Welcome from James Steward
Dear HIS Community,
As Hanami ends in the region, we will have one last time to celebrate here at HIS! Yes, the long awaited and much anticipated International Festival is about to occur! Our PTA Wolfpack has been planning feverishly to ensure that the event will be a grand success.
Let’s get ready to enjoy excellent international cuisine, superb entertainment, and exciting fun and games; all to be capped off with our exciting HIS Raffle beginning just after 14:00 on April 15.
For your information, here is the most updated list of Raffle Prizes. Be sure to purchase your tickets as soon as possible!
Here is the link to purchase tickets from the PTA Wolfpack.
Here is the most updated version of the Entertainment Schedule.
We are looking forward to seeing people from all over the region at our International Festival!
All students are expected to attend the International Festival!
Please read further for more information.
James Steward
HIS Principal
Donations for the Turkey/Syria Earthquake from the HIS SRC
The HIS Student Representative Council are hoping to offer a donation to those in need in Turkey and Syria. Please see their poster below and consider donating to this excellent cause.

HIS Faces in the News (Picture Gallery)
Click here to view this week’s selection of photos from around HIS: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yFJpXnqGKnenbcwU7

From the HIS Parents Wolfpack Team
◇ International Festival News – Less than a week to go! ◇
With the final meeting held last Tuesday with so many participants(almost 40 people!), things have started to shape up for the festival, and everyone is getting excited.
We, the Wolfpack Team would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all those who have been involved in the preparations for the International Festival. Whatever happens next Saturday, we have all done our absolute best to make it a great day, so it WILL be a great day! We have our fingers crossed for good weather but please note
We will go ahead if there is Rain! 雨天決行します!
◆ Information on Parking and Precautions for the day of the Festival
➡︎Click her for “Information on Parking and Precautions for the Day of the Festival”
◆ Volunteers Still Required! ボランティアのお願い!
➡︎ Click here for the Volunteer List / ボランティアリスト
Thank you to so many parents who have signed up for helping on the day! We still need a lot more help. 60 spots needed! , Teachers.Secondary students and both Parents (Fathers, we know you are out there!), please volunteer!
たくさんの皆さまのサインアップをありがとうございます。まだまだ足りません! 60枠が不足しています。ご両親さま、先生方、セカンダリーの生徒の皆さまもお手伝いをお願いします!!
◆ Polo shirts will be deliverd soon (支払いがまだの方、お渡しできません)
We will start delivering the polo shirts for the second order to everyone who has paid, from Tuesday 11th. If you haven’t paid yet, please do so as soon as you can.
◆ PRIZES for the Raffle ラッフルの景品
More prizes added for the Raffle! Thank you so much!
➡︎Click here for the Prize Presentation 景品のプレゼンテーション
◆ RAFFLE and GAME/FOOD TICKETS ORDER -Additional Orders Welcome!
➡︎Click Here for Ticket Order Form チケット注文フォーム
➡︎ Click here for List of Raffle ラッフルの景品リスト
➡︎Click Here for Raffle and Game/Food Ticket Order Explanation ラッフルチケット&ゲーム/フードチケット販売の説明
◆Donations for Bazaar バザールへの寄付 前日まで受け付けます!
Thank you for your donations toward the Bazaar. We will continue to accept donations until the day before the Festival.
Items to donate for the Bazaar:
Handmade or unused items, apart from Books (Both English and Japanese. Recipe books are also okay.), DVDs and Toys (Unbroken toys, Sets with no missing parts, CLEAN Stuffed animals, etc. Free giveaway toys or similar toys will not be acceptable.)
Please leave donations by the window in the carpeted area of the entrance to the school.
That’s all from us for now. Thank you again for all your efforts. Working together we can make a wonderful International Festival!
From the Wolfpack Team