ITEMS: Momiji Fundraising Project, Artwork Donations & Copper Cranes; Student Social Event; Congratulations to Lisa for a great presentation; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
We are drawing closer to the end of the year and for this last week, I would like to thank you all for being so great about following our COVID-related health guidelines during the year. I would also like to remind everyone to remain focused on those guidelines until the end of the year and also into the summer holiday, of course. In August, we will be evaluating the situation and it is likely that we will continue with a very similar set of guidelines into the new academic year as we start 2021/2022. It looks like there is some light at the end of the tunnel, but we still have a way to go.
Thank you very much to our PTA for the wonderful Staff Appreciation lunch on Friday. I wish I had a photo but it looked so delicious, I forgot to take one. We have appreciated your selfless contributions all year and look forward to another successful year in 2021/2022.
Congratulations to Lisa (Class of 2020) who gave a wonderful presentation to Japanese universities on Saturday afternoon about her experience transitioning from the HIS Diploma Program to university. The session was run by the IB Asia Pacific office and it was called IB Japan Seminar: From DP to higher education. I was very proud to hear Lisa speak so confidently and reflectively about her experiences to a very large audience from universities all over Japan. Great work, Lisa!
Below is a great TED Talk by the fast-talking scientist, Ben Goldacre, looking at the need for critical thinking skills, a cornerstone of our IB programs from EC to Gr12. Enjoy a critical weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Momiji Fundraising Project, Artwork Donation and Copper Cranes
Thanks you everyone who joined the unveiling of the Momiji Fundraising Project art installation opening, and the donations of the Copper Cranes and Calligraphy Artworks. Please check them all out next time you are at school.

You can see some of the Donor Leaves (red/pink/gold) already up on the tree and we have three of the Global Landmarks named (Gold plaques) so we are looking forward to seeing more names go up on the Momiji Tree which will always be a reminder of the IB Learner Profile attributes that we all develop through our way of learning at HIS. (An explanation of the features can be seen on the wall on the right-hand side.)
Student Social Event
We promote independence and problem-solving in our educational program at HIS and we have an example of these skills with some recent action. A group of students, led by Erin (Gr11), have been organizing a private function that would include interested students between Gr9-12. Although this is not a school event, the students would like to call it a Prom. As a Prom is normally a school-run event, I have been asked if this is OK.
Due to the COVID restrictions this year and for a portion of last year, there have been very few opportunities for social interaction so this event, which is being run in a COVID friendly manner with guidelines supplied by the hosting location, seems like a great opportunity for the students. I have let the students know that it is fine to call it a Prom and this message is just to clarify for parents that it is a private event rather than a school-run event. Erin will send out the invitations to students from Grades 9-12 in the near future.
We are very proud of the students for showing this initiative and judging by the success of student-led, school-based events during the year, we are confident that this will also be a great event. More details will be coming from Erin and the organizing group.
PTA News
From the PTA PTAより
Main Points 今週のお知らせ
- Friday 18th Meeting Report 6月18日(金) のミーティング内容
- Two Important Votes 二つの案件に関する投票のお願い
① Confirmation vote for next year’s PTA Committee2021-2022年度PTA役員選出投票
② Vote on a request for use of PTA funds PTA資金支出に関する投票
- Treasurer’s Report 会計報告
- Staff Appreciation Lunch 教職員の皆さまへの感謝ランチ実施 (ご報告)
- June 21st Karaage Lunch Reminder 唐揚げ弁当日実施のリマインダー・6/21(月)
- Feedback Questionnaire フィードバック・アンケートフォーム
- Thank you and See you next year! 今年度最後のご挨拶・来年もよろしく
Today’s Meeting
Thanks to everyone who took part in our last PTA meeting of the year via Zoom this morning.
During this meeting we looked back over the past year. In spite of many of the usual events and activities we usually run being cancelled due to the coronavirus, we still managed to hold very successful events like Halloween, Korean Culture Day, Valograms, etc, and would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave their time to help with these events. We also managed to start up the PTA shop, and were able to increase PTA funds little by little. We were very happy that working at the PTA Shop, as well as the costume making for Mamma Mia, provided a valuable opportunity for new parents and those who have not had much opportunity to to be involved until now, to make connections with other parents, and get to know the community, students and staff. Thanks once again to everyone who took part in all the activities. We think we had a good year! We plan to continue in this style, learning as we go how to make improvements, and hope we can count on your support as we head into the next school year too. If you haven’t been able to join us yet, we look forward to working with you when you have time next year. Don’t be shy! 😄
Two Important Votes
- Confirmation Vote for 2021-2022 PTA Committee
As Mr Rentoule announced previously in the Crane, the following people have volunteered to be the PTA committee for the next school year. New team members Yukina Fukushima and Nami Ohata introduced themselves at today’s meeting.
- Sayaka Hirata (Treasurer/会計) (Shiori G8, Shun G6)
- Eriko Hird (Alina G9, Marika G6)
- Kumi Kim (Yuu G5, Rin G3, Hana G1)
- Rie Oride (Mahiro G6, Tatsuki EC)
- Yasuko Yamashiro (Daiwa G5)
- Nami Ohata (Soma KG)
- Yukina Fukushima (Yuta G10, Nanaka G8)
In accordance with the PTA constitution we would like to ask you to vote on the confirmation of these people as a group, not as individuals. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the confirmation of this team using the following form:
Deadline: 9am, Friday, June 24th.
If a majority of those who vote choose to confirm this team, they will be considered duly elected as next year’s PTA Executive Planning Committee at that time.
