- Spring Arts Gala
- Netherlands Trip Information
- PTA News
1. Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Over Golden Week, please take a moment to fill out our HIS School Satisfaction Survey. The same survey was used in 2015 and we will be interested in seeing how we are going, as a school. This is an anonymous survey and we welcome your feedback. Enjoy Golden Week.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule
2. Crane Video
3. Student-led Conference and Spring Arts Gala
General Information for Spring Arts Gala
- Saturday, 19th May 1:30 p.m. at Hiroshima International School
The HIS Annual Spring Concert will be featuring all students in Early Childhood Class through Grade 12 in various performance groups. The program is presented as a way to celebrate student’s learning engagement through music for the school year. Students are making their final effort in preparing for the special day. Please join us and support, inspire the performers to sing and to play their best!
Program Overview
- Early Childhood Class Movement & songs
- KG-1 Movement & songs
- G2-5 Chorus
- G6 Ensemble
- G9-10 Ensemble
- G11 Solo Small Ensembles
- G7-11 Orchestra
Spring Arts Gala 2018 newsletter info.docx
PYP Message for Spring Arts Gala 2018
Dear PYP parents,
Over the years, as many of you may be aware, The HIS Spring Concert has focused primarily on showcasing the musical talents, progress and achievements of our school-wide student body.
Last year we introduced the Secondary Visual Arts exhibition to further celebrate student learning in the Arts and we are very excited to announce this will continue again this year. The genkan area will be displaying a range of artwork across the grades to celebrate their creativity, inspiration and deep thinking skills. Further details will be sent out via Takako-sensei and Mrs K in due course.
As the day is set to celebrate student learning, we will also be including our traditional PYP student-led conferences to the line-up this year. Student-led conferences have been running for over a decade at HIS and have previously been attended by parents during the week. These conferences play a significant and valued role where students are provided with the opportunity take ownership of their learning and it was felt, expanding the scope of celebrating learning across the curriculum on this day would work well.
Please see the Spring Arts Gala 2018 PYP Parent letter here.
4. Netherlands Trip Information
Dear Parents,
We are currently gathering interest for our next student exchange trip to Comenius College in Rotterdam, Netherlands, which will take place in September 2018. Students have received a paper copy of the attached letter this morning.
Kind regards

5. PTA News
PTA News 27 Apr(日本語は以下に)
1)The income and expenditure report
from this year’s festival is attached.
Although we do not have the final total yet (due to outstanding receipts and some additional possible income with the PTA Bazaar (¥100 shop), it appears that the sales is about 100,000 yen less than than the last year.
Sales are ¥1,084,767, expenses are ¥596,203. The total profit is ¥488,564.
We made about ¥70,000 more than last year, even though, due to the rain, the total in food sales went down. The ticket pre-sales helped, but we believe that some tickets may not have been used. In particular, we are sorry that due to the weather the Bouncy House had to close earlier (during the Bouncy House’s last hour of being open, no guests wanted to enter as well), we hope your children weren’t disappointed and many seemed to enjoy making their own cotton candy!
The Secondary Students also did a fantastic job with their room, which really helped the total sales.
As some students have wondered where the Festival money goes, please let them know that this fundraiser is by far the biggest one of the year. Without it, we would not be able to fund the vast majority of PTA school activities, from Halloween, to Bon-Fire, to Secondary Dances, and the playground and garden renewal.
The PTA is also planning on meeting with representatives from the SRC (Student Representative Council). We are trying to put together a wish list from students and teachers regarding how to distribute PTA funds. We aim to do this before the end of the school year.
Even with the less than perfect weather, our HIS PTA Festival was a great success, and we sincerely thank everyone, parents, students, teachers, staff, administration, outside vendors, and community members for your efforts, cooperation, flexibility, dedication, and assistance. We really cannot do it without you.
As always, if you have questions, comments, or suggestions, regarding this festival or any other PTA activities, please contact us at the PTA email.
2)We will have a Festival after party on Sunday 29th.
You don’t need any booking. Just come and enjoy!
Please come with your child!
Date: Sunday 29 Apr. 5 p.m.-
Venue: KeMB’s 2nd floor
2-9-13, Otemachi, Naka-ku
We will not book a table. You pay for your own food.
3) Go Carp !!
Mrs Seira Kurihara, parent of Conon in Grade 3-4 was able to graciously donate forty tickets to the HIS PTA. Every HIS families’ name was put into the lottery. Twenty families were chosen at random. Each winning family will receive two tickets (one for the student, one for the adult – a parent should attend with their child). The game is on May 20 and starts at 1:30. The total cost of tickets is ¥4200 (¥2100 x 2).
To claim you ticket, winners should contact the PTA by email at on or before
Tuesday, May 8th.
If you do not acknowledge whether you want the tickets by that date, we will offer them to the next family on our list of alternate winners. Tickets need to be paid for by Tuesday, May 15. Payment can be made in an envelope with exact change, to Makkie-san at the office. She will send the tickets home with your child If payment is not made by May 15, we will offer them to the next family on our list of alternate winners.
If you are an alternative winner, and more tickets become available, we will notify you by email.
Congratulations to the winners, Go Carp! Thank you again to Mrs. Kurihara!
The winners of the baseball tickets are:
- Family of SeungEon Y G12
- Family of Kai S EC
- Family of SuHwan B G9
- Family of Julani BG5
- Family of Soshun S G5
- Family of Leah R G9
- Family of Rinoka H G3
- Family of Ayaka I G3
- Family of Lisa N EC
- Family of Erika S G4
- Family of Sophie N G3
- Family of Daichi W G11
- Family of Kathryn F KG1
- Family of Sean V G6
- Family of Emilio G KG1
- Family of Kent N G11
- Family of Yuya N G11
- Family of Reino T G10
- Family of Lucija K G8
- Family of Miina Y G10
We request that only a parent/guardian attend with their HIS student. Ticket transfer within a family is okay only if the other child also attends HIS. Please do not transfer the ticket to another family or student, instead please inform the PTA that you will not use the tickets. There is no reselling of tickets, and please inform the PTA, as soon as
possible, if you will not use the tickets.
最終的な数字ではありませんが(PTA Bazaar(100円ショップ)の追加売上とレシートの未到着あり)売上は去年より約10万円少なく終わりました。
天気の影響か来場者はおそらく少なく、フードの売上合計が減少したにもかかわらず、昨年より利益は約7万円増えました。チケットの事前販売が貢献したと思われます。ですが、一部のチケットが使用されていない可能性があります。特に、Bouncy Houseは天気のため早めに閉鎖しなければならず(Bouncy Houseの最後の時間あたりは雨がひどく入場者がいなくなりました)、子供たちががっかりせずに自分でコットンキャンディーを作ることを楽しんでくれていたら、と願います!
2) 4月29日 日曜日、フェスティバルの打ち上げをします。
日時:4月29日 日曜日 17時より
場所:ケンビーズ 2階
試合は5月20日 日曜日13:30開始です。
- Family of SeungEon Y G12
- Family of Kai S EC
- Family of SuHwan B G9
- Family of Julani BG5
Family of Soshun S G5 - Family of Leah R G9
- Family of Rinoka H G3
- Family of Ayaka I G3
- Family of Lisa N EC
- Family of Erika S G4
- Family of Sophie N G3
- Family of Daichi W G11
- Family of Kathryn F KG1
- Family of Sean V G6
- Family of Emilio G KG1
- Family of Kent N G11
- Family of Yuya N G11
- Family of Reino T G10
- Family of Lucija K G8
- Family of Miina Y G10
6. Japanese Outline