ITEMS: Gr12 Graduation Ceremony; Momiji Fundraising Project; Finding Places to Read; Summer Program; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
We have a very special weekend with the Gr12 Graduation ceremony taking place on Sunday afternoon. We are very excited to see our Gr12 students take the stage to receive their graduation diplomas. We are very proud of each and every one of our graduates who have all shone in various ways over the years. They are all moving on to new and exciting stages in their education in a range of universities and we will take the opportunity on Sunday to wish them all the best.
I would like to thank one of our parents, JuYeon (Taeo EC & Rihye Gr1), for kindly translating our message about the Momiji Fundraising Project into Korean. The translated message appears below. That was much appreciated. Regarding the project, we had hoped to hold the opening (unveiling) next Friday on June 2, however, we may need some more time for the installation to be completed so I will let you know the revised time and date. The opening will be live-streamed.
This week for our TED Talk we take a slightly academic look at parenting and the speaker, Yuko Munakata, has many interesting ideas for us. I hope you enjoy the talk and your weekend. Make sure you join us on the live stream for the Grade 12 graduation ceremony on Sunday.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Gr12 Graduation Ceremony – Click the video below for the live stream.
We look forward to congratulation our Gr12s as we send them off into the world. Join us at the live-stream link above.
Momiji Fundraising Project
This is the translated message from our HIS website. It already appears in English & Japanese. Many thanks to JuYeon (Taeo EC & Rihye Gr1) for kindly translating our message about the Momiji Fundraising Project into Korean.
1. 모미지 후원 프로젝트
히로시마 국제 학교(HIS)는 HIS의 성장과 융성의 지원을 위한 후원 프로젝트를 시작했습니다.
이 프로젝트는 HIS를 재정적으로 도와주는 분들을 기념하기 위해, 미술 작품으로 제작했습니다.
모든 후원자들은 후원자의 이름이 적힌 이름표가 벽에 설치된 작품에 설치될 것입니다.
이 설치물은 이 지역 미술가인 멘델 존커의 작품이며, 계단 반대편 현관벽에 설치 될 예정입니다.
이 설치물은 다섯가지 아이템으로 꾸며 질 것입니다.벚꽃 모양, 낙엽 모양, 은행나무 잎 모양, 학 모양, 그리고 랜드마크 모양으로 꾸며 질 것입니다. 각각의 아이템들은 후원자의 이름과 메시지가 새겨질 것입니다.
각 아이템들의 후원금
낙엽 모양- 1만엔 (빨간색 낙엽)벚꽃모양- 5만엔 (분홍색 벚꽃)은행나무 잎 모양- 10만엔 (금색 은행나무 잎)학 모양- 50만엔 (색을 선택 할 수 있음)
랜드마크 – 100만엔 (후원자가 랜드마크를 선택 할 수 있음)
이 모미지 나무가 여러분의 후원으로 성장하는 모습을 볼 수 있게되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.
후원서 작성 사이트
HIS의 교육 프로그램 지원과 학생들의 양육을 위한 후원을 선택해 주셔서 감사드립니다.
후원을 하실 분들은 다음 사항을 작성해 주세요.
은행 계좌로 후원을 할 수 있습니다.
HIS에 후원해주셔서 감사합니다.
우리 교직원이 후원 영수증을 작성해 드립니다.
계속적인 지원을 감사드립니다.
(The above text appears in English and Japanese on our website.)
Below is a related message regarding the project.
Dear HIS Community
The installation is nearly ready and will include a series of items (leaves, cranes or global landmarks) that will carry the donor’s name and live on in the history of HIS. The items and levels of donation are as follows:
- Momiji Level at ¥10,000 – a bright red maple leaf 紅葉/もみじ
- Sakura Level at ¥50,000 – a pink cherry blossom 桜
- Ichou Level at ¥100,000 – a shiny golden gingko leaf 銀杏
- Tsuru Level at ¥500,000 – a soaring crane available in a choice of colors 鶴
- Global Landmark Level at ¥1,000,000 – a choice from prominent landmarks from around the globe.
You can make a pledge for a donation at the link to the HIS website. We have an official opening in June to place the first donor items on the Momiji Tree so get those donations in and see your name on the installation as a supporter of HIS.
Making donations is easy. Just two steps:
- Write your name on this form with your pledge (so we can thank you and prepare your leaf, crane or global landmark to go up on the installation).
- Transfer your donation to our special donations account:
Hiroshima bank (広島銀行)
Ushita branch (牛田支店)
Ordinary account 3084811 (普通口座 3084811)
Gakkohojin Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuen (学校法人広島国際学園)
Hiroshima International School (広島インターナショナルスクール)
Swift code : HIROJPJT
Finding Places to Read
HIS Summer Program 2021
This summer, HIS will hold an intensive language program for students grades KG to G9 who require, or could benefit from, additional English language support.
