The Crane, 16 March 2018


  • No clubs next Thursday
  • HIS Idol
  • Madame Butterfly
  • MUN Conference
  • Student-Teacher-Parent Conferences
  • Summer Program
  • PYP Parent Representatives for the Re-evaluation Visit
  • Family Soccer Lesson with Ange Violet players
  • PTA News

1. Principal’s Message

Dear HIS Community

Thank you to the PTA  for all of the work that you have been doing in the Garden. We even had a group of college students come in for three days to do some of the heavy work and thank you to Ms Ganse for organizing that and also for the parents who came in to cook up a delicious lunch for everyone. It is a great project and is making a wonderful improvement in that space. Thank you.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule (Principal)

Crane Video

3. No Clubs next Thursday

We will need to cancel clubs next Thursday as the timing looks like it is going to be difficult with HIS Idol. This means that we will not do After-School-Activities (Clubs) March 22 and we will the extra day on 19 April.

4. HIS Idol on Thursday next week

Just a reminder. See you on Thursday evening at International House.

5. Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences next Wednesday

Just a reminder that you will have received an email regarding the Student-Parent-Teacher conferences next Wednesday. There are no regular classes this day or buses running. Also, as you can see on the HIS calendar Friday is a holiday.

6. Summer Program at HIS

Registrations for our Summer Program are open.

HIS Summer Program will run for 3 weeks: Monday, 23 July – Friday, 10 August (Monday to Friday). Please sign-up from the link below if you are interested.


–        Week1: July 23rd – July 27th 2018

–        Week2: July 30th – August 3rd 2018

–        Week3: August 6th – August 10th 2018


–       8:50am – 3:20pm (Regular HIS hours)

–       20,000 / child / week

–       Bus fee is 10,000 / week

7. Madame Butterfly

Congratulations to all our secondary students who participated in the opera, Madame Butterfly last weekend. It was a great show and a unique experience to work with a troupe of professional actors and opera performers. That took courage. Well done.

8. MUN Conference

The MUN conference is now over and we are getting ready to head back to Hiroshima after the little reception that was organized for delegates. Our students did extremely well, pushing themselves to participate in debates and helping each other research the issues discussed in the General Assembly.

Lulu has won an “outstanding delegate” award, given to the top 10 participants (out of almost 100), for being well informed on the issues debated, representing their country’s best interests, and making diplomatic and constructive contributions to the debates. (She actually almost won the General Assembly award, given to the best delegate in the GA… she came in second.)
HIS was very well represented at this event. I am a very proud coach.
Happy spring break everybody!

9. PYP Parent Representatives for the Re-evaluation Visit

A gentle reminder that our visit is fast approaching and we will need to confirm parents who would be willing to represent the group as part of our supportive community.
The visit lasts for three days with the visiting team interviewing and observing all representatives of the school community including the teachers, students, parents and board members.
To this end, an agenda has been drawn up to share with the visiting team and a time has been set for the parents representative meeting.

Date:                  Friday 30th March

Time:                  8.50 – 9.30am
Location:            HIS (Meeting Room or G4/5 Cafe, depending on numbers)

Numbers:           8-10 parents would be ideal!

Parking will be available on the playground from 8.30am.
Eriko Hird, who has been standing as the lead parent throughout this process is also contactable if you would like to participate or have any questions.
Please feel free to contact me as well!

Please confirm with Eriko or me by Thursday 22nd March if you are able to attend.

We eagerly look forward to your replies.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Warm regards,
Clare Barnfather

10. Family Soccer Lesson with Ange Violet players

Date: Saturday, 24th March


  • 10:30 Reception starts
  • 11:15 Soccer practice with Ange Violet players
  • 12:15 Lunch
  • 13:15 Mini Soccer games
  • 15:00 Finish

Venue: Coca-Cola stadium (2-11-124 Kannonshinmachi, Nishi-ku)

*This event is for the students from G3 to G6 and the parents

*Please bring comfortable clothes, towel, drink and lunch.

*Parking is available.

*The participants can observe Ange Violet players’ practice from 9:00 am.

Here is some information in Japanese. チラシ(サッカー教室)2018 

11. PTA News


HIS Parents and Staff – your friendly neighborhood PTA here!

We’ve got a lot of announcements, and we do apologize if our tone is not always as polite, clear or welcoming as you expect. We are working in a few different languages, with the obvious limitations and confusion that accompanies this. Also, there have been some concerns that sometimes people feel that they are missing information and communications from the PTA; you might be, we are sorry about that.  Several parents have really gotten motivated and active, especially with the garden and playground, but be assured, no one is actively being closed out, it is more that things are happening quickly.  The PTA has really grown this year and we are getting a lot of things done, but we are also having “growing pains”, mainly with communication.  Our apologies!

