ITEMS: We are all beautiful (Genkan Art Installation); Alumni Event; MYP Parent Information Event; MYP Exhibition; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
We had a busy week with International Schools Assessment (ISA) for Secondary students and Primary (Gr3-5) finished their ones last week. We are expecting to receive the results sooner this year with the move to tests only being offered online so we will send you the results as soon as they come in. We also use this information as part of our program reflections so are very happy that we can access this earlier this year. Thank you to all of our volunteer Board of Trustees who are meeting tomorrow. We appreciate your generosity with your time to support HIS in this most-important governance role. In this week’s TED Talk, a message about keeping our minds open to lessons from nature. It sounds like good advice and a practical way to practice open-mindedness, one of our Learner Profile attributes. Enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
We are all beautiful (Genkan Art Installation)
We are all beautiful by HIS Art Team Erin (G12) / SuA, Itsuki, Fidel (G11) / Hinano (G7) / Ms K
Being inspired by My Mommy Is Beautiful by Yoko Ono and Identity Tapestry by Mary March, we have developed and installed our work, We are all beautiful, on the genkan display wall at Hiroshima International School. For this project, we have used some of the messages on the post-its made by the audience for the My Mommy Is Beautiful exhibition at HIS and added other random messages we chose. Your participation in this project is very important: please take a look at all the panels and take sticker(s) of your choice (any colour), and put the sticker(s) near the message you chose. You can put as many stickers as you want. The work will be up until March 11, 2022, so please join soon! We all look forward to seeing the wall filled with different stickers!
Thank you!HIS Art Team
作品展示: We are all beautiful HIS Art Team Erin (G12) / SuA, Itsuki, Fidel (G11) / Hinano (G7) / Ms K
オノ・ヨーコの「My Mommy Is Beautiful」そしてマリー・マーチの「Identity Tapestry」という作品を鑑賞し、私たちHIS Art Teamは今回「We are all beautiful」という作品を制作し、広島インターナショナルスクールの玄関にある展示壁にて展示を開始しました。この作品では、「Mommy Is Beautiful」の作品に寄せられたメッセージの中から幾つかのメッセージを選び、それにランダムなメッセージを付け加え、パネルに印刷して展示しています。そこで鑑賞者の皆さんにお願いです。展示壁の横にシールの入った箱が設置されています。全てのメッセージパネルの中から、自分の気に入ったものを選び、その近くにシールを貼ってください。シールは様々な色のものがありますので、どの色を選んでも大丈夫です。メッセージパネルも幾つ選んでも大丈夫です。この作品は2022年3月11日まで展示していますので、それまでに早めに参加してください。玄関の壁が様々な色のシールで埋めつくされるのを楽しみにしています!
HIS Art Teamより
Upcoming Alumni Event (Don’t miss this!)

For details, please click here.
Middle Years Program Information Session
Date: Monday, February 28, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Hybrid: In-person and via Zoom: Zoom link
Title: MYP Assessment – What, why and how
Description: This will be an interactive discussion about assessment in the MYP. The assessments are part of the learning journey. Come discuss how they work, what they are, and why the MYP does it this way. All parents and guardians are welcome. There will be language support in Japanese.
Middle Years Program Exhibition
Dear Parents,
The moment has finally arrived. Every year your children(our students) showcase the results of their careers as MYP students. As they mark the end of their journey in the MYP, we cordially invite you to celebrate this momentous occasion on Feb. 25, 2022, after school, from 4:45 pm- 5:45 pm for the MYP Exhibition(MYPX). Students will attend the event from 1:30 pm- 3:20 pm. We will hold a special presentation for parents and staff from 3:25 pm- 3:40 pm. The Exhibition will resume at 4:45 pm – 5:45 pm for any members of the community that choose to join in this event.
We look forward to having family and friends join us in celebrating this event. Furthermore, we are so proud and confident in our students’ abilities that we urge all visitors to question their understanding, challenges, and growth in this process. If you are unsure about what questions to ask, please feel free to use the questions provided in the link below.
Regards, Mr. Washington
MYP Exhibition: Event Times
Attendee | Time |
Students and Staff | 1:30-3:20 |
After school Community(Parents & Staff) | 3:25pm-3:40pm |
Break | 3:45pm-4:45pm |
Community: Family and Friends | 4:45pm-5:45pm |
Closing Remarks | 5:45pm -6:00pm |
PTA Message
◆ Val-O-Gram
Monday, February 14th was Valentine’s Day! Did you communicate your thoughts to your loved ones? The PTA team were happy to transmit those important feelings in the shape of Val-O-Grams. The whole school was full of smiles from both students and teachers.
We will report the detailed figures later, but the profit from this Val-O-Gram is likely to exceed 200,000 yen. This will be used for PTA funding and for our students. Thank you everyone for your cooperation.
Kumi Kim (mother of G6 Yuu, G4 Rin, G2 Hana) was in charge of her Val-O-Gram. Thank you very much to her for lots of hard work!
2月14日の月曜日はバレンタインデーでしたね!大切な方々に思いを伝えられましたか? 私たちPTAからも皆さまからお預かりした大切なお気持ちをVal-O-Gramとしてお届けさせていただきました。学校全体が生徒の皆さんや先生方のほっこりとした笑顔に包まれていましたね。
また、この Val-O-Gram は金 玖美さん(G6 Yuu、G4 Rin、G2 Hanaのお母さん) が担当してくださいました。たくさんの作業をありがとうございました。
◆ HIS Hoodie パーカー
The next hoodie order is scheduled for the end of spring break. Please wait for a while.
◆ Scholastic / Baker Books Order
The next book order is scheduled around Golden Week.
That’s all for this week’s announcement. It’s going to be a cold weekend with little sunshine, but please take care of yourself and stay healthy.