The Crane, 14 February 2020

The Crane
Items: Young Americans Update HIS Festival Update Japanese Language Workshop MYP Assessment Workshop for Parents Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We have had a fun week with a continuation of the secondary intramural basketball games which have turned out to be lots of fun. See the Crane video for some images. We have also noticed many of our primary students practicing volleyball at lunchtimes, perhaps inspired by our varsity teams. This is a good reminder of the impact of our actions on the younger students. Our Secondary students are great role models. In this week's TED Talk, I like the idea of confidence as a must-have rather than a nice-to-have. I hope you enjoy the talk by a teacher and activist, Brittany Packnett. Enjoy the weekend. Kind regards Damian Rentoule  Crane…
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The Crane, Friday 7 February

The Crane
Items Young Americans Tour coming to HIS; Coronavirus update; HIS Idol; HIS Festival; ISA Testing; Invitation to MYP Exhibition; Assessment in  MYP, Parent Workshop; Art Exhibition; After School Clubs; Adam Beck, Language Workshop reminder. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We have quite a few items this week. I hope you enjoy the read. A big thank you to Jackie who at the moment is simultaneously involved in the planning of three major HIS events: HIS Idol, HIS Festival, and the Young American's Tour (more about that below). Thank you to all of the parents who are helping to make this a great year of fun events. This week's TED Talk provides an interesting look at the way history can be distorted through education systems and it is a good reminder…
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The Crane, 31 January 2020

The Crane
Items: Staff changes for 2020/2021; HIS Idol; HIS Festival; Grade 12 Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences; ITEPS Interns; PTA Treasurer's Report. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We are nearly in February so the year is moving fast, as it generally does when we are adults. A year seemed like such a long time when we were children. Thank you to all of the parents who came in to help with the initial planning for the HIS Festival as well as the range of other PTA activities that have been going on this year. We really appreciate your involvement in school life at HIS and this makes a big impact on your child when they see that you are a part of their school life, in whatever form that takes.  Thank you. This TED…
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The Crane, 25 January 2020

The Crane
Items: Crane Club Article HIS Festival Coffee Morning Workshop for Bilingual/Multilingual Families in Hiroshima Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We had a wonderful koto performance on Friday afternoon and you can see the video below. I would like to thank Joseph and Rei who came all the way from Yokohama with the support of Yokohama International School and sponsorship from Toshiba to run a week-long introduction to the koto for all of our students, as well as two workshops for the school community. Also, thank you to Yumi, Yoko and Junko for supporting the program during the week. It was amazing how far the students progressed in such a short time and it was great to see students connecting to this really important facet of Japanese traditional culture. It really…
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The Crane, 17 January 2020

The Crane
Items: HIS Festival - Save the Date; Koto Performance on Friday; HIS Mission - One more language. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you have enjoyed the week. Thank you to everyone involved in the Korean Culture Day. It was a great event focusing on some forms of play that are popular in Korea. Aside from being lots of fun, we all expanded our repertoire of games and one thing we definitely need as much as more reading (& we need this) is more play. Related to this idea of play, the following TED talk makes a great case for the link between attributes of play and science. Also, I would like to thank Jackie and Yasuko for volunteering to help with the Festival this year. We are all…
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The Crane, 10 January 2020

The Crane
Items: Korean Culture Day Next Week HIS Hoodie Order; Koto Workshop; HIS Idol; Annual Hiroshima Peace Art Exhibition; Mission and Vision Translations. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you all had a relaxing break over the New Year. We are very excited about our Korean Culture Day next week. Thank you to all the families involved in this event. One quick note today about the post-winter-break season when we tend to experience a lot of sickness of various kinds, including the flu, of course. One of the realities of school life is that what children do at home, they also do at school. For this reason, we would like to ask all parents to please reinforce these simple ways to reduce the spread of germs and hopefully, we will…
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The Crane, 13 December 2019

