- PYP Re-evaluation Visit Celebrations
- Bento Orders
- Grade 11 Original Tote Bags
- Deli Announcement
- PTA News
1. Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Community
Firstly, as we welcome in the beautiful spring weather I would like to say thank you to all of the parents who have been working on the garden/playground project including the new ball games painted on the paths, additions to the garden space and blackboards on the fence. They are very creative, functional and fun additions that are getting lots of use. It is also great for our students to see the parents collaborating so well.
Congratulations to our PYP team who prepared for the PYP re-authorization visit during a full year-long self-study. That is a lot of hard work as we reflect on our practice and ensure the high quality of our program. Thank you also to our parents and Board members who came in to meet with the team. It takes about 10 weeks for the report to arrive and we will share the outcomes with you and it seems that findings aligned with our reflections from the self-study which is reassuring. A special thanks to Clare Barnfather who has led the team through the whole process.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule (Principal)
2. Crane Video
3. PYP Re-evaluation Visit Celebrations!
What a brilliant time to be celebrating the completion of our PYP Re-evaluation Visit this weekend! The sakura is in full-bloom and we are all ready to enjoy the spring season with hanami picnics and outdoor activities!
However, before I wish everyone a wonderful weekend, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole school community for their contribution and effort towards supporting the PYP re-evaluation process for the last twelve months. Arigatou gozaimashita!
Teachers, office staff, and parents have been meeting regularly over the year to reflect on our implementation of PYP practice, teaching and learning, and the time and effort taken to undertake this collaboration is sincerely appreciated!
Thank you to all parent representatives who joined any of the three parent meetings scheduled specifically to review our PYP at HIS against the IB Standards and Practices. Also, a big thank you to those of you who were able to meet with the visiting team to represent the parent body and Board; Roger Reinoos, Susan Meiki, Rie Oride, Yoko Muto, Kumi Morimoto, Marina Clark, Matt Jungblut and Sayaka Hirata.
A special thanks goes to Eriko Hird who also supported as Parent Representative Leader and helped to make communication and organization run without a hitch.
Also, a huge thank you to the G4/5 SRC members, Sayako (G5), Julani (G5) and Iroha (G4) for volunteering to promote our school on the visitor’s tour. We also had fourteen students across KG-G5 offer their time to meet with the team on Wednesday and we thank you for your participation;
Nozomi (G1) Rachel (G1) Rosie (G3) Mahiro (G3) Monica (G4) and Tess (G5).
On behalf of the PYP team, thank you for taking part and representing us as the HIS community. Although we will not receive the final report from the IB until June, we believe we were able to represent the school in it’s best light! Hoping you can treat yourself to a moment of happiness with the beautiful sakura blossom this weekend!
Otsukaresama deshita!
4. Bento Orders
We have a new bento session coming up: You will be able to order at this link. You can find more information below.
5. Grade 11 Original Tote Bags – Why?
Since early December last year, Grade 11 class has been doing a CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) project on pet overpopulation. Our goal is to raise money to use Aster Plaza for a large presentation in which we aim to raise awareness of the importance of facing the issue of overpopulation. As we try to achieve “low-kill” rather than “no-kill” through advocating for spay/neuter we’d also like to spread the reality of the ever increasing number of dogs to the public. We appreciate your cooperation.
販売理由:去年の12月から11年生はCAS(創造性、活動、奉仕)プロジェクトとして、犬の頭数の増加問題に取り組んでいます。五月にこの問題について11年生はプレゼンテーションをアステールプラザで行うのですが、部屋を借りるための資金を集めなければなりません。私たちはこのプロジェクトを通して殺処分ゼロを目指すのと同時に、皆さんにこの問題の重要性を伝えることを目的としています。 どうぞご協力をお願いいたします。
6. From the International Deli Team
Kitchen Schedule for International Deli at HIS International Festival 2018
The International Deli (AKA “Bake Sale” for new folks!) will return at this year’s International Festival. This year Marina Clark (Molly, Tess, Phoebe), Barbara (Emma), Eriko Hird (Lisa, Alina, Marika) and Jackie Ikegami (Mairi) will be working on the Deli team to deliver the tasty treats of all you bakers out there to the hungry mouths at the festival! We are excited to see what delectable delights everyone is going to donate!
