ITEMS: Class of 2021 Graduation; PTA Committee 2021/2022; Hiroshima Junior International Forum; EC Gardeners; Raising Bilingual Children; PTA News.
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Firstly, congratulations to our Class of 2021 who completed the last IB exams yesterday! They have been studying very hard and are now getting ready for graduation next weekend. You will be able to watch via livestream. We are very proud of the whole class as they now move off into the world. We feel that they are all very prepared and look forward to seeing them all up on the stage at the graduation ceremony!
We had the Spring Concert today which was live-streamed so if you did not get the chance to see the performance live, then you will be able to see all of the action (the whole 2-hour performance) at this link below which is the recording of the original livestream. It was a wonderful performance so thank you to all of our student performers and also to Takako sensei who made it all happen. We had to make quite a few changes, of course, due to COVID, but we were very pleased to be able to see our students shine. We also found out what happens when you leave a livestream unattended during the interval. It was a great event and we hope to have a live parent audience once again next year!
I wanted to announce that I will be completing my second 3-year contract as principal in July 2022, which is still quite a long time away but those years do go by very fast. I will be moving on to another adventure after six great years at HIS so the Board of Directors will commence the search for the next principal of HIS to start in August 2022. The reason for the early announcement is that the search for a principal takes quite a long time and it also involves a lot of of work for the Board of Directors so it is best to start as early as possible to make sure we can find someone who is a really good fit with HIS. It has been a wonderful five years for me so far and I am looking forward to another great year working with you all.
Finally, with so much talk about the ongoing COVID pandemic, I found this talk by Daniel Kraft an interesting perspective on some of the transformative pressures the pandemic has created, potentially leading to what he describes as a more democratized, connected and data-driven future of medicine and personalized care. With the Class of 2021’s graduation next week, moving out into the adult world, this talk is a good reminder of how quickly and drastically our world keeps changing. Enjoy the weekend.
Also, please remember that Monday is a school holiday! Please remind a friend if you think they may have forgotten!
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Class of 2021 Graduation
On Sunday 30 May, you can view the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2021 at this LIVESTREAM link:
PTA Committee 2021-22
As the school year comes to a close I would like to thank the PTA for their hard work this year. As Mairi will be graduating this year, Jackie Ikegami will be leaving, and Hanae Nakamori will be stepping down at the end of the school year so two places on the planning committee will become available for the 2021-22 school year. The good news is that the remaining 5 members of the committee have agreed to continue next year, so thank you to all of them.
The even better news is that two parents have already volunteered to step up and fill the empty seats. Accordingly, in compliance with the PTA constitution bylaws, a Nominating Committee comprising the principal, (me) and 2 PTA members (departing members Jackie and Hanae) would like to nominate the following slate of candidates for the 2021-22 school year:
Treasurer: Sayaka Hirata (G8 Shiori and G6 Shun’s mum)
- Nami Ohata (KG Soma’s mum)
- Yukina Fukushima (G10 Yuta, Nanaka G8)
- Eriko Hird (G9 Alina, G6Marika)
- Kumi Kim (G5 Yuu, G3 Rin, G1 Hana)
- Rie Oride (G6 Mahiro, EC Tatsuki)
- Yasuko Yamashiro (G5 Daiwa)
The next step in the process will be to ask all the parents to formally confirm this nomination and elect this team as your representatives. An online voting form will be sent out for this purpose after discussion at the upcoming PTA meeting. Thank you to all our volunteers who play such an important role in our school community.
Damian Rentoule
Hiroshima Junior International Forum
Here is some information about the Hiroshima Junior International Forum 2021. The brochures were distributed to Gr9-11 students in late April so this is just a reminder. It is a great event and an excellent opportunity for students. Applications close at the end of the month.
English website link:
Japanese website link:
Our EC Gardeners
Unit of Inquiry: How the World Works – Products and Processes
EC’s new understanding about strawberries: “Strawberries are different just like EC. Different colors, different sizes. Red strawberries are much sweeter, and very tasty! We already know that strawberries need sunshine, water and soil to grow. Mr. Rentoule taught us that plants need people’s love too! We can talk to strawberries while caring! Say, Please grow bigger! Please be sweeter! But… can strawberries hear and understand our voices?Some animals and bugs like to eat strawberries too. It is difficult to grow fruits and so many things for caring plants! Farmers’ jobs are very difficult! Thank you farmers for growing yummy fruits for us!” -EC class
Raising Bilingual Children Talk via Zoom
We thought some families may be interested in this talk about raising bilingual children.
- Karaage Order 第二回唐揚げ弁当の注文
- Food orders welcome 他のランチ配達もウェルカム
- Scholastic Books スコラスティック・ブック
- Next PTA Meeting 次回PTAミーティング
Karaage Order 第二回唐揚げ弁当の注文
Please don‘t forget to order your karaage fried chicken lunches for delivery on Monday May 31st, before the order deadline of Wednesday, May 26th.
