ITEMS: Images from Hiroshima Peace Park, Human Festa; Festive Eve; Events update – Primary & Secondary camps, Sports Day; PTA News
Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Thank you to all of the PYP parents who came in or joined us on Zoom for the PYP Parent Workshop looking at the Learner Profile and the Approaches to Learning. It does not matter what IB program your child is in, the broad range of attributes in the IB learner profile is a central part of your child’s experience at HIS. Here are a few more thoughts:
Regarding Festive Eve, please remember that today is the last day to send in a request for seating at the performances. On Monday we will look at the range of requests and allocate seating. Seating is very limited due to the COVID situation. From the initial responses received, it will not be possible to accommodate all requests so we will need to allocate seating based on a lottery system and also strictly limit requests to parents and children. Early next week, we will announce the seating allocations.
For anyone not able to see the performance in the gym, the event will be live-streamed and also recorded for you. It may not be ideal for you, however, we have a responsibility to keep the performance as safe as possible under the circumstances for our school community by limiting the audience numbers. Our big problem is that Festive Eve is such a great show and extremely popular! We thank you in advance for your understanding. Some more notes appear below under the Festive Eve heading.
In this week’s TED Talk we have another focus on sleep. We need to sleep both before learning and after learning. This may seem like common sense, but it may not be readily obvious to a child with a device while playing a fun game later than they should. Children may not value sleep as much as they need to so we can help them to develop healthy routines to look after their brains. Enjoy the weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
Crane Video
Images from Hiroshima Peace Park
Here are some images from the recent 33rd Hiroshima Citizens’ Peace Gathering that HIS students were involved in, supporting Hiroshima Peace Station (HPS) led by A-bomb survivor, Hiroe Sato. Sato san believes that regardless of experience or age, we need to activiely work to create peace. Sato san has been a wonderful role-model for our students. I would also like to thank Fuyuko Takita (HIS Parent and BOD member) for her role in leading the organization of these events and for inspiring our students.
Human Festa – 5 December 2000

Festive Eve Update
Festive Eve seating request link (We will keep it open until Sunday 5:00pm).
Remember that seating is limited and we may not be able to accommodate all requests. Only current HIS parents and children can be considered for limited seating. Everyone else, we look forward to seeing you next year for a post-COVID Festive Eve! This year, please enjoy the live stream.
Entrance to HIS will be strictly limited to seat ticket holders. If you do not have a ticket and need to drop off your child, we as that you do not come into the building. Drop-off only please.
Festive Eve 2020
Friday, Dec. 11th 12:00-15:30 全席指定 要予約
Saturday, Dec. 12th 13:00-16:30 全席指定 要予約 11月28日revision
Program: This year, we will be presenting Mamma mia!, a musical inspired by the music of ABBA. The choir (all G2-5) will be singing selected pieces during the musical, all primary classes will be presenting class dance acts. G6-10 orchestra will be performing an overture. The cast are supported by the backstage crew who are taking all areas of responsibilities behind the scenes as stage directors, music directors, stage managers, choreographers, musicians, lighting, scenery prop design, costume/hair make-up, audio technicians. Thank you for your understanding of the limited live audience seatings due to COVID-19 situation. Please respond to the Festive Eve Seat Preference指定席希望申込 google form By Sunday 29 NOVEMBER 2020, 5:00 pm 全席指定 要予約です。来場希望日、来場者名を29日までに上記リンクのGoogle form (11月20日Crane付)にて返信ください。(Just a short extension!)
Costumes & Concert Attire:
Final Dress Rehearsals will be on Thursday, Dec. 10th but main cast members should please try to bring all costume items, including shoes, socks and accessories which students are providing from home to school for the Sun, Dec 6th cast-only rehearsal.
All Primary Students:
Please have all costume items you are providing from home at school by Friday, Dec. 4th when Primary Classes have the first stage rehearsal.
Hair and Make-Up The hair and make-up team will be concentrating on main cast members
who require specialised looks. All other students are responsible for their own hair and make up. If you do not receive specific instructions before the performance, light natural make-up and a touch of lipstick is all that is required. Please consult with Leah (G12) if you have any questions.
All Students
Students should leave all costume items at school until the performance unless they absolutely need them at home for some reason. Please put all items in a strong shopping bag with the student’s name and grade on it.