There are 4 ways to help:
- Bake some treats at home, wrap them individually and bring them to school on Friday April 13th. Please wrap in portion sizes that can be reasonably sold for at least ¥100. (If they are very small, put 2 or 3 in a package). Please let us know in advance if you are baking something, so we can get an idea of how much we will have to sell.
- Come and join us in the school kitchen any day the week before the festival for as short or as long a time as you are able to, and we can have a laugh baking and getting ready together. You can bring your own recipe and ingredients, or come and help us with what we are baking. Let us know if you plan to come, so we can make sure to let you know if plans change suddenly. People good at cute packaging are also welcome!
MONDAY(9th): 10am to 3pm (Candy, chocolate treat, eggless cookies etc)
TUESDAY(10th):9:30am to 4pm (Cookies, fruit cakes etc)
WEDNESDAY(11th): 1pm to 4pm (Tarts, pies)
THURSDAY (12th): 9:30am to 5pm (Brownies, muffins etc)
FRIDAY (13th): 2pm till ready (Scones, cakes, cookie/cupcake decoration etc)
*Menu may vary depending on available ingredients and weather conditions.
- Those who can’t come to the kitchen to bake may like to donate any useful leftover ingredients or packaging goods they have in their pantry at home for the cooks at school to use. A chance to clear out your cupboards of things you may not use before their sell by dates, and increase the PTA profit margin since we won’t have to buy as many ingredients!
Please send anything you would like to donate to school with your child on Monday, April 9th.
Items we would gratefully accept include:
Flour, sugar, butter, eggs, baking powder, nuts, whole or ground, coconut, sprinkles or decorating items, choco pens, vanilla or other flavouring essences, chocolate chips, cocoa powder, raisins, currants, dried fruits, syrup, condensed or evaporated milk, powdered sugar or anything else usually used in baking.
If you have something else you think might be suitable that you would like to get rid of, please contact one of the deli team and ask if we can use it.
No need to go shopping specially, only if you have things on the shelf already! Thanks in advance.
- Help out selling the baked goods on the day of the Festival. We would really like to have as many volunteers as possible on the day. Please contact Jackie ( or 09078909464 ) if you would like to volunteer.
You may also contact us via the LINE or FB groups if you have any questions.
What kind of baked goods can you donate?
Anything HOMEMADE that can be individually wrapped. For example….
- cookies, muffins, cupcakes, brownies, tray bakes, macarons, slices or other sweets
- caramels, truffles other confectionery
- homemade bread rolls or loaves
- whole cakes, tarts, quiches, etc
- pies, savoury snacks,
- jams, lemon curds, pate etc
Please DON’T bring any of the following:
- sandwiches
- items which cannot be packaged individually (soups, liquids, messy things)
- Things which must be served with a spoon
- Store bought goods. Homemade only please.
- Things which will spoil if not eaten on the day of the Festival (no raw items, eg sushi!).
- Anything with fresh cream on it.
In the interests of safety for those with allergies, please include a memo with a list of all the ingredients.
This year to spice things up, we will be presenting a selection of the deli’s best treats as a prizes to the biggest contributors! Prizes for donations and time spent! Let the hunger games commence!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let us know!
Thank you in advance for all your help!
今年ものInternational FestivalでInternational Deli(ベイクセール)を行うことになりました。マリーナ、バーバラ、恵里子とジャッキーが頑張らせていただきます。
- ご自宅で作ってから、個包装も済ませた後、13日(金曜日)に学校にお持ちいただく。100円以上のお値段で売れる量で一個一個包んでいただけると助かります。(小さいものなら2個か3個入れるとか…)フェスティバル当日にどれくらいの量が集まるのかを把握するため、何をお作りいただけるのかを事前にお知らせくださると助かります。どのようにラッピングしたらいいのかわからない方も、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
- 協力したいけど、お菓子作りは苦手だし・・・、と思われている方、大丈夫です!! クッキングクラスのような楽しい雰囲気で、私たちと一緒にお菓子作りをしませんか? 4月9日(月)から13日(金)までの毎日、学校のキッチンに集まって楽しく作業をします。ご自分のレシピ(と材料!)をお持ちいただいて学校のキッチンで作ってくださるのもいいし、私たちが用意しているレシピを手伝っていただくのもOKです。お手伝いいただく時間は短時間からでも構いませんので、どうぞお気軽にお手伝いください。 皆さまと楽しくお菓子作りができるのを楽しみにしています。可愛くラッピングするのが得意な方も大募集しています!