The summer program will use an inquiry based approach that explores various subject areas including art and social studies. We will cover speaking, listening, writing, reading and UOI technical vocabulary skills. Finally, the summer program will combine formal academic teaching activities and creative activities to enhance English language enjoyment and skills.
楽しみながら英語のスキルを高めるために、アカデミックな活動と、創造力を使った楽しい活動を共同して行います。 スピーキング、リスニング、ライティング、リーディングに力を入れながら、ソーシャルスタディでよく使われる単語なども学習していきます。
The following dates are available for this program:プログラムの日程は以下の通りです。
- Week 1: 7/19 (Mon) – 7/23 (Fri)
- Week 2: 7/26 (Mon) – 7/30 (Fri)
- Week 3: 8/2(Mon) – 8/6 (Fri)
Hours: 9:00 am – 3:00pm
Program fee is ¥20,000 / week
Transportation fee is ¥12,000 / week
To apply, please fill in the HIS Summer Program Application form, Medical History Form and Summer Program Checklist and hand them in to the school office by June 18th 2021. If you have additional questions, please email Ms. Hirata in the office. (
プログラムに参加を希望される場合は、申込書一式(HIS Summer Program Application form, Medical History Form and Summer Program Checklist)に必要事項を記入の上、6月18日までにHISオフィスに提出してください。
Bus routes available on request. Thank you.
Main Points 今週のお知らせ
- Congratulations to G12 Graduates G12 の皆さん、ご卒業おめでとうございます!
- Karaage Fried Chicken Bentos 唐揚げ弁当: 5月31日(月)
- Principal Search Committee 新校長選任委員会
- Scholastic Book Order スコラスティック・ブックオーダー
- HIS Hoodies HISパーカー注文について
- PTA Meeting June 18th PTAミーティング 6月18日(金)
Graduation 卒業式
Congratulations to all of the Grade 12 students and their families on the occasion of their Graduation this coming Sunday. We wish you all the best of luck as you spread your wings and go off on the next stage of your adventures, but hope you will take lots of happy memories of HIS with you.
Karaage Fried Chicken Lunch 唐揚げ弁当
Thanks to all those who ordered karaage lunches, which will be delivered on Monday, May 31st.
If you ordered one, don’t forget and make lunch on Monday anyway!
Like last time, PYP bentos will be delivered to the children’s classrooms. Secondary students and staff, please come to the genkan at lunch time and pick up your bento. You can throw out the rubbish in the school trash cans.
Principal Search Committee 新校長選任委員会
Thanks again to Nicole Watanabe(Sean G10) and Kumi Kim (Yuu G5, Rin G3, Hana G1), for volunteering to represent the PTA on the Principal Search Committee, as we explained by e-mail earlier in the week.
Once again, sincere apologies to anyone who may have wanted to be a part of the committee but missed the chance due to the fast deadline. The Board of Directors needed the names very quickly, to get the process started as soon as possible, so that we make sure we get the best possible candidates. Thank you all for your understanding. If you have any opinions about the kind of principal who would be great for the future of HIS, please feel free to send them to and we will pass them on to our representatives for their consideration.
We can also talk about this at the next PTA meeting.
Scholastic Book Order スコラスティック・ブックオーダー
The last Scholastic book order for the school year was delivered and the books were sent home last Tuesday (May 25th). If you haven’t seen them yet, please ask your kids or check the bags of small children just in case!
HIS Hoodies HISパーカー
The HIS Hoodies arrived at school this afternoon and will be handed out to those who ordered them early next week. Please give your children a large bag to bring them home in.
PTA Meeting June 18th PTAミーティング 6月18日(金)
Don’t forget to keep the morning of Friday, June 18th open for the last exciting PTA meeting of the 2020-21 school year.😘 More details next week.
唐揚げ弁当実施日: 5/31 (月)
この度、再来年度からの新校長先生になられる適任者を選任するため、理事会を中心とした選任委員会が発足します。Eメールでお知らせしましたように、渡邊 ニコルさん(Sean G10)と金 玖美さん(Yuu G5、Rin G3、Hana G1) がボランティアとしてPTA代表を務めてくださることになりました。お二方、本当にありがとうございます。
また、その役目に手を挙げようとしてくださっていたにも関わらず、間に合わなかったという方々には本当に申し訳なく思っております。できるだけ早くプロセスをスタートし、少しでも多くのより良い人材に応募してもらえるよう、理事会から早急にPTA代表を決めるように要望があったためです。皆さまのご理解に感謝申し上げます。今後、HISがより素晴らしい学校になるためにはどのような方に新校長になっていただきたいかについてご意見をお持ちの方は、ご遠慮なく 宛てにメールにてお知らせください。代表のお二人に確実にお伝えさせていただきます。また、次回のPTAミーティングでも皆さまのご意見をおうかがいできます。
PTAミーティング 6月18日(金)