The Crane, 19 October 2018


  • Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences,
  • Book Swap,
  • Influenza cases reported,
  • Secondary Camp,
  • Secondary Textbooks in 2019/2020,
  • PTA News – To be emailed on Monday.

Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Families

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences are coming up next week and we are looking forward to seeing you all here at school. It is a really important moment for your family and although it is a single conversation with each teacher, we would like you to consider this the starting point for the ongoing communication about your child’s learning throughout the year. We have a whole day dedicated to these meeting to make a formal start to this process, however, the intention is that it is just the beginning. We look forward to seeing you there.

You may have seen our students recently on the court in Nagoya and Kobe, on Miyajima, on the HIS roof or even in the hills of Hiroshima. It has been a busy few weeks and learning is happening in many places.


Hope you all enjoy the weekend.


Damian Rentoule (Principal)

Crane Video


We have had a quite a few reported cases of influenza, including Influenza A. Please ensure that you do not, under any circumstances, send your child to school if they are not well, especially if they have a temperature. Thank you.

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

Information regarding the Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences being held on Tuesday 23 October at HIS has been sent home. Please find a copy of the information here: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences 23rd October 2018.

  • Reminder: Childminding available in the library, but only for the duration of your conference. Please make sure you pick your child up right away. Thank you.

Book Swap

On October 30, there will be a book swap held at HIS. The information is here: HIS BOOK SWAP. Thanks to the PTA for organizing this great event in conjunction with the HIS Library.

Secondary Camp

We have decided on a location for the Secondary Camp this year. My apologies for the delay. We have been considering a number of sites and have been trying to find a suitable location that will allow us to do a full range of outdoor activities and where the students have not been in recent years. We had considered splitting the secondary into two groups due to our larger numbers now, but have located a place that can accommodate us all, so we can all go together, which is great.

It is called The National Sanbe Youth Friendship Centre and is in Shimane prefecture. The website is in Japanese, however, we will send out further information in English as we confirm the program. The camp will be in early June – 5th (Wed) to 7th (Fri).

Secondary Textbooks in 2019/2020

In 2019/2020, the secondary school will shift to a different system for managing textbooks. There are a few subjects that use a specific textbook as a core resource. Currently, we have school sets from which we allocate texts to students. From 2019/2020, we will provide a list of required textbooks and ISBN numbers and students will bring their own texts to school. In MYP, we only have a few subjects that use a core text.

To start the transition, textbooks that have been allocated to students will not need to be returned (Gr 6-8 Math may be an exception). Students will be able to pass on their copies to families in upcoming grades. Space will be provided at school for notices to help exchange textbooks.

There are a few benefits of this system, including students being able to mark-up their texts if they so choose. They can also have some control over the quality of the textbook they use. It will be an added incentive to be very respectful of their textbooks as if they are maintained in good condition, they will retain their value. Families, of course, are able to purchase new texts online using the ISBN, however, a good range of used texts will also be available from the upper grade that your child is moving into. We will confirm the text lists and send out to families in Semester Two.

PTA News

To be emailed on Monday.

Japanese Outline