The Crane, 1 October 2021

The Crane, 1 October 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences; PYP Information Session; PTA News Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you all had a great week. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences on 11th October and some information for that event is below. It is being held virtually this year due to COVID and we hope that the virtual format will make it a bit easier to attend. I would also like to thank the PTA who have been working on some Halloween festivities, which will be in-school and modified to be COVID friendly. The PTA is also planning a modified version of our Bonfire Evening which has always been a fun event. We did not run this last year due to COVID but we have some ideas for a…
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The Crane, 24 September 2021

The Crane, 24 September 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: My Mommy is Beautiful; The Momiji Tree; Crane Club; TED Ed Student Talks; HIS Tutor List; Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Below, we have the recording of our second Alumni Panel. Three of our recent graduates kindly gave up their time to talk to HIS parents about their experiences at HIS and their transition to higher education. If you are wondering about the future of your child, which we all do, of course, this is a discussion you do not want to miss. We often say that our program at HIS prepares students for the world, full of change and uncertainty, that they are about to enter. When we hear our graduates speak, we are reassured that we are, in fact, doing that well. We…
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The Crane, 17 September 2021

The Crane, 17 September 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: Alumni Panel; COVID-related information; Festive Eve update; My Mommy is Beautiful; Parent Information Evening videos; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope that you have all had an enjoyable week as we move into this long weekend. In today's message, I would like to draw your attention to our graduates. On Thursday, we had three absolutely wonderful young adults talk to us about their experiences at HIS and the impact of these experiences on their post-school life. I think that this is a must-watch for all of our HIS parents, especially as you consider the outcome of the educational journey your child is on: Who they ultimately become through this journey. They get great IB scores and enter university, which we celebrate, but the qualities they develop…
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The Crane, 10 September 2021

The Crane, 10 September 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: Notes from the Director-General; Yoko Ono's My Mommy is Beautiful; COVID Update; International Day activities; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We had a busy week with lots of different activities which you can see on the Crane Video. Thank you to the parents who came to read for our students. Everyone loves a story. Thank you to our PYP parents who read some great stories for our students this week! Also, well done to Erin (Gr12) and her Gr12 classmates who ran an international day activity. Many parents helped with posted so thank you for supporting. One of the purposes was to get students to think about the multifaceted nature of their identity. Nationality is an important part, of course, but just one of many facets of…
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The Crane, 3 September 2021

The Crane, 3 September 2021

The Crane
Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Thank you to everyone for being so supportive during our COVID-related school closure today and on Monday. I would like to wish a speedy recovery to all of the members of the school community affected. For students in areas of the school who have been asked to take a PCR test (specific classes and bus group) when you send in the email confirmation of result to your child's homeroom teacher, please: Include (CC) Makkie in the office on that email. Attach a screenshot of the electroninc notification of results to that email. (You do not need a separate certificate.) Also, please let us know as soon as possible so that we do not have too much of a rush on Monday evening and Tuesday…
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The Crane, 27 August 2021

The Crane, 27 August 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: Class of 2021 results update; COVID-related health procedures; Event status changes; Student organized International Day; Primary math text order; Crane Club newsletter; Bento order; HIS gardeners; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Welcome back to a new school year. We were very glad to see our students back after a safe and happy summer. It has been a busy week as you can imagine. We welcomed many new families this year and the new students have all settled in very well which we were very glad to see. As we know, one of our greatest strengths is that our HIS community is very inclusive and we look after each other. This has been, once again, very clear in the way that our returning students welcomed and looked after…
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The Crane, 24 June 2021

The Crane, 24 June 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: Action Week Photos; BOT Guardian Election; Math Text Order Forms; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Welcome to the Summer Break. We hope you all have a safe and relaxing summer and get time to have great conversations with your children. Wishing you a great holiday from all the teachers and staff at HIS! We look forward to seeing you all back in August. We have some members of our Board of Trustees and Board of Directors moving away so we are looking for members of the community to take up positions. Some of these are the Guardian (parent) positions in the Board of Trustees. If you would be interested in this, please nominate yourself on this form. We need your support! Have a great holiday! Kind regards…
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The Crane, 18 June 2021

The Crane, 18 June 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: Momiji Fundraising Project, Artwork Donations & Copper Cranes; Student Social Event; Congratulations to Lisa for a great presentation; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We are drawing closer to the end of the year and for this last week, I would like to thank you all for being so great about following our COVID-related health guidelines during the year. I would also like to remind everyone to remain focused on those guidelines until the end of the year and also into the summer holiday, of course. In August, we will be evaluating the situation and it is likely that we will continue with a very similar set of guidelines into the new academic year as we start 2021/2022. It looks like there is some light at the end…
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The Crane, 11 June 2021

The Crane, 11 June 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: Yearbook Orders; Primary Spirit Week; Principal Search Committee; Art Installation Opening & Artwork Donation; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Congratulations to our Grade 5 students on the Graduation this afternoon. It was great to see all of the Grade 5s up on the stage to celebrate their movement from the Primary Years Program into the Middle Years Program. It has been wonderful to see them grow over the years, becoming more independent learners. You can sense their excitement, passing into this new, exciting stage of their lives. We wish you the best of luck in your Middle Years Program. I loved the title of this TED Talk by physicist, Aaswath Raman, where he asks the question, 'How we can turn the cold of outer space into a…
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The Crane, 4 June 2021

The Crane, 4 June 2021

The Crane
ITEMS: Momiji Fundraising Project; Tell Your Story - Grade 6 Japanese HistorySpecial Exhibition; PTA News. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Firstly, congratulations to the Class of 2021 who have now moved on to the next exciting stage of their lives. We wish you the best of luck in all of your new adventures. We are all proud of you! I would also like to announce that we will be holding the unveiling of the Momiji Fundraising Project art installation on Friday 18th June which will be live-streamed. We are looking forward to seeing the installation and there is a note about this below. With our EC class having successfully grown some lovely strawberries and our KG/1 class taking care of some sunflowers, I thought that this is a good chance…
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