1. Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Families
I saw a lovely graduation ceremony at Kurakake Primary School this morning. Congratulations to our Grade 6 neighbors. We have several of our HIS students attending Kurakake Primary School during summer holidays and they have been good friends to HIS over the years. I hope you all enjoy your long weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule (Principal)
2. The Crane Video
3. Actor Mr. Rob Houchen Workshop @ HIS
- Tuesday, March 28 9:00-15:15
- Mr. Rob Houchen starred as Marius, Les Miserables in London, West End.
- Secondary students who are interested in taking part as group/solo singers and actors are invited to sign up on the desk outside the Music Rm by Friday, March 17th. G3-6 (last year’s group) choir will be joining for the Finale scene.
- This is an amazing opportunity for our students.
- Parents are invited to attend the Finale scene from 2:45pm.
4. Baker Book Orders
Students received a catalogue from Baker Books this week with a closing date for orders next Wednesday. Thank you to our parents, Eriko, Yoko, Rie and Mari for organizing this for us. See information letters here: Baker Books English Letter Spring 2017 and Baker Books Japanese Letter Spring 2017.
5. Secondary Camps
6. HIS Idol
We will be running HIS Idol over the next few months. This has been a popular event at HIS over the years. Students present various acts and one is chosen from each class to present at the HIS Idol Finale that will be held on Friday, 2 June. Mr Bartelink will be organizing the process with support from Jackie Ikegami, so thank you in advance for all of the hard work. The class based performances will be happening at school during lunch times and once the venue and exact times for the Finale on 2 June is confirmed, we will let you know. (Keep reading the Crane!)
7. HIS Cooking Club on Hiroshima TV
8. Community Events
There is a Soccer Peace Tournament coming up on Sunday 2 April at 10:00am. You will see some inspiring players from both Japan and Afghanistan and afterwards there is a coaching event, which Mr Bartelink will be involved in. See the flyer for more information. Soccer Peace Tournament 2017
Below message taken from HIS PTA Facebook Post – Thanks Matt.
English follows! “【イベント告知】
4月2日(日)にコカ・コーラウエスト広島スタジアムで、広島ピースサッカーフェスティバルを開催します。アフガニスタン女子サッカー代表U-18 v.s.アンジュヴィオレ広島U-18の親善試合が行われます。また特別ゲストとして、サンフレッチェ広島初代アンバサダー森崎浩司元選手をお迎えします。当日は入場無料となっています、たくさんのご参加をお待ちしています!”
Come join us at the family-friendly Hiroshima Peace Soccer Festival on Sunday, 2 April. Members of the U-18 Afghanistan Women’s National Team, who will undertake a UNITAR training programme in the preceding week, will play a short match with the U-18 Angeviolet Hiroshima team. Former Sanfrecce Hiroshima player Koji Morisaki will attend as a special guest. Hosted by UNITAR and our partners, the festival begins at 10am at Coca-Cola West Stadium in Hiroshima and is free.
9. PTA News
Update on HIS International Festival Volunteers(日本語は以下にあります)
- Update on volunteer status: Thank you to all the parents and guardians who have volunteered! We are sending you the current volunteer sheet. If there are any corrections, please let us know by email at pta@hiroshima-is.ac.jp. The team leader for each group will contact you at a later date to give you more information and specific time slots.
The following activities still require volunteers (yellow cells):
Children’s Games – 2people
Bouncy Castle – 1peson
Cotton Candy – 2 people
Sand Art – 1 person
We also need a few people to help with food preparation for the Korean food booth on Friday 14th at HIS (e.g. chopping vegetables). Please let us know if you are free on that day to help.
- Child Care during Festival: If you require child care during the Festival, please send us an email with the specific times if you haven’t already done so. The children will be looked after in a safe environment (probably the HIS Library).
- 100 yen shop: We are still looking for things to sell at the 100 yen shop. We are looking for toys; clothes (children and adult); books and magazines; cooking ware; unopened gift packages of food items; and any other bric-a-brac. Here are a few photos of what we received so far.
In our last announcement, we said we would not accept any toys or clothes with name labels, but we decided to accept them. We will also be selling good quality adult clothes, so if you have any clothes in your closet which you no longer wear, please send them in! For large items, please contact the PTA directly.
