ITEMS: New Annex Opening Ceremony on Monday
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Our Grade 12 students had their last lessons on Friday. At this point, they are now into their study period and will begin their final DP exams during Golden Week. The exams always begin during Golden Week, the first week of May each year, as schools all around the world in the Northern Hemisphere start the exams on the same day. We are very proud of our Gr12s who have been working so hard and we wish them well. The exams will be held in the New Annex so the Gr12 students will move in on Monday afternoon after the Opening Ceremony to continue their preparation.
I would like to thank all the staff at Hebel Haus who have been so great to work with over this construction period with their quality work, keen attention to detail and unfailing customer service. They also completed the project three months earlier than initial estimations so we are extremely happy to be able to use the new space for our DP exams which need a relatively quiet space. This was the first school project for Hebel Haus and for us, we are very grateful that we joined them for this project.
As we see our Grade 12s preparing for their exams, we also think about the big picture of their learning over these years, and one part of this is the development of deep critical thinking skills which is evidenced throughout their studies but highlighted specifically in their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course. They did their final presentations last week which were wonderful, and I was reminded of some of the ideas they raised when I heard this TED Talk speaker say, ‘I think we now have enough evidence to say…’ As I get older, I am interested in this idea of new brain cells, which goes against some of my learning from high school biology and is a good reminder that we need to keep questioning what we know, but also, and more importantly, how we know. Enjoy your weekend and I hope you have a brain-cell-friendly time.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
This week’s Crane Video is for the Opening Ceremony on Monday. The link opens at 1:30 pm, 15 minutes before the ceremony begins. I have placed it here so it will be easy to find on Monday.
Livestream Link for the New Annex Opening Ceremony on Monday.
New Annex Opening Ceremony
On Monday, we are having the New Annex Opening Ceremony which will be Livestreamed for our school community at the link above.
Due to the ongoing COVID19 epidemic, the ceremony is closed so that we can ensure appropriate social distancing.
A small number of guests have been invited, as well as the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Committee, the Board of Trustees (BOT) and the Board of Directors (BOD). We invite everyone else to view the Livestream. The PTA shop is closed on Monday as we need to restrict access to school due to the COVID measures. Thank you for your understanding.
A number of students will participate in the Opening Ceremony:
Primary SRC (Gr4/5) – MC Assistants: Introducing speakers during the ceremony
- Kento
- Natsuki
- Yuu
Crane Club Presidents (Gr11/12): Making a speech
- Leah
- Airi
Our two students who have been at HIS from EC3-Gr12: Cutting the ribbon
- Mairi
- Yuina
Musicians from G9-10: Welcoming the guests
- Jundai
- Taishi
- Mian
- Mei
- Sean
- Alina
- Yuta
- George
Many thanks to our students for helping out in their various roles.
1:30 pm Guests Arrive & Livestream Link opens
1:40 pm Guests move to New Annex (Gate for guest parking on the field will be closed at this time.)
1:45 pm – 2:00 pm Shinto Ceremony
2:00 pm – 2:35 pm Speeches (HIS students view via Livestream in classrooms)
- Dr Peter Skaer, Professor Emeritus at Hiroshima University and Director General of the Hiroshima International School Board of Directors
- Mr Hidehiko Yuzaki, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture
- Mr Kazumi Matsui, Mayor of Hiroshima City
- Ms Mihoko Kumamoto – Director of the United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) & Hiroshima International School Parent
- Ms Hiroe Sato – Peace Activist, Chairperson of Hiroshima Peace Station (HPS), and Atomic Bomb Survivor
- Ms Jackie Ikegami – Hiroshima International School Parent-Teacher-Association (PTA) Committee Member
- Airi (Gr11) IB Diploma Program Student and President of The HIS Crane Club
- Leah (Gr12) IB Diploma Program Student and Former President of The HIS Crane Club
2:35 pm – 2:45 pm Ribbon Cutting (HIS students move to playground to watch)
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Tours of the New Building
Parking (Gate will be closed at 1:40 pm)
Parking for Teachers, PTA, Board of Directors and Board of Trustee Members

We are very excited to see the New Annex opening as this is an important milestone for us as a school. See you on the Livesteam.