ITEMS: Alumni Panel; COVID-related information; Festive Eve update; My Mommy is Beautiful; Parent Information Evening videos; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
I hope that you have all had an enjoyable week as we move into this long weekend. In today’s message, I would like to draw your attention to our graduates. On Thursday, we had three absolutely wonderful young adults talk to us about their experiences at HIS and the impact of these experiences on their post-school life. I think that this is a must-watch for all of our HIS parents, especially as you consider the outcome of the educational journey your child is on: Who they ultimately become through this journey. They get great IB scores and enter university, which we celebrate, but the qualities they develop is what really counts. This is the outcome that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. I hope you enjoy meeting our recent graduates.
Join us once again on Wednesday at 1:30 pm when we will hear from Lisa, Alex, and Yuya.
Alumni Panel for HIS parents:
We would like to invite you to the Alumni Panel 2021. What journey at HIS do our graduates go through? Each graduate has their own unique story. The graduates will share their stories and answer the questions that have been submitted. There will be a chance to ask your questions directly.
以下の日程でAlumni Panel for the HIS parentsを行います。HIS卒業生の体験談をきき、直接質問をする良い機会になると思いますので、奮ってご参加ください。
Our guests are:
Completed – the video is above. Many thanks! | Zoom link: Wednesday, Sep.22 13:30-14:30 |
Leah Ruetenik, cohort 2021, University of Michigan, USA Leela Watt, cohort 2020, ICU, Japan Nanako Takeno, cohort 2020, Waseda University, Japan | Alexander Grant, cohort 2020, 東京芸大, Japan Lisa Hird, cohort 2020, Okayama University, Japan Yuya Naka, cohort 2019, University of Wuerzburg, Germany |
For those of you who are unable to view the live event, I will post the video in the next Crane.
Sorry, I forgot to add the link to the TED Talk last week. In this TED Talk, Luma Mufleh delivers a powerful and important message about challenging our perceptions of refugees which I thought you may enjoy. Have a nice weekend.
Kind regards
Crane Video
We have a slightly different Crane Video this week. Mr Barker installed a timelapse camera to capture the building of the New Annex last year. Here is a two-minute version of the year-long event. It is quite mesmerizing.
COVID-related Information
The Japan Council of International Schools (JCIS), the association of the 29 accredited international schools in Japan, have been holding Zoom sessions every two weeks with Tokyo-based physician Dr Lomax over the past 18 months. The Heads of School at JCIS schools have asked questions and sought clarification as we have developed our policies over this time. His advice has been invaluable. He has kindly prepared a short presentation on the issue of vaccinations for children (12-18) which we were, of course, all very interested in. He has kindly given permission for us to share this presentation with our school communities. Vaccinations are always a matter of personal choice and Dr Lomax has provided some interesting information in a very clear and balanced presentation which I hope you find useful.
Festive Eve Update (A COVID-friendly, pre-recorded event this year)
Many students wished to be a part of the important discussion for 2021 Festive Eve. Three teams (Plan A to C) are getting ready to pitch their ideas in a presentation by Tuesday, Sept. 28th. The whole team must come to a consensus and will be asking for your evaluation. I am so impressed witnessing them doing everything listed in the ATL Creative Thinking from “creating novel solutions” to “practise flexible thinking–” to “seeing possibilities, problems, and challenges positively”.
Takako sensei (Music Teacher)
‘My Mommy is Beautiful’ by Yoko Ono
The installation preparations are underway in the HIS Genkan. We are looking forward to seeing the installation on Tuesday next week.
Parent Information Evening video links
Please find below a list of available videos of the Parent Information Evening sessions. We hope you enjoyed the sessions and please remember that you can contact us at any time with questions.
EC –
KG/Gr1 –
Gr2/3 –
Gr4/5 –
Gr6 –
Gr7 – Sorry, the recording is not available due to some technical difficulties.
Gr8 –
Gr9 –
Gr10 –
Gr11 –
Gr12 –
Primary Japanese –
PTA News
- PTA related Events 今後のPTAイベント等について
- Scholastic/Baker Book Club Order スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブ注文受付開始
- HIS Hoodie Order HISパーカー注文受付開始
Future PTA events status 今後のPTAイベント等について
With the daily efforts of the teachers and children, the overall situation has settled down a little, but the state of emergency has been extended in Hiroshima Prefecture, and it seems that the holding of events at schools will continue to be affected. The same is true for PTA-sponsored events, and the future outlook is uncertain. We will therefore inform you as soon as it is decided whether or not to hold individual events. Regarding the PTA meeting, which we postponed, we will decide and let you know based on the future situation.
Scholastic/Baker Book Club Order スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブ
Our new Scholastic/Baker Book Club is up and running!
Go to
to browse the latest books and order online.
For every $1 you spend on Book Club, our school will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards.
Please place your order online by Monday September 27th, 2021.
スコラスティック/ベイカー ブッククラブオーダー受付開始のお知らせ
Scholastic/Baker Booksをご注文いただく準備ができました。
Book Clubで本の購入をされますと、Book Club 内で使えるポイントとしてご購入1ドルにつき20¢がHISに入ります。このポイントは図書室の本を充実させる為に使用されます。
HIS Hoodie Order HISパーカー オーダー受付開始のお知らせ
As we announced at Crane last week, we are currently accepting orders for HIS Hoodies.
The deadline for this order is September 27th (Monday).
We will distribute the hoodies after October Break (October 18th).
Regarding the payment for your order, Please put the exact amount of money in an envelope with your child’s name, grade and hand it to the office. Please note that your child will receive the items after the payment has been confirmed.
Note) As mentioned in the Google Form, please be sure to click the “Submit” button at the end to place your order.
その後皆様のお手元にお配りできるのはOctober Break明けの週の予定です。
注)Google Formの中にも記載していますが、ご注文の完了には必ず最後の『送信』ボタンを押していただきますようお願いします。
Order Hoodies HERE!!! パーカー注文はここをクリック!
That’s all from us. Thank you! Have a relaxing weekend!