ITEMS: Momiji Fundraising Project; Tell Your Story – Grade 6 Japanese HistorySpecial Exhibition; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Firstly, congratulations to the Class of 2021 who have now moved on to the next exciting stage of their lives. We wish you the best of luck in all of your new adventures. We are all proud of you!
I would also like to announce that we will be holding the unveiling of the Momiji Fundraising Project art installation on Friday 18th June which will be live-streamed. We are looking forward to seeing the installation and there is a note about this below.
With our EC class having successfully grown some lovely strawberries and our KG/1 class taking care of some sunflowers, I thought that this is a good chance to think about the people who grow our food. Some of our units of inquiry look at the complexity of the systems bringing food from field to table and at the very start of this process we find the farmer who is vulnerable to all sorts of challenges from pests, pricing fluctuations and unpredictable weather to name just a few. This is an interesting talk by Beth Ford about some directions that farmers may need to consider as they prepare food for our tables.
Enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Momiji Fundraising Project
We will have the official unveiling of the Momiji Tree (art installation) as part of the HIS Momiji Fundraising Project on 18 June 2021. This is a closed event due to COVID but we will livestream. Here is a list of our first 13 donors (so far) who will be recognized with plaques on the Momiji Art installation. Each plaque has room for three short lines of text (in any language) so you can see some ideas below. We hope to see many more plaques going up on the 18th!
No. | Name | Plaque | Line 1 | Line 2 | Line 3 |
1 | Mariko Tomita | Global Landmark: Sydney Opera House | Mariko | Tomita | Class of 2020 |
2 | Tomoko Watanabe | Ichou Leaf | Watanabe | Family | 2021 |
3 | HongZe Li | Ichou Leaf | Li | Family | 2021 |
4 | Chikako Nakayama | Ichou Leaf | Nakayama | Family | Class of 2020 |
5 | Yasuharu Nakashima | Global Landmark: Atomic Dome | Nakashima | Family | 2021 |
6 | Ryoma Matsumoto | Ichou Leaf | Ryoma | Matsumoto | 2021 |
7 | Tamami Smith-Obara | Momiji Leaf | Smith-Obara | Family | Class of 2027 |
8 | Ikumi Ganse | Global Landmark: Great Wall of China | To be decided. | To be decided. | To be decided. |
9 | Lisa Nawa | Ichou Leaf | Lisa | Family | 2021 |
10 | Susan Meiki | Momiji Leaf | Meiki | Family | 2021 |
11 | Fuyuko Takita | Ichou Leaf | Ruetenik | Family | 2021 |
12 | Kelly Rose | Ichou Leaf | Rose | Family | 2021 |
13 | Damian Rentoule | Sakura Leaf | Damian | Rentoule | Principal 2021 |
Please contact Yoko Hiraki with any questions about the plaques.
The Cranes will be flying off the tree so you will see how that is being done next week!
For the global landmarks, plaques are placed on a space in each building after it has been polished.
Here you can see Mendel and Matt hard at work.
To find out how you can donate, please see our Contributing to HIS webpage.
If you make your donation by next Friday, we can prepare the plaque by the 18th to be one of the first HIS Donors up on the wall!
Tell Your Story – Grade 6 Japanese HistorySpecial Exhibition
Grade 6 will be having the culmination of their IDU with I & S and Japanese class next week. It is a Japanese History Special Exhibition entitled “Tell Your Story”. The students have designed museum artifacts to showcase different eras of Japanese history. Nozomi and Mahiro have designed a promotional poster to advertise the museum (along with a museum logo by Hinano). Both primary and secondary students and staff will have an opportunity to visit the museum and there will be an online museum catalogue and website for parents to view at home.

The 6th graders also shared the Mousetrap cars that they made in Design class with the Kg-1 class today.
PTA News

Main Points 今週のお知らせ
- PTA Meeting Reminder PTAミーティングのお知らせ(再)
- Teacher’s Appreciation Lunch 教職員の皆さまへの感謝ランチ
- PTA Shop Lucky Bags PTAショップお楽しみバッグ
- Karaage Fried Chicken Bento 第3回唐揚げ弁当オーダー
PTA MEETING – Friday June 18th, 9am PTAミーティング 6月18日(金) 9時〜
As the State of Emergency in Hiroshima Prefecture has been extended until June 20th, the final PTA meeting of the year will be held as planned, but will be conducted by Zoom. A link will be sent out in next week’s Crane.
On Friday 18th June, the PTA plans to continue our tradition of providing lunch for the teachers and staff of HIS, as a way of showing our appreciation for their efforts for our kids throughout the school year. This year, due to the covid situation, instead of serving the lunch ourselves, we will be providing pre-prepared lunch boxes from a local restaurant.
Like last year, we would like to ask parents to make cash donations towards the cost of the lunch, rather than donations of food. As a guide, donations of ¥500 (or more if you are feeling particularly appreciative!) are suggested. Please send your preferred amount in an envelope marked “PTA LUNCH” to the office as soon as you can, and by Friday June 11th if possible.
**Please note that because of the Covid situation we are unable to accept donations of home made food or other items this year.
Thank you to everyone for their support of the PTA shop. In the short time since we started it has proven to be a great success.
Unfortunately we have been unable to keep the PTA shop running during the State of Emergency, and as we approach the end of the school year, we would like to be able to clear out the remaining stock that was purchased on the assumption that the shop would remain open.
We would like to appeal to your generosity and ask you to help us out with this, while supporting the PTA at the same time. 😄
To this end, we will be preparing “Lucky Bags” with a selection of the snacks we had available at the shop. The bags will be available for ¥300 and ¥500, and the contents will vary, so you can expect a surprise!
There will be a limited number of bags in each size, so if you like surprises, please let us know how many bags you would like to order by filling in this form before Friday June 18th.
We will contact you about how to pay, after you sign up and the bags will be handed out to the children. If we receive more orders than the number of bags, they will be distributed on a first come first served basis.
第3回唐揚げ弁当注文について : 6月21日 月曜日
If you would like to order a Karijju fried chicken lunch for Monday June 21st, please fill out the following form. As before there will be a choice of two sizes: SMALL (¥500) and REGULAR (¥600)
Order deadline is: Wednesday June 16th
PTAミーティング 6月18日(金) 9時〜
PTAでは、今年も一年間お世話になった教職員の皆さまへの感謝をお伝えする機会として、6月18日金曜日に Teacher’s appreciation lunch を行いたいと思います。コロナ禍の状況を鑑みまして、今年は手作りは控え、地元のレストランにお願いしてランチ・ボックスを用意していただくことになりました。
つきましては昨年同様、皆さまに1口500円からご寄付をお願いしたいと思っております。( もちろんこれより多いのも歓迎です! ) 封筒に『PTA LUNCH』と書いてオフィスに提出してください。6月11日(金)までにいただけると助かります。お金以外の寄付は受け付けできませんので、その点、どうかご了承くださいませ。
PTAショップを応援してくださった皆様、ありがとうございました。 新しい取り組みではありましたが、子どもたちに受け入れられ、おかげさまで大きな成功を収めることができました!
皆様の寛大なご厚意に感謝し、PTA を支援すると同時に、学年末のご協力をお願いしたいと思います😄
店頭で販売していたおかしを、何が入っているかヒミツの「おたのしみバッグ」としてご用意します。 バッグは300円と500円で、内容はさまざまなのでサプライズが期待できます!
第3回唐揚げ弁当注文実施のお知らせ : 6月21日 月曜日