
The Crane, 9 November 2018

The Crane
Items: Bonfire Night Guardian election to the Board of Trustees Vote for proposal for use of PTA funds for Sakura Medal Books Secondary School PTA Fund Request Form PTA News Japan Culture Day Bento order Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We had a busy three days with our accreditation visit and I would like to thank all of the students, teachers, parents and Board members who participated. They four-person team spent the three days meeting everyone and spending time in classrooms and provide detailed feedback to us as we prepare for a self-study that will continue through to the end of next year. It is a long process. We receive a report in about 4-weeks time so I will give you an update on their findings. Also, mark your calendars for…
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The Crane, 2 November 2018

The Crane
Items: Message from Director General Bonfire Night Scholastic Book Club PTA News Principal's Message Dear HIS Community Good luck to all the runners who are participating in the Peace Marathon tomorrow. Also, thank you in advance to all the members of our HIS community who will be there to cheer them on. We have a busy period in our school year approaching. Next week, we have the accreditation team visiting HIS from Wednesday to Friday and also our Model United Nations students travelling to Korea. We are also getting ready for the Bonfire Night in a couple of weeks time, the Middle Years Program evaluation visit in December and of course Festive Eve as well. We will send you updates on all of these events aong the way. Enjoy the…
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The Crane, 26 October 2018

The Crane
Items Parent meeting with the accreditation team PTA News Contagious illness Futsal Athletics BrainPOP Peace Ride T-Shirts 1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families Fortunately, the number of cases of the flu has been steadily declining and thank you for following our procedures regarding contagious illness at school. We included the below information in the 15 September Crane and are doing so once again so that this particular policy is familiar with you all. Congratulations to the HIS Futsal team who won a tournament last weekend. This is a great combination of students, parents, and teachers representing a real cross-section of our school. Well done and a short blurb appears below. Also, congratulations to our four students who participated in the athletics meet last weekend. Learning is about challenging yourself in…
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The Crane, 19 October 2018

The Crane
Items: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences, Book Swap, Influenza cases reported, Secondary Camp, Secondary Textbooks in 2019/2020, PTA News - To be emailed on Monday. Principal's Message Dear HIS Families Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences are coming up next week and we are looking forward to seeing you all here at school. It is a really important moment for your family and although it is a single conversation with each teacher, we would like you to consider this the starting point for the ongoing communication about your child's learning throughout the year. We have a whole day dedicated to these meeting to make a formal start to this process, however, the intention is that it is just the beginning. We look forward to seeing you there. You may have seen our students recently on the court…
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The Crane, 7 October 2018

The Crane
Items: Middle Years Program (MYP) coffee morning BrainPop Peace Ride Fundraisers Baseball Glove donations 1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We have just arrived at the October Break and it has been an amazing start to the year. We have had a host of activities, including overnight trips with students on camp and volleyball tournaments and as I mention in the Crane video, this is a heavy responsibility for the teachers who accompany students. The teachers are on duty for 24-hours a day while away and are looking after the safety and welfare of students in unfamiliar surroundings. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers for taking on this role so that the students can have these really valuable experiences. Enjoy the break. Kind regards Damian Rentoule…
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The Crane, 28 September 2018

The Crane
Items: Schoolyard bicycles after school Welcome back to the Grade 4/5 class PTA News Principal's Message Dear HIS Community My apologies for the delay with the Crane. I am currently in Tokyo presenting an MYP workshop, keeping an eye on that typhoon approaching. I hope you all had a great week. We have after-school clubs starting this week so we are excited to see how all of the activities go. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Regards Mr Rentoule (Principal) Crane Video Schoolyard Bicycles and Toys After School The PTA bought many new bicycles, scooters, and other toys for the playground. Currently, they are put away after recess under the covering near the Secondary Annex, and every child knows where they belong.  Unfortunately often they are used by students after…
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The Crane, 21 September 2018

The Crane
Items: Scholastic Books Girls Volleyball Team Boy's Volleyball Team PTA News 1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community I hope you all enjoyed the week. We have all settled into our regular routines now and it has been a great start to the year. I would like to thank the PTA for the generous donation of a set of volleyball uniforms for our Boys and Girls volleyball teams. As you can see in today's video, our volleyball teams were very happy. Regards Damian Rentoule (Principal) 2. Crane Video 3. Scholastic Books Our new HIS Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every $1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, the HIS library will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards. Your child will bring home a Book Club Brochure over…
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The Crane, 14 September 2018

The Crane
Items Illness and school attendance PE T-shirts Hiroshima Prefecture Social Justice Poster PTA Message 1. Principal's Message Dear HIS Community We have started the year well and we were really happy to see that our enrolment numbers have continued to remain strong (168 students), with our primary school nearly full and good size classes across the secondary school, including a record number of Diploma Program students. We have waiting lists on some of our primary school classes already, so that is a relatively new problem for us, but a good one to have. We have a wonderful team of educators assembled to support the learning of your children and a great PTA to foster a community spirit so we are all looking forward to a great year. Good luck to…
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The Crane, 7 September 2018

The Crane
Items Message from the Board of Directors Bentos (lunches) Principal Message Dear HIS Community Thank you to everyone who came along to the Parent Information Evening. It was great to see you here and we look forward to working with you all this year to support the learning of your children. Kind regards Damian Rentoule (Principal) Message from the Board of Directors Greetings from the Board of Directors This is the first of what will be a regular inclusion here in the Crane—as the Director General of the Board of Directors, I plan to use this opportunity to give you an idea of what the Boards (Directors and Trustees) do in a general way, and what issues are currently being addressed, what lies ahead, and so forth. So, for this…
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The Crane, 31 August 2018

The Crane
Items Parent Information Evening Bento Order Form Lost property PTA News Library Volunteers Principal's Message Dear HIS Families We are looking forward to seeing you all next week on Thursday at the Parent Information Evening. I also wanted to let you know of two important events for HIS this year that involve visiting teams. On November 7-9,  we have an accreditation visit which combines the Council of International Schools (CIS) and New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Three people from these organizations will be visiting HIS. Accreditation is related to quality control for the whole school. International schools use external organizations such as these as international schools are not generally controlled by governmental educational authorities. These organizations are different from the International Baccalaureate (IB) which authorizes schools to deliver…
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