The Crane, 19 November 2021


Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

On Wednesday this week, we had the Gr 12 student presentations for their Extended Essay which is a 4000-word research paper based on a topic that they have selected from amongst their various subjects. It is quite amazing, the depth that these students have been able to pursue their academic interests while completing their Extended Essays. Congratulations to all of our Gr12 students who are now nearing the end of their IB journey.

Although the COVID numbers are thankfully very low at the moment in Hiroshima and across Japan, as we approach winter we still need to be mindful of our COVID-related health guidelines which are in place. I would like to remind everyone that if your child has a high temperature of 37.5 degrees or above, we ask that you organize a PCR test before returning to school. We appreciate your cooperation, helping to keep the school community as safe as possible.

This TED Talk by Neuroscientist Anil Seth is very much in line with the questions asked by our students in Theory of Knowledge, another core part of the Diploma Program so I thought that this talk may be of interest. I hope you enjoy the weekend.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule

Crane Video

Baseball Event

I would like to thank World Children’s Baseball Foundation (WCBF) who hosted a Baseball Experience Event for our Gr6-10 students on Wednesday afternoon. It is not often that you get some personal batting tips from a former Major League player. Thank you to Mr Kawasaki and the WCBF team. You can see the images in this week’s Crane video above.

Festive Eve Update

Thank you very much to all of the parents who have been working so hard on the costumes for the production of Annie. I would also like to thank the Sonada Family who has, once again, very generously offered to make a professional recording of Festive Eve.

Alumni Event

We are currently organising another alumni event where HIS families will have a chance to hear from our graduates. The focus of this session will be what our students retain years after their time at HIS. That is, what parts of their education at HIS have they actually taken out into the world and been able to use. This is at the core of our approach to teaching and learning and I hope you will find this interesting.

On a related note, we have an alumni page on our website and we invite you to have a look at the alumni stories posted here. We are hoping to build this portfolio of experiences so if you know of one of our graduates out there in the world, we would love to hear from them and add their story to our page.

Gr4 Student Action

Charlie (Gr4), as part of his “Who we are” unit invited the Gr8 students to play some tag games to help build community and to help students get to know each other. Charlie did a great job arranging the Gr8 participation with Ms Sallie and organizing the activities. We were really pleased with the leadership Charlie demonstrated and it looked like a lot of fun!

Bento Order(弁当オーダー)

Bento Order Part 2 will commence from December 1 (Dec 1 – March 31)

Please submit this bento form by November 23.


From the PTA

Main Point 今週の要点

  • Scholastic/Baker Book Club Order  (Deadline: Mon 29th November, 9am)

 スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブ オーダー受付開始 (締切: 11/29 月 9時)

  • Festive Eve Costume 

フェスティブ イブの衣装

  • Christmas Decorating (Wed 1st December, 9am)

クリスマスの飾り付け (12/1 水 9am)

  • Christmas sweets bagging work (Tue, December 14) and Request for additional sweet donations

クリスマスお菓子袋詰め作業 (12/14 火)、及び、お菓子(クリスマス用) の追加寄付のお願い

  • Library Volunteers Needed 


◆ Scholastic/Baker Book Club Order  (Deadline: Mon 29th November, 9am)

  スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブ オーダー受付開始  (締切: 11/29 月 9時)

Our second Scholastic/Baker Book Club is up and running! Your books should arrive before the start of the winter holiday. (Depending on the covid situation, there may be delays).

Go to  to browse the latest books and order online.

For every $1 you spend on Book Club, our school will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards.

Please place your order online by Monday November 29th, 9AM.

今年度2回目のScholastic/Baker Booksをご注文いただく準備ができました。購入された本は冬休み前に到着する予定です。(コロナ事情による遅延の可能性あり) から最新のラインナップをご覧いただきご注文ください。

Book Clubで本の購入をされますと、Book Club 内で使えるポイントとしてご購入1ドルにつき20¢がHISに入ります。このポイントは図書室の本を充実させる為に使用されます。


Festive Eve Costume 

  フェスティブ イブの衣装

At the moment the children are busy practicing daily for the Festive Eve on Friday, December 10th. I would like to thank all the parents for their cooperation in preparing and making the costumes. We are all looking forward to seeing the wonderful show Annie.

12月10日(金)に行われるフェスティブ イブに向けて、子供たちは日々練習や準備を進めています。また、連日、たくさんの保護者の皆さまに衣装の準備や衣装作成のお手伝いのご協力をいただきまして、本当にありがとうございます。素晴らしいショー・アニーを観れるのを楽しみにしていてくださいね。

◆ Christmas Decorating 


On Wednesday morning, December 1st, from 9am, we will decorate the school for the Christmas season. If you have time, please come along and help us get Festive! Ho ho ho! 🎅🏻


◆ Christmas sweets bagging work (Tue, December 14) and request for additional sweet donations 

  クリスマスお菓子袋詰め作業 (12/14 火) 及び、お菓子(クリスマス用)の追加寄付のお願い

In the week before winter vacation it’s time for “Santa’s Visit” where Santa Claus distributes sweets to the children. The candy bagging work will be done from 9 am on Tuesday, December 14th. We would be grateful if you could help us. Thank you.

We use sweets donated for Halloween every year for Christmas, but this year we don’t have enough left over. If you missed the opportunity to donate during Halloween, or if you have a generous heart and would like to give some more, we are looking forward to your donation. For allergic reasons, please prepare nut-free products. For your reference, sweets are distributed to all students and teachers from EC to 12th grade on both Halloween and Christmas (to avoid any sad faces). Please bring your sweets to the office by Friday, December 10th. Thank you very much.

冬休み前の週にSanta Visitとしてサンタクロースが子供たちにお菓子を配ります。そのお菓子の袋詰め作業を12月14日(火) 午前9時から行います。お手伝いいだけますと助かります。よろしくお願いいたします。

また、毎年、ハロウィンにご寄付いただくお菓子をクリスマス用にも使用していますが、今年は量が不足しています。ハロウィンの時に寄付の機会を逃してしまったという方、また、もっと寄付してもいいよ、と思ってくださる寛大なお心をお持ちの皆さま、ぜひ、ご寄付をお待ちいたしております。アレルギー上の理由からナッツを含まないものをご用意いただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。ご参考までに、お菓子はハロウィンもクリスマスも、ECさんから12年生までの全校生徒の皆さんと先生方にお配りしております。お菓子は12月10日 (金)までにオフィスまでお持ちください。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

◆ Library Volunteers Needed 


The library is awaiting your help!

The request is to help students with book selection, return, check out, in the library during the student library hours. Also, organising books etc as much as you can before and after classes would be helpful for making our library a pleasant environment.

We would be really happy to have volunteers from parents of both PYP and Secondary students. 

Here is the link:

➡︎ The Link for the Library Help Shift Calendar 





➡︎ 図書室ボランティアのシフトカレンダーのリンク

That’s all from us this week. Have a great weekend!
