The Crane, 8 February 2019


  • Annual Report 2017/2018
  • Host families needed
  • Library Books
  • International Schools Assessment (ISA)
  • PTA News

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

Thank you to the PTA for the creative work on the HIS Festival which will be known as HIS Fun Day. We are very grateful to the patience and flexibility of the PTA Committee as you work toward the goal of organizing a fun day for the HIS community. We are all looking forward to HIS Fun Day!

This week’s TED Talk is one that has been quite influential in education and with over 22,000,000 views and addresses the topic of motivation. Daniel Pink gives us some interesting perspectives on what motivates us. It is presented in a business context, but equally applicable in a school context when we look at the types of tasks and problems we use in our units of inquiry across our IB programmes.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule (Principal)

Crane Video

Annual Report 2017/2018

Please find below a copy of the HIS Annual Report for 2017/2018. This would normally be published in October 2019 after we have undergone an auditing process and calculated consumption taxes for the previous year, however, this was slightly delayed this year due to the recent accreditation visits. It is intended as a brief outline and contains important information including our financial statements.

HIS Annual Report 20172018

Host families still needed for our guests from the Netherlands (April 4-11)

Dear Parents

I would like to thank the two families who have come forward to host students from Comenius College during their upcoming visit in April. Your commitment to this partnership is very much appreciated. We are still looking for four more host families, ideally with children in grades 8-12. However, if you would be able to host and have a child in a lower grade, please let me know as well.

We would like to organize a trip to the Netherlands for HIS students (current grades 8-11) next fall. If you would like your child to take part in this trip, please consider hosting this year if you have space. This intercultural exchange has been a very valuable experience for all our students who have hosted and travelled to the Netherlands in the past three years. I am attaching the information letter sent out with my previous email, as well as introductions from the six students who will be visiting us. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Annie Levasseur

Library Books

The recent order from the Scholastic Book Club has arrived.  If your child ordered books this time, they will be bringing them home.  Thank you to everyone who ordered. One of the benefits of this job has been to be able to allow many of your children to help choose books from the Scholastic Book Club rewards program.  This time we were able to add a total of sixty new books! We will have another book order in the spring – thank you once again!
Yours in reading
Matt Jungblut 

International Schools Assessment (ISA)

The trials for the International Schools Assessment have now finished and we will start the secondary testing on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, February 13
  • Thursday, February 14
  • Friday, February 15
Dates for the primary testing will be communicated next week.

PTA News

PTA News 2019 February 8th