is an important part of parenting all around the world so we appreciate your support. Today's TED Talk touches on a very important…
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The Crane, 15 November 2019

The Crane
Items Bento Order Form. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you are enjoying your weekend. I spent Thursday-Saturday in New Delhi with a group of teachers from IB schools in India, working on the Approaches to Learning skills. These are the set of skills developed across all grade levels and all subjects in the IB programs; social skills, thinking skills, communication skills, research skills and self-management skills. These are a very important part of our curriculum model, helping students to become independent learners so it was a great opportunity to work with some colleagues from India to improve our teaching practice. We have a number of teachers at HIS who run workshops as part of the ongoing teacher training and collaboration among IB schools around the world. Thank you…
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The Crane, 8 November 2019

The Crane
Items: Alex at the Chugoku Youth Music Competition; Bonfire Night; Uniforms in Cambodia; UNICEF Stamp Raising Project; 'Go Blue' Promotion Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Today is the much-anticipated Bonfire Night where HIS joins the UK with a bonfire like those burnt on November 5th, 1605 to celebrate the safety of the English King after a plot to blow up Parliament with barrels of gunpowder was uncovered. One conspirator was caught in the Parliamentary cellars with the gunpowder and his name was Guy Fawkes. It is his effigy that is burnt on the bonfire. It is an unusual spectacle in Japan but we all love a good fire and delicious food, the two ingredients that form the basis of many festivals around the world. In another example of us doing the same thing…
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The Crane, 1 November 2019

The Crane
ITEMS: NO BENTO ON MONDAY; PARENT/TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA) MEETING RESCHEDULED; BONFIRE NIGHT; NEW BUILDING PROJECT - COMMUNITY IDEAS MEETING; MYP/DP INFORMATION SESSIONS HIS CALENDAR 2020/2021 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear HIS Community A usual, everyone had fun today all dressed up for Halloween. You can see some images on the Crane Video. I would like to recognize Kumi (a PYP parent) for all of the work supporting the Halloween event. Kumi organized a large group of parents who have been coming to school regularly. This all started a while ago now with the decorations going up and it is a great case of leading by example. We also have the Bonfire Night next Friday and Yumiko (an MYP parent) who has been working with Jackie (a DP parent) on the organization of…
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The Crane, 18 October 2019

The Crane
ITEMS: Council of International Schools (CIS) Community Survey for Parents; MYP/DP Parent Information Session; PYP Parent Information Session Slides. PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear HIS Community Thank you to all of the parents who attended the PYP parent information session. The IB curriculum model in all three of our programs is very different than what many of us may have experienced in our schooling as children, so these sessions are a great time to learn about your child's program. Thank you to Marisa (Ms V.) our PYP Coordinator for the great session. We had our Secondary Camp this week and you will see some images in the Crane Video. It was a great three days and with the Gr4/5 camp in September and the volleyball trips all finished, our major overnight activities…
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The Crane, 11 October 2019

The Crane
ITEMS: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences; American Scholastic Mathematics Association (ASMA) Contest 2019-2020. PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear HIS Community We are not far away from the October Break and with the parent-student-teacher conferences on Monday, all Secondary students out on camp next week (Tuesday-Thursday) and both Boys and Girls Varsity Volleyball teams playing tournaments in Nagoya and Kobe on Friday and Saturday, it is a busy week to send us into the break. For this week's TED Talk, I really liked the ideas presented here by Elif Shafak and with our identity at HIS so closely tied to Diversity, Inclusion and Peace, it is very relevant to us. The speaker askes why we underestimate feelings and perceptions and this reinforced the importance of the Social, Emotional, Ethical (SEE) Learning program that we have been…
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The Crane, 4 October 2019

The Crane
ITEMS Halloween Decorations Congratulations to a National Chess Champion PYP Parent Information Workshop Baseball Glove Donations PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear HIS Families I hope you have enjoyed the week. We had some great news earlier in the week which was the decision by the Board of Directors after receiving input from the Board of Trustees to proceed with construction of the new building. The new space will be a great improvement to our facilities with a series of larger classroom spaces.  We now have the opportunity to fine-tune the final design and we will be asking members of the school community to help us with the final details.       We will partly fund the project from existing reserves and also a bank loan.  This will ensure that operational costs associated…
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The Crane, 27 September 2019

The Crane
ITEMS: HIS Hoodie Order; BOD & BOT Meetings; Nominations for BOT: PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear HIS Community It has been a very interesting couple of weeks in terms of climate change action with quite a few of our students being inspired by Greta Thunberg and the global action that she has prompted. I posted a TED Talk by Greta Thunberg on the Crane last year and it was quite a remarkable talk. It was just over a year ago since she walked out of her school to organize a school-strike to raise awareness of global warming, protesting outside the Swedish Parliament. This address, below, to the UN Climate Change Summit a year later has an added note of urgency. A group of HIS students spoke with me yesterday with some ideas…
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The Crane, 20 September 2019

The Crane
Items: Camps; MYP Information Morning (Thanks); Typhoon Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We had two guest speakers in this week and I would like to thank Noh performer,  Kinue Oshima sensei, who introduced Noh to our PYP students and also Professor Machida from Hiroshima University who gave a presentation to our DP students on language and thought. These were great learning experiences for our students. We also have six students from Shudo University who will be visiting over the next two months as part of their service program so we appreciate the support from our wider Hiroshima community. I teach the Grade 12 DP Language and Literature class and we have been looking at some powerful speeches, each influential in unique ways. I particularly like this message by spoken word poet…
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