- Exhibition;
- PE Shirts;
- Guardians Elections to BOT;
- MYP & Japanese Workshops;
- The Netherlands Student Exchange Meeting;
- Bento Orders;
1. Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Families
Thank you to all of the parents who came in this morning to help with feedback for the PYP self-study. We also had a quick look at the set of Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills that we can target to support learning at home. For example, if the all-important reading is not happening at home it could be a case that the development of organizational skills (time-management/goal setting) may be needing some support. Many of the definitions are not perfect translations, such as a term like ‘critical thinking/批判的思考’ with slightly different connotations in English and Japanese, however below are the official translations which are a good start. These are the skills that we build across all units and subjects throughout our three programs and you can help us support some of these at home, especially with ones like self-management (自己管理).
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule (Principal)
Approaches to learning (ATL) 「学習の方法」
ATL skills framework ATLスキルの枠組み
- affective 情動
- collaboration 協働
- communication コミュニケーション
- creative thinking 創造的思考
- critical thinking 批判的思考
- information literacy 情報リテラシー
- media literacy メディアリテラシー
- organization 組織、構成、整理
- reflection 振り返り
- research リサーチ、研究
- self-management 自己管理
- skill category スキルのカテゴリー
- skill cluster スキルクラスター
- social 社会的
- thinking 思考
- transfer 転移
2. Crane Video
3. PTA News (日本語は以下に)
1)Halloween Party:
Hello, I am a recent graduate of HIS, working with Yumiko san to promote the sumo event in Hiroshima. Here are so promotional information and details on the payment process.
父 前田光徳(Akinori Maeda)
母 前田英里(Eri Maeda)
弟 前田穣仁(Joji Maeda) 1歳
ペット ムック(Mucc)7歳 トイプードル
父 : 広島市出身 2000年~2003年までオーストラリアのシドニーに滞在。そ
母、悠仁、穣仁 : 広島市出身
4. Exhibition during the October break
From Sunday, 1 October to Saturday, 14 October at the former Hiroshima branch of the Bank of Japan an exhibition related to Japanese American culture in Hawaii. Please find some information here: Exhibition. It looks like an interesting exhibition and intersects with our curriculum in many places.
5. PE Shirts
Just a reminder that students need to bring PE shirts on the days they have PE. HIS, like many schools, has standard PE attire because not all clothes are suitable for physical activity and perceptions of what is suitable tend to vary widely. Students need their appropriate attire to participate in PE. We have a small number of PE shirts in the office that, if available, students are able to borrow if they forget their own. These need to be washed and returned as soon as possible. Please help us out by problem-solving with your child if remembering the PE shirt is an ongoing problem. Thanks.
6. Guardian Elections to the Board of Trustees
There are 6-7 places for Guardians on the Board of Trustees. We hold an election when a position opens due to a member’s 2-year term expiring, or if they leave the school. If a member’s term expires, the member continues in that role until the election is finalized. Currently, we are looking for nominations for 2 Guardian positions on the Board of Trustees.
It is a voluntary position and we are very grateful to all of our Board of Trustee members for their generous support of the school.
If you are interested in nominating yourself for this 2-year voluntary position, please enter your name in the BOT Guardian nomination form. We will contact you to request a short written introduction.
The process is as follows:
Step 1: Principal announces the availability of positions in Crane and calls for nominations.
Step 2: A two week period is provided for collecting nominations.
If the number of nominated candidates is equal to or less than the available positions, no election will be held. The Principal will inform the Chair of the Board of Trustees once the two week nomination period is complete. If more nominations than available positions are received, the election will proceed.
Step 3: A paper ballot is posted to each HIS family, containing:
- The number of open positions.
- The list of nominated candidates.
- A checkbox for support of each candidate.
- Instructions to mark the checkbox of the candidates you support, up to the number of open positions. (e.g. If three positions are open, you can check up to 3 candidates.)
Step 4: A two week period is provided for the collection of ballots in the school office.
Step 5: Checks on ballots are counted. Candidates are ranked in order of total checks received. The highest ranked candidates fill the nominated positions.
Step 6: The Principal supervises the process and informs the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the outcome. The Chair informs the successful candidates.
Guardian Elections to the Board of Trustees (評議員-保護者枠の選任について)
ステップ 2:候補者の募集期間は、2週間です。
候補者の人数が、募集人数以下の場合は、選挙は行われません。校長は、2週間の募集期間が終了し次第、評議会議長にその旨を報告します。もし立候補者が募集人数を超えた場合は、選挙 が行われます。
・投票欄 (支持する方にチェックをする欄)
・投票方法 - 空席数の人数まで投票が可能
7. Coffee Morning – MYP & Japanese Workshops, 27 October
8. Netherlands Student Exchange Meeting
We will also provide information for families who may be interested in hosting a student this year. Comenius College is planning on visiting Hiroshima with 6 students at the beginning of April. Please consider hosting a student so this partnership can continue!
7. Bento Orders
8. Japanese Outline