You can order here:
Food Orders 他のお弁当配達もウェルカム
Our recent karaage orders have proved very popular, both because they are delicious and because parents are happy not to have to make lunch for a day. We are grateful to the Sato family for agreeing to deliver the lunches and for their generous donation of part of the profits.
This idea was born of a suggestion at a PTA meeting earlier in the year, to try and arrange special lunch order days. If you have or know of a business that would be willing to deliver lunches to the school on a one off or occasional basis, then please let the PTA know. Any kind of lunch is ok: french, Indian, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Chinese, but it must be prepared in a professional commercial kitchen (no home made) and delivered to the school already packaged. We just need to know the price per lunch, menu options, and the minimum/maximum order size the restaurant can handle, and we will try and set up a date.
If you have any friends with restaurants nearby that might consider it we would welcome your suggestions.
Scholastic Books スコラスティック・ブック
Thanks to everyone who ordered from Scholastic Books. Thanks to you, we will be able to purchase $120 worth of books for the school library.
The books arrived this afternoon (Friday May 21st) so your child should bring them home early next week, so parents of younger students may want to check their bags!
Next PTA Meeting PTAミーティング
The last PTA meeting will be rescheduled for Friday, June 18th, 2021. If the state of emergency is relaxed and the numbers seem to be coming down, we will hold it in person at school as usual. If not we will run the meeting via Zoom. An announcement will be made nearer the time.
The meeting agenda will include:
- Teacher appreciation plans
- New school polo shirts for special occasions representing the school
- 2021-2022 PTA Executive Committee
- Treasurer’s report for the school year
- Brief review and reflection on the year.
If you have anything you would like to add to the agenda, please let us know 3 days in advance.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
このスペシャルランチ配達のアイデアは、今年度初めごろのPTAミーティングで出された提案から生まれたものです。もし皆さまの中に、他にも飲食のビジネスを展開されていたり、またはそのような方がお知り合いで、学校へのお弁当の配達にご同意くださる方がいらっしゃれば、ぜひPTAにご一報ください。フレンチ、インド料理、和食、イタリアン、韓国料理、中華など、どのようなタイプの食事でも大丈夫ですが、必須条件として、お弁当はレストランなどの場所で有資格者の管理の下で調理され、そのお店で容器に詰められたものをHISに配達していただくことが求められます。(ご家庭での手作り料理は受け付けできません。) 私たちに、お弁当の単価、メニューのバリエーション、サイズの大/小をお知らせいただければ、ご相談させていただきながら実施日を決定します。
前回延期を発表しました今年度最後のミーティングは、2021年6月18日(金) に行うことになりました。もし緊急事態宣言が取り下げられ感染者の数が落ち付き始めていれば、通常通り集まってミーティングを行いたいと思います。それができない場合には、Zoom を通してオンライン・ミーティングを行いたいと思います。時期が近づいてきましたら、またお知らせさせていただきますね。
- 先生方へのTeacher appreciation plans
- 少し改まった場面で着用できるような新しいポロシャツの注文
- 2021-2022年度の PTA役員
- 今年度の会計報告
- 今年度の振り返り
Momiji Fundraising Project

Dear HIS Community
I have an update on the art installation as part of the Momiji Fundraising Project. Our artist, Mendel Jonkers has completed the background for the Momiji Tree along with the Global Landmarks around the base. It is looking great as you can see in the image above.
The installation will include a series of items (leaves, cranes or global landmarks) that will carry the donor’s name and live on in the history of HIS. The items and levels of donation are as follows:
- Momiji Level at ¥10,000 – a bright red maple leaf 紅葉/もみじ
- Sakura Level at ¥50,000 – a pink cherry blossom 桜
- Ichou Level at ¥100,000 – a shiny golden gingko leaf 銀杏
- Tsuru Level at ¥500,000 – a soaring crane available in a choice of colors 鶴
- Global Landmark Level at ¥1,000,000 – a choice from prominent landmarks from around the globe.
You can make a pledge for a donation at the link to the HIS website. We have an official opening on June 4 to place the first donor items on the Momiji Tree so get those donations in and see your name on the installation as a supporter of HIS.
Making donations is easy. Just two steps:
- Write your name on this form with your pledge (so we can thank you and prepare your leaf, crane or global landmark to go up on the installation).
- Transfer your donation to our special donations account:
Hiroshima bank (広島銀行)
Ushita branch (牛田支店)
Ordinary account 3084811 (普通口座 3084811)
Gakkohojin Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuen (学校法人広島国際学園)
Hiroshima International School (広島インターナショナルスクール)
Swift code : HIROJPJT