ITEMS: Board of Trustees Guardian Representative; Halloween Festivities; MYP/DP Open Day; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Today’s message is a video:
Crane Video
Board of Trustees Guardian Representatives
Welcome to Jin Xuchu, Peter Thippawan, Charles Nappier, and Maria Grajdian who have just joined the Board of Directors in the Guardian category. We also thank, Barry Ngo, who is starting his second term. We appreciate the generous contribution of your time to help in the governance of HIS.
Halloween Festivities
Thank you to the PTA for all the work in making decorations and organizing the trick-or-treat for the students. It was a fun day and you can see all the wonderful costumes in the Crane video above.

MYP/DP Open Day
- Date: November 8, 2021, Monday
- Time: 8:50-12:30
This is an annual MYP/DP Open Day that provides a better understanding of the IB programme that graduating MYP and DP students are experiencing. It will provide an overview of the programmes and courses, the processes and objectives, assessments criteria and expectations.
This is going to be an online event that has the benefit of allowing you to join from anywhere. The session will be in English with Japanese translation.
Each session is going to be 40 minutes and you will also be able to experience the school timetable. Please note that there is a break from 10:50 to 11:10.
Time | Presentation Title | Focus Audience |
8:50-9:30 | MYP Personal Project | Parents of Grades 9,10 |
9:30-10:10 | DP Course Selection | Parents of Grade 10 |
10:10-10:50 | Extended Essay | Parents of Grades 10, 11 |
11:10-11:50 | TOK and CAS | Parents of Grades 10, 11 |
11:50-12:30 | College Counselling/ SAT&ACT/ TOEFL | Parents of Grades 10-12 |
PTA News
- Bonfire Night ボンファイア・ナイト
- Halloween Event ハロウィン
- HIS Hoodie HIS パーカー配布済み
- From the Festive Eve Costume Team フェスティブ イブ の衣装係より
◆◆ Bonfire Night ボンファイア・ナイト
A few days ago, on October 26th (Tuesday), we sent you an application form for Bonfire Night by email from Mr Rentoule. It also includes applications for lunch boxes, drinks, and lottery parking lots. Please check the details on the top page of the form linked below. The application deadline is
10 AM on Monday, November 1st. Once you have applied, please do not forget to submit the participation fee and lunch box fee.
➡ Bonfire Night Sign-up Form (LINK) 申し込みフォーム ⬅︎
先日10月26日(火)、校長先生からのEメールを通じて皆さまにボンファイア・ナイトの参加申し込みフォームをお送りさせていただきました。お弁当、飲み物、抽選の駐車場の申し込みも含まれております。詳細は上記のフォームのトップページに掲載しておりますのでご確認ください。申し込み締め切りは、11月1日(月) 午前10時 (朝10時です) となっております。申し込まれましたら、参加費・お弁当代の提出も忘れずにお願いいたします。
◇ Parking lot 駐車場
The results of the parking space lottery will be notified by email on Tuesday, and parking permits will be given to the “winners” through their children. Please note that if you win the lottery for the parking space, we may ask you to be a parking guide. (We will of course contact you in advance and check your convenience.)
Street parking around the school is strictly prohibited, including where you are parked during regular pick-up. Consideration for the neighborhood is especially important when holding a big event at school. It is also expected that police patrols will take place. Please refrain from waiting on the streets around the school with the driver sitting in the car, such as when picking up your family at the end of the event. We sincerely thank you for your cooperation.
◇ Participation of secondary students without their parents
As mentioned in the separate email from the principal, if a Secondary student participates without a guardian, in addition to the usual application above, parental permission is needed (Click the link below). Students will not be able to leave school alone in the evening, so be careful not to forget to prepare food or order a lunch box.
➡︎ Permission Form (Link) 承諾書のフォーム ⬅︎
校長先生から別にEメールでお知らせがありましたように、セカンダリーの生徒が保護者なしで参加される場合、上記の通常のお申し込みに加え、親の許可を与える承諾書のフォームの提出が別に必要です (上記のリンクよりどうぞ)。その場合、夕方に生徒だけで学校から出ることはできませんので、食べ物の用意、またはお弁当の注文をお忘れにならないようお気をつけください。
◆ Halloween ハロウィン
Today (10/29), which is Friday just before Halloween, the Halloween event was held in the afternoon. After PYP’s in-class activities, a costume parade was held at the gym with the participation of secondary students, and it was quite exciting. The faces of the children were shining the most when they received the sweets donated by everyone! 😊
Many people helped, decorating, donating sweets and bags, packing sweets on Tuesday, and making preparations in classes for today’s event. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.
On Monday, November 1st, we will be cleaning up the Halloween decorations first thing in the morning. We would really appreciate it if you could come and help us. Thank you!
Also, for those of you who didn’t make the Halloween sweets donation in time, we are still accepting donations of sweets from Santa at Christmas. Please make sure that the expiration date is sufficient when handing it over before Christmas and that it is not Halloween-themed candy (!), and then bring it to the office. Thank you.
デコレーションの飾り付け、お菓子の寄付、袋の寄付、お菓子袋詰めのお手伝い (10/26・火)、今日のイベントのクラスのお手伝いや事前の準備など、お忙しい中たくさんの皆さまに様々なご協力いただきまして、本当にありがとうございました。
◆ HIS hoodies HISパーカー
The HIS hoodie order has arrived.
From Monday, it will be distributed to your children.
If you missed ordering this time or are thinking of making an additional purchase, we are planning to set up the next sales opportunity after the new year, so please wait for a while.
◆ Message from FESTIVE EVE Costume Team
フェスティブ イブ衣装部からのお知らせ
・ During the autumn vacation, we sent photos of the costumes needed out on the Japanese LINE and English LINE groups. Thank you to everyone who provided costumes for your cooperation. We are still searching for some costumes.
・ This year, instead of making costumes, we are using recycle shops and online shops to collect costumes. We are still looking for volunteers to help with this work. The task is to find a similar costume from the photos sent. We will create a “ANNIE Costume Team” group in LINE, so if you would like to cooperate, please contact Nami Ohata directly.
・今回は、衣装を製作する代わりに、リサイクルショップや、ネットショップを利用して衣装を集めています。この作業を手伝ってくださる方を募集します。作業内容は、衣装写真を送りますので、似た衣装を探すというものです。ANNIE 衣装チームのグループLINEをつくりますので、ご協力くださるかたは、直接 大畠南波まで連絡くださいね。
That’s all from us this week. 今週のPTAからのお知らせは以上です。