The Crane
Items: Korean Culture Day; Parent-Teacher Association (PTA); MYP Assessment Introduction for Parents; German-style Christmas market in Hiroshima. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We have been making good progress with the construction plans of the new building that will replace our Annex. We have had a number of suggestions related to the original plan from different members of the community and Hebel Haus has worked with us to incorporate those changes into the design. Currently, the plans are looking like this: Current draft of plans. Thank you for all the input from the school community. As we move into the Winter Break, I wonder how busy we are all going to be. This TED Talk is a good look at how we pace ourselves and a good argument for enjoying some…
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The Crane, 6 December 2019

The Crane
Items: Festive Eve Translating the HIS Vision & Mission Statements; Parent/Teacher/Student Volleyball; Koto Workshop for Parents; Principal's Report Dear HIS Community We are involved in a year-long self-study at the moment in preparation for a re-accreditation visit by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and also the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Autumn of 2020. We were very happy that over 80% of our school community responded that they understood the HIS vision and mission, however, we were hoping to get that to 100% and as language can be a barrier, one project we wanted to look at was the translation of our Mission and Vision into all the languages spoken in our school community. Nobel Peace laureate Jody Williams gave this talk just weeks after visiting Hiroshima in 2010, exploring…
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Wicked summary in English, Japanese & Korean

The Crane
Wicked summary (English, Japanese & Korean) Wicked (위키드) 뮤지컬 「위키드」는 오즈라는 나라에서 이야기가 시작됩니다. 「위키드」는 「오즈의 마법사」의 속편이기 때문에 몇몇의 등장인물들은 이미 친숙 할 것입니다. 이 작품은 서쪽의 사악한 마녀, ‘엘파바’의 죽음에 기뻐하는 오즈의 시민들과 착한 마녀 ‘글린다’의 등장으로 이야기가 시작하게 됩니다. 그리고 글린다는 뒤늦게나마 마녀들의 좋지않은 평판을 균형 잡으려고 합니다.  과연 마녀들은 태어날때부터 사악했을까요? 그리고 오프닝에서는 ‘엘파바’의 피부색이 왜 초록색인지, ‘글린다’와 ‘엘파바’가 시즈 대학에서 어떻게 만났는지를 설명해줄 것입니다. 다음으로, 휠체어를 타고있는 ‘엘파바’의 이복동생 ‘네사로스’, 시즈 대학의 학장으로 그린다와 엘파바를 룸메이트로 삼은 것, 모두가 싫어하고 있는 여교장 ‘마담 모리블’, ‘보크’와 사랑에 빠진 ‘네사로스’, 그리고 ‘글린다’와 사랑에 빠져 삼각관계를 이루는 ‘보크’ 등이 등장합니다. ‘피에로’는 뒤늦게 학교에 입학을 하지만 곧바로 ‘글린다’와 연인이 됩니다. 모든 학생들은 좋지 않은 일들이 시작되는  ‘딜라몬트 교수’의 수업중에 만나게 되고 모두 친구가 됩니다. 결국 ‘글린다’가 주술 수업에 들어갈…
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Festive Eve Information

The Crane
Festive Eve 2019    Saturday, Dec. 7th  Doors Open 13:30 Curtain 14:00 Program:  This year, we will be presenting WICKED, the untold story of the Witches of Oz. The choir (all G2-5) will be singing selected pieces during the musical, all primary classes will be presenting class dance acts. G6-12 orchestra will be performing an overture. The cast are supported by the backstage crew who are taking all areas of responsibilities behind the scenes as stage directors, music directors, stage managers, choreographers, musicians, lighting, scenery prop design, costume/hair make-up, audio technicians. Families and friends are encouraged to join us at school on Saturday, 7th December at 13:30 for a  14:00 start.  Costumes & Concert Attire:  CAST MEMBERS   Final Dress Rehearsals will be on Thursday, Dec. 5th and Friday, Dec. 6th,…
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