- International Deli:
From the International Deli Team
Volunteers Needed for International Deli at HIS International Festival 2017
The International Deli (AKA “Bake Sale” for new folks!) will return at this year’s International Festival and the Deli Team: Yukina Fukushima, Uta Ando and Jackie Ikegami would like to invite all you Martha Stewarts out there to donate a batch or two of your most popular home baked treats to be sold on April 15th at the International Deli counter to raise funds for the event.
There are 3 ways to help:
1) Bake some treats at home, wrap them individually and bring them to school on Friday April 14th. Please wrap in portion sizes that can be reasonably sold for at least ¥100. (If they are very small, put 2 or 3 in a package). Please let us know if you are baking something in advance, so we can get an idea of how much we will have to sell.
2) Come and join us in the school kitchen any day the week before the festival for as short or as long a time as you are able to, and we can have a laugh baking and getting ready together. You can bring your own recipe and ingredients, or come and help us with what we are baking. Kitchen times will be posted in next week’s Crane. Let us know if you plan to come, so we can make sure to let you know if plans change suddenly.
3) Help out selling the baked goods on the day of the Festival. We would really like to have as many volunteers as possible on the day. Please contact Jackie (jax@ck9.so-net.ne.jp or 09078909464 ) if you would like to volunteer.
You may also contact us via the LINE or FB groups if you have any questions.
What kind of things can you donate?
Anything HOMEMADE that can be individually wrapped. For example….
- cookies, muffins, cupcakes, brownies, tray bakes, macarons, slices or other sweets
- caramels, truffles other confectionery
- homemade bread rolls or loaves
- whole cakes, tarts, quiches, etc
- pies, savoury snacks,
- jams, lemon curds, pate etc
Please DON’T bring any of the following:
- sandwiches
- items which cannot be packaged individually (soups, liquids, messy things)
- Things which must be served with a spoon
- Store bought goods. Homemade only please.
- Things which will spoil if not eaten on the day of the Festival (no raw items, eg sushi!).
- Anything with fresh cream on it.
In the interests of safety for those with allergies, please include a memo with a list of all the ingredients.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know!
Thank you in advance for all your help!…
Children’s Games 2名
Bouncy Castle 1名
Cotton Candy 2名
サンドアート 1名
④今度のInternational FestivalでInternational Deli(ベイクセール)をすることになりました。International Deli担当の
福島ゆきな、安藤うたとJackie Ikegamiが頑張らせていただきます。
- ご自宅で作っていただいて、包んでいただいて、14日(金曜日)に学校に持って来ていただく。¥100からのお値段で売れる量で一個一個包んでいただくと助かります。(小さいものなら2個か3個入れるとか…)ラッピングが必要な方、ご相談ください。
- お菓子作りが苦手だけれど、協力はしたいわ!と思われている方、大丈夫です!!クッキングクラスさながらの楽しい雰囲気でお菓子作りを一緒にしましょう。4月10日から14日まで毎日学校のキッチンで作ります。詳しい時間帯は来週のThe Craneをご覧ください。ご自分のレシピ(と材料!)を持ってきていただいてもいいし、キッチンで作ってもいいし、私たちが用意しているレシピを手伝ってもいいです。ご気軽にお越しください。
- 当日フェスティバルでデリを一緒に販売していただける方も大募集。販売のお手伝いが出来る時間帯をお知らせください。興味がある方、ジャッキーにご連絡ください。(jax@ck9.so-net.ne.jp09078909464)。
- たとえば…
- クッキー、マフィン、カップケーキ、ブラウニー、マカロン、スライスなどの焼き菓子
- キャラメル、トリュフ、ヌガーなどのスイーツ類
- 自家製のパン
- ホールケーキ、パイ、タルトなどの本格派
- ジャム、パテなど
- キッシュ、サモサなどの甘くないもの
- 「個別ラッピング」できるものを宜しくお願いしますね。
- サンドイッチ(生ものが入る)
- 個別ラッピングできない(スープ、液体、雑なもの)アイテム
- スプーンを支給しれなければならないもの
- 市販の商品(どうか手作りにこだわりましょう)
- 消費期限の短いデリケートなもの
- 生クリームがのっているもの
全ての問い合わせ pta@hiroshima-is.ac.jp
10. Japanese Outline