The Crane, 29 January 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Just when we thought life might slow down at HIS, it was another exciting week. While it continues to be bitterly cold outside, the feeling inside has been very warm! With reference to the cold weather, please continue to dress your children warmly, as recess and outdoor play time continue despite the cold. I would like to thank the Let’s Bake Team for working with our Grade 3-4 class this past week. Together they made their world-famous brownies, which sold out in less than 10 minutes I am informed. I managed to get the last one, and it was delicious. Below is a video summary of the event. Thank you, also, to our Korean community, and our Parent Wolfpack for supporting the Korean Festival on…
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The Crane, 22 January 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward   It has been another great week at HIS with plenty of action along the way! One of the highlights of my week was this week’s basketball game against MC Perry from Iwakuni. Our HIS Wolves showed incredible spirit and determination, while playing a superb game. Every HIS basket was met with jubilation and cheers from our loyal fans who packed the house. Congratulations to the entire team. You captured our hearts this week! Thank you to Claire and her team (below) for creating this wonderful welcome poster. It is expected to be a very cold week ahead with temperatures dipping well below zero. Therefore, please ensure that your children are dressed warmly and properly prepared for outdoor play.  This is a reminder that the senior citizens…
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The Crane, 15 January 2023

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward, Principal Dear HIS Community, Happy New Year! Welcome back to HIS! It will be a short CRANE this week, as we have just returned to school! I hope that the entire HIS community enjoyed a prosperous holiday break. We have experienced a successful return to school with plenty on the horizon as we move toward Semester 2. Thank you to Mr. Washington for organizing and leading an excellent Secondary Assembly on Thursday. The students were wonderful and the event was full of fun spirit! On Monday, Mr. Bartelink and HIS will be hosting the Athletic Directors from the Japanese network of international schools. Let’s offer our guests a warm HIS welcome. On Tuesday, we will be hosting MC Perry High School for a basketball game against…
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The Crane, 12 December 2022

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Dear HIS Community, Peter Pan flew through Hiroshima International School on Saturday afternoon and into the early evening as Festive Eve took hold! A packed house was captivated by this exceptional musical. Our students were wonderful on all fronts. The acting and singing was superb. The music and dancing were fantastic. Sets and props were extremely creative. Costumes were beautiful. The entire directing team did a fabulous job! For all of this, we must offer special thanks to the Sonoda family for organizing filming; Nami Ohata for overseeing costume design and creation; Eriko Hird for her continued Parent Wolfpack leadership; and Takako Sensei for her unrelenting commitment to HIS and our students. There are so many others to thank, but not enough space here to do…
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The Crane, 3 December 2022

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Dear HIS Community, A cold spell has gripped Hiroshima and HIS! Today, I saw Mr. Verma shopping for items that would keep his family warm! Soon we will be skiing in the mountains. The cold weather reminds us of the final preparations taking place for Festive Eve on December 10. There is only one more week until the big show! The Let’s Bake team worked with G3-4 this week and made 150 apple crumble muffins. These were consumed with immense speed on Friday during break time. In fact, so quickly that there were none left by the time I got to the muffin booth! Please see below a video created by Naoko Kurata about the event. And, here is the recipe! Apple Crumble Recipe Thank…
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The Crane, 27 November 2022

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward  Dear HIS Community, Another excellent week has been completed at HIS. The HIS Parent Wolfpack has decorated the Genkan and various areas of the school with a very festive and wintery look. It looks fantastic! Thank you for your incredible support of HIS! Festive Eve is on everyone’s mind. Our Peter Pan production must be making others GREEN with envy! Students are putting their final touches on the performance as the big date approaches. We also thank the Sonoda family, in advance, for agreeing to support the videoing of Peter Pan. More Peter Pan updates can be found below. It was great to enjoy and ‘Indian’ lunch this week with our Grade 12 class. They were the winners of our Halloween Carnival Skit Contest! Their prize…
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The Crane, 20 November 2022

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Dear HIS Community, Another excellent week has been completed at HIS. Our Grade 5 campers have returned, and the accompanying teachers (Ms Jessy, Mr B, and Yumi sensei) appear to have survived, although I hear that at least one of them fell into the water during the golfing activity! We were also treated to a Festive Eve sneak preview at the Hilton Hotel on Friday night, as our Peter Pan Team did an extraordinary job performing some of the highlight numbers of the coming show on December 10. Congratulations to everyone involved in this superb performance. As well, thank you to the Hilton Hotel for hosting us. We had many HIS families attending the event, and the food and camaraderie afterwards was excellent. Thank you also…
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The Crane, 12 November 2022

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Dear HIS Community, Is there ever a calm week at HIS? I have learned quickly that the answer is ‘no’! Of course, this is a good thing, as we keep things moving at a high pace all the time. There were no carnivals or bonfires this week, but there is plenty more to come. The Parent Wolfpack (PTA) continues to work diligently on new initiatives. Some of our Peter Pan Team have been invited to the new Hilton Hotel downtown to perform on the evening of November 18. This will be a great practice run for some of our musical numbers. Good luck to this Team in representing HIS. Festive Eve is coming soon! The days and nights are slowly becoming cooler, but the sun is…
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The Crane, 5 November 2022

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Dear HIS Community, Last week it was the Halloween Carnival. This week it was Bonfire Night. While the preparation had been taking place for some time, the HIS Kitchen became a-buzz the entire week, as the HIS Parent Wolfpack cooked up a storm that included a menu of ‘Fish Cakes, Chili, Candy Apples, and Apple Crumble’ only to be topped off later in the evening with a good old ‘Marshmallow Roast’. Mr. Barker and his wife, Yumiko, dedicated themselves to ensuring that the evening would be an amazing success; they did not disappoint! Energized by a hungry audience and robust Parent Wolfpack, spirits were high in anticipation. When the big event finally arrived, students and parents began to gather in the playground just before 18:00. As…
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The Crane, 30 October 2022

The Crane
Welcome from James Steward Dear HIS Community, It has been an extremely busy week at HIS as the HIS Parent Wolfpack (We are the Wolves!) had been planning day and night for our Halloween Carnival! All of this intense planning came to an amazing fruition on Friday. We started the proceedings off with a superb student led Costume Parade. The costumes were outstanding. The student MCs were tremendous. And finally, the Secondary class skits were amazing and incredibly funny. I was supremely impressed, and the entire audience was too! Students were offered treat bags when the assembly was complete. Then, it was onto the events of the evening planned by the ‘Wolfpack’. The evening events began with a series of games in the gym, such as mummy wrapping, pumpkin bowling,…
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