The Crane, 27 May 2020


  • Annex;
  • Yearbook;
  • Graduation orders (link to live stream);
  • Buses;
  • Opening guidelines;
  • Gr4/5 Video.

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

Congratulations to our HIS teachers, Nina and Robert, on the arrival of their new daughter, Anaya, who was born late Sunday night and we are looking forward to meeting Anaya in the near future, the newest member of our HIS community. That was great news to start the week with.

Also, congratulations to our Grade 12 class who graduate on Sunday and we will be live streaming the event which starts at 4:30 pm. I will send a link via email to everyone at 4:20 pm so you can join us in the celebration.

We have a special wildlife video below introducing two of our new friends, Deer & Crow, below.

Enjoy your weekend.


Damian Rentoule

Crane Video

A tour of a few changes to classrooms as we all move into the main building.


You may notice some activity at the Annex over the next few weeks.

There is a big fence up, but students will still be able to see the very interesting process of taking the Annex down.


Here is the link for the 2019/2020 HIS Yearbook orders.

Graduation (link to live stream)

I will email families a link to the live stream at 4:00 pm on Sunday as the ceremony starts at 4:30 pm. You will be able to click on the link at 4:30 pm and join us celebrating with our Class of 2020.


  • Next week buses will be running as normal.
  • Please wear a mask on the bus.
  • Please present the Health Observation Form to the bus attendant. Unfortunately, we will not be able to let you on the bus without this.

On-campus Opening Guidelines

Here is the document outlining procedures: Guidelines for Reopening HIS for on-campus classes June 2020. Make sure you have a mask and bring your Health Observation Form 健康観察カード  2020. Thank you.

Grade 4/5 Video

The Grade 4/5 class have amazed us once again with a great video re-enacting famous movie scenes this time. Just as good as the originals!