Community Event – Hiroshima Shogyo Kouto High School – Commerce Fair 10/11 December, 2016
Hiroshima Shogyo Kouto High School - Commerce Fair 10/11 December, 2016 Hiroshima Shogyo Kouto High School has invited HIS to their Commerce Fair. They are looking for non-Japanese speakers to provide some 'authentic' experiences selling goods in a more international setting. I met with the Principal last week and we talked about some ongoing connections between the schools that we would like to foster. They have a very strong club program and there may be a possibility that our HIS students could access some competitive training and games in our local community through this connection. We will invite their students to our HIS Festival and hope to build a strong relationship over the next few years. Sunday 11 December at 10:00am (Meet at Genkan) Hiroshima Shogyo Kouto High School, 6-7-11 Funairiminami, Naka-ku, Hiroshima…