ITEMS: Interim reports; Thank you to our interns; Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
I hope you all had a good week. We are please to be able to run two important events this year, just with some adjustments due to COVID. The first is our Bonfire Night which is always fun. The PTA News has important information about the Bonfire Night (Friday, 5 November). Two big differences are that we will all eat on our own family picnic mats with families rather than at tables together, and all food will be ordered-in rather than prepared at school. The fire however, will be as we remember! Many thanks to the PTA for all the work problem solving in order to make this possible.
Festive Eve is the other event to which we have made some adjustments. The Secondary Orchestras and Primary Choir will perform for a student audience before the school day finishes on Friday 10th December and these performances will be live-streamed. The Festive Eve production of Annie will take place on the evening of Friday, 10 December. It will not have a live audience as the the performance will be live-streamed so that we can expand the stage area and spread the backstage crew throughout the whole gym. This will enable us to move ahead with the performance in a relatively COVID friendly fashion. The Monday is a HIS holiday so this is a long weekend for students. Thank you to Takako sensei and all the students who were involved in the problem solving needed to move ahead with this event which is such an important part of our program.
We said goodbye to our gardening-goats, Tora and Bu, today and we look forward to seeing them next year after the summer grass has grown high once again.

This week’s TED Talk is a really interesting one regarding the distortion of the information we encounter in our day-to-day lives and highlights the need for us to develop our critical thinking skills. I hear from more and more parents who are considering HIS for their children that this particular skill-set is what they are seeking for their child. Critical thinking is a foundation of our IB programs so I thought you may enjoy this. I have posted this talk before but it is worth another viewing. Enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Thank you to our Shudo University and Jogakuin University interns
Over the past two months we have been very fortunate to have some interns joining us as part of their university service programs. We had two students from Jogakuin University who visited for four days each and four students from Shudo University who visited for two weeks each. All of the students were fine ambassadors for their universities and were a great support for us. They worked very well with the students and we look froward to welcoming more students from Shudo University and Jogakuin University back to HIS in the future.
Interim Reports
Primary and Secondary Interim Reports go home today. These go out just before our conferences to give you an idea of progress to date and support those important conversations during the conference. We have a more detailed report at the end of each Semester.
Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences
We look forward to seeing you all virtually on Monday. Primary families will receive a Zoom link from teachers. Secondary teachers have all added their respective Zoom links on the booking sheet, just under their names. You will find all links here. As usual, we only have 10-minute time slots so if you need a longer meeting then please arrange one with the teacher on an alternate day. These ones are relatively short so that we can meet with as many families as possible on the day. Thank you in advance for being aware of the time. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Main Point 今週の要点
- PTA Meeting (Reminder) PTAミーティング (リマインダー)
- Halloween’s Event Help ハロウィン イベントのお手伝い募集
- Bonfire Night (Plan for this year) ボンファイア・ナイト (今年版の概要)
- Library Volunteers Needed 図書室ボランティア募集
- Hoodie’s Money (Reminder) パーカーの代金 (リマインダー)
- Halloween Sweet Donation (Reminder) ハロウィン用のお菓子の寄付 (リマインダー)
◆ PTA meeting (Reminder) PTA ミーティング開催のお知らせ (リマインダー)
As we let you know last week, the PTA meeting is scheduled to be held on Thursday the 14th October for the first time this year. You can also participate by Zoom.
先週お伝えしましたように、今年度第一回目のPTAミーティングを10月14日(木) に開催します。Zoomでもご参加いただけます。
・Date and Time : Thursday 14th October 9:00-10:00AM 日時:10月14日(木) 午前9時〜10時
・Location : HIS meeting room 場所:HIS ミーティングルーム (校長先生の隣のお部屋)
・Link for Zoom Zoom参加リンク:
・Agenda 議題 :
PTA financial report / PTA会計報告、Halloween / ハロウィン、Bonfire Night / ボンファイヤ ナイト、PTA Shop / PTAショップ、Parents’ Library help / 図書室の保護者ボランティアについて
If there is anything else you would like to see discussed, please contact the PTA team ( ) by Tuesday 12th Oct.
この他にも話し合ってもらいたいこと等ありましたら、来週の火曜日 (10月12日) までにPTA役員(↑)までお知らせください。
◆ Halloween help please! ハロウィン イベントのお手伝い募集
We need 2-3 helpers per class at the Halloween event after 2pm in the afternoon of Friday, October 29th. Things we need help with include various games and craft projects. We look forward to your support. Please contact your room parents or mail us at ( ) in advance to let us know you will be able to help on the day.
イベント当日にお手伝いいただける方は前もって、各クラスのルームペアレンツか PTA役員 ( ) までご連絡ください。
◆ Bonfire Night (Plan for this year) ボンファイア・ナイト (今年版の概要)
As we mentioned last week, we have decided to hold bonfire night on Friday 5th November, though a simpler version this year due to COVID. We would like to let you know the basic plan including the changes for this year.
- We will not be able to offer a homemade cooked meal or baked goods cooked by parents.
We will prepare pre-ordered bentos, drinks and desserts. The desserts will be included in the participation fee, while bento and drinks will be extra.
- We will not be able to use the tables and chairs. Each family should prepare their own picnic blanket and eat on this without mixing with other families. This is to reduce the risk of infection of mixing whilst not wearing masks for eating.