Thanks to outgoing members Hanae Nakamori and Jackie Ikegami for their efforts this year.
- Vote on a proposal for use of PTA Funds
The school has requested that the PTA purchase a selection of sporting equipment which would supplement the school’s PE budget. You can see details of the proposed items and express your agreement or disagreement with these purchases by clicking on the following link.
Deadline: Friday, June 25th 2021
*You may agree, disagree or abstain from these votes using the form, but please note that failure to take part in the vote will be understood as agreement with the majority of those who vote.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this process.
Treasurer’s Report
Please click here to find the most up to date Treasurer’s report for the school year. We expect a slight increase in income due to bento orders, and shop sales etc, by the end of the year. Thanks to all who have helped over the course of the school year, the PTA bank balance is a little healthier than when we started.
Staff Appreciation Lunch
Thank you to everyone who made such generous donations to help us provide our traditional Staff Appreciation lunch today. Thanks to your generosity, the teachers and staff of HIS enjoyed a special lunch box ordered from Le Poet-Laval French restaurant in the city centre today and small gifts were handed to the bus monitors and bus drivers who could not be at school for lunch time.
We are happy to report that your donations were more than enough to cover the costs of the lunch, so the excess will be added to the PTA funds and used to support the school and your children in the near future.
Karaage Fried Chicken Lunch
Just a reminder that the next Karaage Fried Chicken lunch boxes will be delivered on Monday, June 21st. If you ordered one, don’t forget NOT to make lunch for your kids on Monday! 😆
Feedback Questionnaire
If you have time, please share your thoughts about various PTA issues using this form.
In conclusion, as this will likely be our last PTA News of the year, we the PTA Committee for 2020-2021 would like to thank everyone for all their generosity and great volunteer spirit this year. We feel that it has been a successful year considering the challenges the global pandemic has thrown at us and we hope you agree.
To those who will not return in the new school year, good luck on your new adventures, and remember you will always be part of the HIS family wherever you are.
We hope to see everyone else recharged and ready for another great school year in August .
Have a fabulous summer everyone, and stay safe!
From Jackie, Eriko, Kumi, Yasuko, Rie, Hanae and Sayaka ❤️
今日、今年度最後のZOOMによるPTAミーティングにご参加くださいました皆さま、お忙しい中ありがとうございました。今年度1年間を振り返り、相変わらずコロナウィルスの影響により中止に至った行事はありましたが、ハロウィン、コリアンデー、Val O-Gramなどの小規模なイベント・計画は楽しく実施でき、ご協力いただいた皆さまには心より感謝申し上げます。また、今年度はPTAショップを立ち上げ、こつこつとPTA資金を積み上げてまいりました。このPTAショップでは、Festive Eve のお手伝い同様、これまで接点がなく、あまり関わりを持つことができなかった保護者さんや生徒さん、そして教職員の皆さまと繋がりを持つきっかけとなれたことが、私たちにとっての喜びでした。お手伝いくださった皆さま、ご協力ありがとうございました。やり方などを改善しながら来年度も続けていければと考えております。皆さま、引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。まだご参加いただいていない方、来年度はぜひチャレンジしてみてくださいね😄
- 来年度 2021年〜2022年度のPTA役員選出投票
先立って校長先生よりThe Crane にてお知らせがありましたように、下記の7名が来年度のPTA役員として立候補しました。今日のミーティングでは、新メンバーとして立候補された福島 ゆきなさん、大畠 南波さんに自己紹介をしていただきました。
- Sayaka Hirata / 平田 清香 (Treasurer/会計) (Shiori G8, Shun G6)
- Eriko Hird / ハード 恵里子 (Alina G9, Marika G6)
- Kumi Kim / 金 玖美 (Yuu G5, Rin G3, Hana G1)
- Rie Oride / 折出 りえ (Mahiro G6, Tatsuki EC)
- Yasuko Yamashiro / 山城 康子 (Daiwa G5)
- Nami Ohata / 大畠 南波 (Soma KG)
- Yukina Fukushima / 福島 ゆきな (Yuta G10, Nanaka G8)
投票締め切り: 2021年6月24日 金曜日の午前9時
今年度末をもって退任される役員、中森 英恵さん、池上 ジャッキーさん、大変お疲れさまでした。
2) PTA資金の支出に関する投票
投票締め切り: 2021年6月25日金曜日
※この二つの投票フォームでは、賛成、反対、棄権 を選択できますが、投票されない場合は投票総数の過半数の決議に同意したものとみなされますことをご留意ください。
教職員の皆さまへの感謝ランチ実施 (ご報告)
日頃お世話になっている教職員の皆さまへの感謝ランチを実施するにあたって、寛大なご寄付をくださいました皆さま、本当にありがとうございました。皆さまのおかげで教職員の皆さまに、中心部にあるフランス料理のレストラン・Le Poet-Laval / ル・ポエト・ラヴァル さんにご用意いただいた スペシャルランチ・ボックスをお楽しみいただくことができました。また、学校でのランチの時間にご参加いただくことができないバスの運転手さんやバスモニターさんには、心ばかりの小さなプレゼントをご用意させていただきました。
6月21日(月)は、唐揚げ弁当配達日です。ご注文された方は月曜日に間違えてお弁当を用意されないよう、お気をつけくださいね! 😆
THANK YOU! ありがとうございました!
どうぞよい夏休みをお過ごしください。そして、ご自愛くださいね。Stay safe!
From Jackie, Eriko, Kumi, Yasuko, Rie, Hanae and Sayaka ❤️