Please understand that the “official” PTA communications will happen via direct email (from Makkie-san in the office) or in the weekly Crane.  All the other communication is just extra, and you are welcome to join in, we’d love to have you join in!

There are many parents who are communicating with each other, the methods used are HIS Facebook, HIS PTA Facebook, and two LINE pages (one in English and one in Japanese – and I recommend joining both, even if you don’t read one of the languages, because at least you can see something is up), and there’s even one lonely person on What’s App.  Please join as many as you feel comfortable with, and understand that you might miss some daily communication between members otherwise.

We are trying to create a more active, yet less pressured feeling PTA, and it seems to be working out this year, join when and where you can… and have fun.

14 April Festival

 poster-final ー.png

 Festival A4 infomation.pdf

* The Festival posters have been printed and will be available on Wednesday the 21st (Parent Teacher Conference Day) at the front lobby.  If you need a few and cannot attend, please email the PTA, and we will get them to you.

* All Festival communication will be by email or Crane. Please look out for updates, and we appreciate your flexibility with any changes.

*We need more volunteers!

Even if you are busy, volunteer work can be done in a short time (only one or two hours is all you need).Thank you very much for people who have already signed up.

This is the current volunteer list for the International Festival. Please add your name to one of the blank spaces if you have not already done so. If you cannot do so, please contact the PTA via email. Thank you.

* There will be a parking permit sheet for the Festival provided later this month. People who have already signed up on the volunteer sheet will be given priority.  Please sign up as soon as possible.

 volunteer list.ods

*There are some changes for the festival from previous years, please read the following and take note!

 Important information

* We are getting HIS logo t-shirts! 

There will be an email update about HIS t-shirts for parents, staff, and alumni. The the main points are: The shirts will be different from the children’s PE shirts. They will feature the new origami crane HIS logo. You will be requested to order in advance and can pay at school on Wednesday the 21st (Parent Teacher Conference Day) or by Thursday, sending in the money with an envelope. The cost will be ¥1800. New colors will be bright purple or maroon. You don’t need to own one, but the cool kids will.  😉

*Tickets selling 

To avoid the congestion in the festival, we sell a game ticket in advance.

It is 100 yen/piece, but only a prior receptionist makes 11 pieces for 1,000 yen.

The person who wants to buy, put your name and your child’s grade on an envelope include money by 28th,  and please bring it to the office.

It will be used at Bouncy castle, a cotton candy, a game corner and more!


* This year the International Festival Bazaar is being renamed as “PTA-OFF” (like Book-Off, I hope they don’t sue – humor).  We are still looking for donations, please continue to send things in. We do request the following though: put items in a bag or box, make sure that items like puzzles or games are complete, and try to clean items beforehand. We really appreciate it!

Also, on 21st of March, for the parent-student-teacher meetings-feel free to leave Bazaar contents in the entrance hall box. If you can’t get them into the box, please leave items on the carpet area.

Thank you very much for your kind understanding and cooperation!

* The PTA space on the balcony above the gym is going to be ready for the festival towards the end of the month.  We will be getting rid of lots of clutter there.  Of course, one person’s clutter might be your “incredibly valuable” item that you placed there three years ago.  If you have any personal property on the balcony, we encourage you to remove it by Wednesday the 21st or at least contact us to let us know.  Thanks!

* We still are looking for book reviews and new family introductions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Next meeting

28 Mar 9-11 conference room

Up coming events and deadlines

*T-shirts ordering : 22 Mar

*Tickets selling in advance : 28 Mar

The International Festival on Saturday April 14th (we still need volunteers, ask how you can help, it’s genuinely a fun day). June’s PTA meeting is set for the 16th, and will have a thank you luncheon for parent volunteers.

*We are changing the date for the Kagura Tour, and there was an overlap with the Peace Concert



 poster-final ー.png

 Festival A4 infomation.pdf








 volunteer list.ods













締切は 3月28日(水曜)です
















3月28日 9時から11時 カンファレンスルームにて


*ロゴ入りTシャツ 22日まで

*チケット販売 28日まで


月14日 フェスティバル



***どんな小さな質問でも構いませんのでご不明な点等ございましたらどうぞお気軽にPTAへメールをください (日本語は渡辺か山城がお答えします)

Japanese Outline