The Crane, 16 October 2022

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Dear HIS Community, It is October Break! Congratulations to all of our students, families and teachers for working so hard to this point in the school year. Thank you to our HIS Wolfpack (Our PTA’s new name!) for holding an excellent General Meeting on Thursday. If you were not aware, all HIS Teams use the name ‘Wolves’ as their symbol or mascot. The PTA is also adopting this name (Wolfpack) for the year as inspiration and in the name of teamwork! It is no small feat to lead such a project. Eriko Hird and her Team are doing a superb job. As well, it was nice to see such a great turnout for the meeting. There are plenty of excellent plans in process on multiple fronts.…
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The Crane, 30 September 2022

The Crane
Weekly Welcome from Mr Steward It has been another enjoyable week at HIS! Our After School Clubs and Activities have started with great enthusiasm! A great number of students are enjoying these offerings. Thank you to Ryoko sensei for overseeing these for our students. Thank you also to the Let’s Bake Team. This week banana muffins were on the menu and they turned out to be delicious. Congratulations Grade 5 for revealing your talents in the kitchen! The PTA Choir began this week with beautiful sounds emanating through the school! Thank you very much to Kaoru Ueno for delivering hundreds of tennis balls to HIS this week. She is Shiori’s mother in Grade 2! This week we are including reports from Student CRANE Reporters! Alina, Sean, Hinano and Mei have…
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The Crane, 24 September 2022

The Crane
Dear HIS Community, It’s a short Crane today due to the reduced school week connected to Japanese national holidays. Please remember that After School Clubs and Activities begin this week! Please contact the HIS Office if you have any questions regarding extra bussing. This is a reminder that we need used tennis balls! If you are part of a local tennis club, or have a connection to one, you may know that they often they get rid of their old balls every three months or so. I would love to get as many tennis balls as possible for a project I am working on. Therefore, please let me know if you are able help me with this. Below, please find a picture of our Girls Volleyball Team in Fukuoka who…
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The Crane, 16 September 2022

The Crane
It has been another great week at HIS! Both of our Secondary volleyball teams were immersed in final preparations for their first tournament of the year. We bid them farewell and good luck on Thursday after school. I encourage all Secondary students to participate in the Polo Shirt Design Contest as referenced below. This is our 60th Anniversary at HIS, and your contributions would be much appreciated. The deadline is this weekend! Having mentioned the weekend, please remember that this is a long one with Monday being a holiday. Please stay safe as it appears a strong typhoon is headed our way. And finally, if you are part of a local tennis club, or have a connection to one, you may know that they often get rid of their old…
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