G6-10 Orchestra Concert Attire : Boys: White shirt with collar and dark pants
オーケストラ演奏者服装規準 Girls: Dark Dress OR White blouse and Dark Pants/Skirt
Calf length or longer is more appropriate for this occasion if you have a choice.
Friday, Dec. 11th Schedule:
Normal school day schedule Normal SCHOOL BUSES
10:10 Cast & Crew preparation
10:10 G9-10 music strings tuning
10:50 Secondary brunch, dress up
11:10 G6-10 orchestra gym rehearsal, Early lunchtime for Primary students
11:30-Doors Open
12:00 Curtain Opens
15:30 Bus Departure
Saturday, Dec. 12th Schedule:
Alternative school day schedule. There will be NO SCHOOL BUSES on this day.
8:30 Secondary Students Cast & Crew only arrival
10:30 Brunch* for Cast & Crew *please pack your own
11:45 Other Secondary Students arrival
12:00 G6-10 Orchestra soundcheck rehearsal
12:15 Primary students arrival. No sooner than 12:00 please.
Students will go directly to their homerooms.
13:00 Curtain Opens
Parking: School ground will be opened for PARKING for ticket holders. The space is limited due to the construction. 駐車場スペースは公演の指定券をお持ちの方優先となりますことご了承ください。
Indoor Slippers: Please prepare indoor slippers to protect the gym floor.
Something Warm: Heating in the gym will not be on during the performance. Please wear something warm.
Reception Procedure: Numbered tickets will be distributed the week before. Please display upon entry. 事前配布のチケットのご提示がないと入場できませんので、お出かけ前にご確認ください。
Student Seating and Program Order:
All Students will be seated with the class until the end of the program. Intermission will be minimized to a setting change pause. The program order is as follows:
Mamma mia!
Overtures by G6 Orchestra & G7-10 Orchestra
EC/K-G1 Class: Act I Scene 2 “Money Money Money”
G2-3 Class: Act I Scene 8 “Voulez-vous”.
G4-5 Class:Act II Scene 1 “Under Attack”
G2-5 Choir: Act I “Money Money”, “Thank You for the Music”, “Mamma mia”
ActII “I Have A Dream”, “Mamma mia Bows”, “Dancing Queen Bows”, “Waterloo Bows”
Clean Up:
For all secondary students, community responsibility is an important part of their learning expectations. Orchestra members are expected to safely put away the instruments and take them home after the program. Thank you for your understanding.
Video: HIS will be taking a video recording. We will attempt to make this video accessible via an online link. Please respect the copyright law and use the link ONLY for personal use. Sharing of the link through any open social network is strictly prohibited. 公演ビデオは個人利用のみに限り、SNSでのシェア、公開は固く禁じられています。
HIS Event Update
Primary & Secondary Camps: The Primary and Secondary camps were postponed at the beginning of the year due to the COVID situation. Considering the current status of infections around Japan, we will not be running Primary or Secondary camp this year. We hope to have both camps in September 2021 at the start of next year which we are looking forward to.
Sports Day: As with the camp situation, we will not run a Sports Day at the end of the year. These events need to be booked and organised quite a bit in advance so, with the ongoing uncertainty, we will run some smaller internal sporting events at HIS instead of the regular Sports Day.
PTA News
- Today’s PTA Meeting PTA ミーティング
- Christmas Decorating Monday 30th, 9am クリスマス飾り付け
- Staff Coffee Delivery スタッフのコーヒーが届きました!
PTA Meeting PTA ミーティング
Thanks to everyone who took part in today’s PTA meeting both in person and by zoom. We had a wonderful conversation about how parents can support out kids at HIS, shared lots of ideas about fundraising, agreed on a lot of good points about HIS, and came up with some practical and constructive suggestions about how to make it even better! For those who missed it, we will provide a summary of what was said at a later date, and we will try to have another similar session soon. Thank you!
PTA ミーティングにご参加頂きありがとうございました。沢山の素晴らしいお話ができました。詳細はまた後日お知らせさせて頂きます。
Christmas Decoration Help wanted! クリスマス飾り付け
On Monday morning, November 30th, from 9am, we will decorate the school for the Christmas season. If you have time, please come along and help us get Festive! Ho ho ho! 🎅🏻
Coffee コーヒー
One of the ways the PTA supports HIS is by keeping our teachers caffeinated with a regular donation of coffee. Today a coffee shipment arrived. Here is the lovely Makkie. She is wearing a mask but you can tell there is a smile behind it! Thanks HIS staff. Enjoy your coffee!