- Because we are ordering food, the cost is higher than previous years, if you order a bento.
- Parking on the roads around the school is STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED, to avoid upsetting the neighbours. Please use public transportation if at all possible. We will only have space for 15 cars on site plus 25 borrowed spaces at the Nozomi-en nursing home. We will allocate spaces by a lottery from those who apply on the application form, and issue parking permission notices for those selected. Please display these in an easily visible location in your car.
- Apologies for being persistent, but parking on the street is strictly prohibited. In the past, we have caused troubles to our neighbors many times, and we have been reported and received many complaints through the police. If we are not able to maintain good relationships with them, it will affect our future events held at school. So please ensure to follow the rules and manners.
- The PYP students will be supervised by teachers, from the end of school to the time of the start of the event.
- Driving from the centre in the evening overlaps with the rush hour, and the bus lane system is also running, so considerable traffic congestion is expected. Please be careful not to be late for the start of the event by allowing enough time.
- To reduce the risk of infection – parents need to ensure they will be able to get to the school by the time of the start of the event (17:30), as it will not be possible for other families to supervise your children.
- The link for the application form for the event, parking etc. will be in next week’s Crane.
- We will send out an explanation of the history of Bonfire Night, for those who are interested.
ボンファイア・ナイト (今年版の概要)
先週お伝えさせていただきましたように、今年はコロナ状況に配慮した簡易版ではありますが、11月5日 金曜日にボンファイア・ナイトを開催できることになりました。今年バージョンの大きな変更点を含めた概要をお伝えします。
- いつもの保護者による手作りの食事・焼き菓子等は提供いたしません。スイーツ代と花火代が必須の参加費に含まれます。お食事代 (お弁当と飲み物) は別途注文可能です(事前注文のみ)。
- 椅子やテーブルは用意せず、お食事は各ご家庭で用意していただいたピクニック・マットで必ず家族単位で食べていただきます。他のお友達や他の保護者が一緒になってお座りいただくことはできません。マスクを外した状態での会話による感染リスクを避けるためです。
- 食事とスイーツが外注のため、お食事代を含める場合は参加費が通常より高くなります。
- HIS周りの路上駐車は、近隣にお住まいの方のご迷惑となりますので、厳禁とさせていただきます。公共交通機関をご利用ください。駐車場は、HISグラウンドに15台、お隣の原爆養護老人ホームのぞみ園さんよりお借りする25台分の計40台のみ、参加申し込み時の駐車希望者の中から抽選で選ばせていただきます。抽選が当たった方に駐車許可証を発行いたしますので、駐車時には必ずご掲示ください。
- PYPの生徒さんは、放課後からイベント開始 (17:30)までの時間は先生方の監督のもと時間を過ごしていただきます。イベント開始の午後5時半に保護者の方がご来校いただけない場合は参加いただけません。(例年のように他の保護者に監督をお願いしていただくことはできません。食事時によるコロナ感染リスクが高まるためです。) 夕方の中心部方面からのお車でのご来校は、通勤ラッシュ時間と重なり、バスレーン・システムも導入されていることから、かなりの渋滞が予想されます。お時間に余裕を持って出発され、イベント開始に遅れないようご注意ください。
- G6以上のセカンダリーの生徒さんは、事前に参加許可を取っていただくことで保護者なしでもご参加いただけます。お子様の安全確認のためにも必ず許可を取ってください。
- 参加申し込みおよび、食事と駐車場の抽選申し込みのためのフォームリンクは、来週のCraneでお知らせします。
- また日を改めて、ボンファイア・ナイトの歴史についてご説明させていただきます。
◆ Library Volunteers Needed 図書室ボランティア募集
Again, Ms V would like to ask for volunteers to help the children choose, return, and check out books during the student library hours as well as before and after class, if you are able, you can help with labeling and organizing the books to make the library more usable.
The volunteer period is scheduled to start after the autumn break in October. Please check the details in the mail which will be sent to PYP parents early next week.
既にお知らせしていますように、Ms Vからボランティアのお願いです。
◆ HIS Hoodie Order (Reminder) HISパーカーご注文の方へ (リマインダー)
If you have not paid for your order, please hand it to the office by October 15th (Friday) next week.
Please note that it will be delivered after the payment is received.
Goods will arrive after the autumn holidays. You can pick it up from the week of October 25th.
◆ Halloween Sweet Donation (Reminder) ハロウィン用のお菓子の寄付 (リマインダー)
As have mentioned a few times, we are asking for donations of candy to be distributed to the children during the Halloween event (Friday, October 29th). Please send roughly two large bags of individually wrapped candy to the school office. (The candy does not have to be Halloween specific). Please bring them by Friday, October 15th, before the autumn break.
We forgot to mention in the earlier communication but please ensure there are no products containing nuts (for allergy reasons).
また何度かお伝えさせていただいておりますように、Halloween のイベント時(10/29 金)に子供たちに配るお菓子の寄付をお願いしております。目安として個包装の大袋入り2袋程度を学校のオフィス宛てにお届けください (お子さまに持たせていただいてOKです)。お菓子はハロウィン仕様のものでなくても大丈夫です。秋休みに入る前/10月15日(金)までにお願いします。お伝えしそびれておりましたが、アレルギー上の理由からナッツを含まないものをご用意いただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。