The Crane, 4 September 2020

The Crane, 4 September 2020

The Crane
ITEMS: Typhoon No. 10; Parent Information Evening Schedule; Four-legged Visitors to HIS; PTA Meeting; Donor Project for New Building; Crane Club Display; CIS/IB Evaluation Visit; Free Japanese Lessons. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We had the first PTA meeting at school today and I would like to say thank you to all of the parents who attended in person and via Zoom. Thank you to all of the participating parents in our first PTA meeting of the year. Your participation in the PTA events during the year helps our school community and even more importantly, taking an active role in school life is a really important message to your child. In a child's mind, your interest in their school equates to an interest in them. This is true even when…
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The Crane, 28 August 2020

The Crane, 28 August 2020

The Crane
ITEMS: UN75 in Hiroshima; Crane Club Interview; Local action opportunities; Bento orders; Parent Get-together; Construction update. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We have had a great first week back and have welcomed some new friends into the HIS community. Everyone has been very supportive by following our Health Guidelines which is very important so thank you! Today, I wanted to mention some action that has taken place over the summer and also during this first week. Action is a very important part of inquiry based learning. The idea is that we shouldn't just learn something but we should be able to act on what we learn. As HIS is dedicated to enabling all of our learners to help create a more peaceful and sustainable world, our action is often directed…
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The Crane, 16 August 2020

The Crane
Items: Back to school health guidelines Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you have all enjoyed your summer and are successfully staying cool. We are all ready for the start of the 2020/2021 school year. As we prepare for the first day of school, one of the issues we are very conscious of is the continuation of the COVID-19 situation. One of the very important roles of all members of our school community is to reduce the risk of any transmission and in order to help us do this, we have some health guidelines. Please read carefully and we look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday, 24 August. Kind regards Damian Rentoule Back to school health guidelines Here is a link to the Health Guidelines…
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The Crane, Mid-Summer Edition, 3 August 2020

The Crane, Mid-Summer Edition, 3 August 2020

The Crane
Items: New HIS Website; Groundbreaking Ceremony; Photography Contest; HIS PTA Treasurer's report 2019-20; Winter Program 2020/2021. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you are all enjoying the summer and stayed dry during our rather lengthy rainy season. Our three new teachers who are coming in from overseas are all arriving in Japan within the next few days and will have their PCR tests before being released from the airport and will stay in a quarantine-hotel for 2 weeks in Narita before travelling to join us here in Hiroshima before school starts so we are very happy about that. We are keeping an eye on the COVID situation of course, but are expecting to open as normal on Monday, 24 August with all of our health procedures in place. Fortunately,…
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The Crane, 20 June 2020

The Crane, 20 June 2020

The Crane
Items: MYP Musical Performance; Jump Rope Challenge video; A note about my book. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Thank you very much for a great year which presented many challenges to us as a school as well as to you all as families. I would like to express my appreciation for your resilience and positive mindsets during the uncertainty that we faced. Please take care and stay safe over the summer holidays and I look forward to seeing you all back after the break. There are a few more messages that I will be sending out next week so you haven't heard the last of me. I hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather. Regards Damian Rentoule Crane Video The Crane video comes from Gr8 this week with an…
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The Crane, 13 June 2020

The Crane, 13 June 2020

The Crane
Items: HIS Self Study - Support from the Community; Hiroshima Sailing School - June 2020; Withdrawal Form & Financial Regulations Form. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Congratulations to our Grade 5 class, the Class of 2027, who graduated from our Primary School's IB Primary Years Program and will now move into our Secondary School's  IB Middle Year Program and five years later, our IB Diploma Program. We wish you all the best in your Secondary years. You can see some images of our Class of 2027 in the Crane Video. We are entering our final week of school and I would like to thank all of the students, families and teachers who have been so flexible and adaptive over these past months. Have a nice weekend and stay dry. Kind regards…
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The Crane, 5 June 2020

The Crane
Items: University Acceptances for Class of 2020; New Building Project tour; Grade 5 to Grade 6 Transition Meeting; HIS 2029/2020 Yearbook orders; Parent volunteers for self-study; Graduation live-stream link. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Although this may feel like a long way away for you if you have younger children, university and other interesting option await our HIS graduates and we are very proud of our Class of 2020 who graduated last weekend. Students in the Class of 2020 have received offers from a range of leading universities so congratulation to you all.  Your hard work and perseverance over the years have opened up many exciting doors for you. It is an impressive list and those universities would all be fortunate to be able to count you as part of…
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The Crane, 27 May 2020

The Crane
Items: Annex; Yearbook; Graduation orders (link to live stream); Buses; Opening guidelines; Gr4/5 Video. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Congratulations to our HIS teachers, Nina and Robert, on the arrival of their new daughter, Anaya, who was born late Sunday night and we are looking forward to meeting Anaya in the near future, the newest member of our HIS community. That was great news to start the week with. Also, congratulations to our Grade 12 class who graduate on Sunday and we will be live streaming the event which starts at 4:30 pm. I will send a link via email to everyone at 4:20 pm so you can join us in the celebration. We have a special wildlife video below introducing two of our new friends, Deer & Crow, below.…
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The Crane, 22 May 2020

The Crane
Items: 1 June return to on-campus classes; HIS Idol. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We have one more week of distance learning before we start our on-campus classes and in preparation, we have our Guidelines for Reopening HIS for on-campus classes June 2020 which worked quite well before. For today's Crane reading I would like to ask everyone to go through these guidelines once more. Thank you. We are also excited to see our Grade 12 class graduate next weekend on Sunday. It will be a modified ceremony this year as a smaller gathering. We are very pleased that we will be able to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our Class of 2020. We will live-stream the ceremony for the school community and a link will be sent out during the week. Congratulations…
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The Crane, 15 May 2020

The Crane
Items: 2020/2021 tuition; June on-campus classes; Jump Rope Challenge. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community On Monday evening this week, the HIS Board of Directors and the HIS Board of Trustees met to discuss the budget for 2020/2021 and decided on a 0% tuition increase. Although an increase in tuition is required to cover projected operating expenses for 2020/2021, the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees feel that in the current uncertain economic environment that the COVID situation has created, a delay on a tuition increase is appropriate. HIS reserves are healthy enough to support a short-term deficit. It is important to remember, however, that there will need to be a tuition increase in our near future to achieve long-term financial sustainability. It is an exciting time at HIS as…
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