学校に来られる方は、予定に変更がないことを事前にご確認くださいね。 (ジャッキーに電話をしていただくか、LINE等を通じてデリチームにご確認ください。)
- デリチームでは、学校でのベイキングへのご参加していただけない方でも、家にある材料やクッキングアイテムをデリチームのクッキング用として提供していただくことでもご協力いただけます。ラッピングに使用できる包装用紙のご提供も助かります。ご家庭にある余っている食材の提供は、家の中で使っていないものを整理していただけますし、材料を買わずに済むことでPTAの予算を抑えることにもなり、一石二鳥です。わざわざ買っていただく必要はありません。もしご自宅に不要な食料品(賞味期限の近いものなども含め)がありましたら、4月9日(月)にお持ちいただくかお子様に持たせていただけませんでしょうか?例えば、小麦粉、砂糖、バター、卵、ベーキングパウダー、ナッツ類(粒そのまま、又は砕いたもの)、ココナッツ、スプリンクル又はデコレーションアイテム、チョコペン、バニラエッセンス、その他のフレーバーエッセンス、チョコチップ、ココアパウダー、レーズン、カレント、ドライフルーツ、シロップ、コンデンスミルク、エバミルク(無糖練乳)、パウダーシュガー、その他通常ベイキングに使えるものなら何でも助かります。
- 当日フェスティバルでデリグッズを一緒に販売していただける方も大募集します。お手伝いいただける時間帯をお知らせください。興味がある方、ジャッキーまでご連絡くださいね。( 090-7890-9464)。
たとえば …
- クッキー、マフィン、カップケーキ、ブラウニー、マカロン、スライスなどの焼き菓子
- キャラメル、トリュフ、ヌガーなどのスイーツ類
- 自家製のパン
- ホールケーキ、パイ、タルトなどの本格派
- ジャム、パテなど
- キッシュ、サモサなどの甘くないもの
- 「個別ラッピング」ができるものを宜しくお願いしますね。
- サンドイッチ(生ものが入る)
- 個別ラッピングできない(スープ、液体、雑なもの)アイテム
- スプーンを支給しれなければならないもの
- 市販の商品(どうか手作りにこだわりましょう)
- 消費期限の短いデリケートなもの
- 生クリームがのっているもの
今年は、デリチームに一番貢献していただいた方に、デリで人気のスイーツを詰め合わせたセレクションをプレゼントさせていただくことになりました! 寄付してくださった量や、デリチームのために費やしてくださった時間を考慮して決定させていただきます! 皆さまのご参加をお待ちしています!
7. PTA News
Tickets selling
To avoid the congestion in the festival, we sell a game ticket in advance.
It is 100 yen/piece, but only a prior receptionist makes 11 pieces for 1,000 yen.
The person who wants to buy, put your name and your child’s grade on an envelope include money by 4th Apr( it postponed from 28th Mar) and please bring it to the office. It will be used at Bouncy castle, a cotton candy, a game corner and more!
Posters and Flyers There are posters and flyers for the Festival in the school office. Please take as many as you need and help distribute them. You can also have your child bring some home if you can’t make it to school. Contact the PTA to arrange this.
The adult HIS t-shirts are expected to be delivered to HIS by April 12. From then you can pick them up directly at the school, or if you’d like to have your child bring it home for you on the bus, please contact the PTA in advance. Otherwise, you’ll be able to collect it at the office on the morning of the Festival! Thank you.
Parking permission
will be provided into your child’s holder on 5th Apr.
Please confirm what volunteer you signed up!
Read It, Review It, Recommend It
<New review>
Ethan Ngo (G2)
Title:- El Deafo
Author :- R.J Palacio
4.5 stars
Recommended G2-G5 or people who likes real stories.
About a girl name Cece from Virginia and she is deaf. Starting a new school with a giant hearing aid.
*Please e-mail to PTA if you have any questions.
PTA ニュース
Ethan Ngo (G2)
Title:- El Deafo
Author :- R.J Palacio
4.5 stars
8. Japanese Outline