
The Crane 21 April 2017

The Crane
1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families We had a fun Sports Day today. Thank you very much to the families who could make it to the stadium to support. A quick reminder that we have Student Led Conferences coming up on May 15 and some further details will be available in next week's Crane. Enjoy your weekend. Kind regards Damian Rentoule (Principal) 2. Crane Video 3. Secondary Science Fair Ms. Lee and I would like to invite parents and community members to the HIS Science Fair the week of May 8-12 and May 15th (Student-Lead-Conference's). Please come at your convenience to walk through the Science fair exhibit between the hours of 9 am - 4 pm. Science Fair Astronaut Poster Grades 6-10 have been working diligently over the past month on gathering data…
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The Crane 14 April 2017

The Crane
1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families It has certainly been a busy week with all of the preparations for the HIS Festival underway. Thank you to our PTA and all the volunteers who have been working so hard to make the HIS Festival possible. We are all looking forward to a great day tomorrow and it looks like we may even get a little bit of sunshine. See you at the HIS Festival tomorrow. Kind regards Damian Rentoule (Principal) 2. The Crane Video 3. Spring Secondary Dates Some spring dates have been recently added to the HIS online calendar for our secondary program.  Here is a brief summary: May 29-June 2: End of year exams (Structured revision will take place the week before) May 19 DP Exhibition with Spring Concert. We…
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The Crane 7 April 2017

The Crane
1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families We said goodbye, today, to our Comenius College visitors from the Netherlands. It was s great experience for our students and we hope to continue the relationship built with the school through this trip and send some of our students to visit them next year. Thank you again to all of the homestay families. We also have another school group visiting us on Monday - Westridge School Glee Club and parents are invited to come and see the performance. The details are below. Thank you to Takako sensei for organizing this great even once again.  Now we enter into the very busy lead up to the HIS Festival. Thank you to the PTA for all of the work that has been going into this…
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The Crane 31 March 2017

The Crane, Uncategorized
Principal's Message Dear HIS Families We have had an exciting week with the Rob Houchen workshop on Tuesday, which was an amazing experience, and then a visiting group of students from the Netherlands arriving at school on Friday. The EC class surprised our Dutch visitors by singing a song in Dutch as well as knowing how to say hello, good morning and goodbye in Dutch as well. The EC class has been learning about the Netherlands with Celeste, one of our student teachers, and about Canada with Chris, another of our student teachers. It is a good reminder that you never know when your learning is going to come in handy. Chris Suupa from Queens University, Canada has finished his three-week practical teaching with us and we would like to…
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The Crane 24 March 2017

The Crane
1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families I hope you are enjoying some wonderful spring weather. Preparations are well underway for the HIS Festival, so I would like to thank all of the PTA for the hard work that is going into this event. We are all looking forward to it. Congratulations to our Cooking Club who were stars in a cooking show on TV, Thank you very much to both Jenny and Yumiko for your work with the Cooking Club. The show was great. Enjoy your week. Regards Damian Rentoule (Principal) 2. The Crane Video 3. Actor Mr. Rob Houchen Workshop @ HIS Tuesday, March 28  Mr. Rob Houchen starred as Marius, Les Miserables in London, West End.  Parents are invited to attend the Finale scene from 2:45pm in the Gym. I…
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The Crane 17 March 2017

The Crane
1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families I saw a lovely graduation ceremony at Kurakake Primary School this morning. Congratulations to our Grade 6 neighbors. We have several of our HIS students attending Kurakake Primary School during summer holidays and they have been good friends to HIS over the years. I hope you all enjoy your long weekend. Kind regards Damian Rentoule (Principal) 2. The Crane Video 3. Actor Mr. Rob Houchen Workshop @ HIS Tuesday, March 28  9:00-15:15 Mr. Rob Houchen starred as Marius, Les Miserables in London, West End.  Secondary students who are interested in taking part as group/solo singers and actors are invited to sign up on the desk outside the Music Rm by Friday, March 17th. G3-6 (last year's group) choir will be joining for the Finale scene.     This is…
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The Crane 12 March 2017

The Crane
Dear HIS Families We are coming into an exciting part of the year with the upcoming HIS Festival. These types of major school events are organized by our volunteer PTA, and often a small group of people perform a very large amount of work. This group currently needs some support from our wider HIS community. Volunteers are needed for the HIS Festival. You can contact the PTA via the email provided in the PTA message below. Regards Damian Rentoule, Principal The Crane Video PTA News (Translated) 2017 HIS Festival  (日本語は以下に) We need more volunteers! - 10 or more volunteers for Game Corner( leader: Sumiyo Noji) - 4 volunteers for 100 yen Shop ( leader: Yasuko Yamashiro) Even a short period of time is fine.  If you have not signed up yet,…
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The Crane 24 February 2017

The Crane
1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families It has been another busy week at HIS as you can see in the notes below. Congratulations to our secondary students who attended the Model United Nations (MUN) event. MUN is a challenging event and our students did a wonderful job with lots of support from Ms Levasseur. I hope you all enjoy your Spring Break. Kind regards Damian Rentoule (Principal) 2. Crane Video 3. Model United Nations (MUN) Here are some pictures MUN. All delegates participated actively in the creation of resolutions in their committee and some even took the floor during the General Assembly in the afternoon. I was very proud of them. On day 2 of the conference our delegates were very busy. Everybody got up to speak at least once during the General Assembly and…
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The Crane 17 February 2017

The Crane
1. Principal's Message Dear Parents I would like to thank all of the parents and Board of Directors (BOD) members who came to the strategic planning meeting last weekend. It was wonderful to be see everyone working together and hearing all of the great ideas. If you would like to contribute, you can add your thoughts at this link. These are the questions that we focused on: 1. What would you consider the current strengths of HIS? (We have control over these.) HISの強みは何だと思われますか? 2. What would you consider the current weaknesses of HIS? (We have control over these.) HISの弱い所は何だと思われますか? 3. What would you consider the current opportunities for HIS? (We don't have control over these.) HISにとっては現在何がチャンスだと思われますか? 4. What would you consider the threats to HIS? (We don't have control over…
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The Crane 10 February 2017

The Crane, Uncategorized
1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families Tomorrow after our Open House, we will have a Parent Strategic Planning Workshop (1:00pm-3:00pm) where you will have a chance to discuss you ideas for the future goals of our school. We have a Vision and a Mission for HIS and our goals will align with these. Here is a link to the presentation that will be used: HIS Strategic Planning Presentation 2017 In here, you can find a survey where you can input your ideas, even if you can't make it tomorrow. I will include ideas from the workshop in the Crane next week to which you can further contribute. We also have a Supporting English Language Learning workshop and an MYP Personal Project workshop before lunch - details below.  Have a great weekend. Kind regards…
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