- Jessy Bosman’s last week at HIS
- Contributing to HIS web-page
- DP Open Day
- MYP consultation visit – parents panel
- Japanese Workshop follow-up letter
1. Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Families
I hope you all receive the Crane email this week. We have been having difficulties with Crane email and embedded link bouncing back with a ‘This message has been blocked’ notification. This started about a month ago. We seem to have solved the problem by creating a new email address and last week the emails seem to have gone through. We are all very excited as Festive Eve Fever grips HIS. The students are rehearsing scenes, singing songs, creating props, planning for sound and lighting, sorting and sourcing costumes, stressing and laughing to name just a few of the actions required in preparation for an event like this. Takako sensei is at the centre of all of this, assisted by a team of teachers, parents and students. Best of luck over the next few weeks and I can’t wait to see Into the Woods on stage. Enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule (Principal)
2. The Crane Video
3. Jessy Bosman’s last week at HIS
I would like to thank everyone from the HIS community for welcoming me with open arms and making me feel at home during my teaching practice. I had an amazing time working with KG/1, G2/3, G4/5 and G6, getting to know the students, teachers and parents, and participating in all the great activities organised throughout my stay here. HIS is a fantastic community and I’m honored to have been a part of that for the past nine weeks. I’m sad to leave HIS, but I have loads of lovely memories of my time here! Take care, everyone, and maybe our paths will cross again in the future!
4. Contributing to HIS web-page
We have set up a Contributions page on our website. On this page, you can make a donation. If you like, the donation can be used for the purchase of a Wish List item, two of which can be seen above. Thank you for your kind support of our educational program.
Recognition: We would like to warmly thank the Li Family (EC) for their generous contribution of 100,000 yen to start our Annual Giving Campaign this year. Your kind donation is much appreciated by us all here at HIS.
5. DP Open Day
Parent Information Sessions 2017: Secondary parents are encouraged to attend HIS’s DP Open Day on Thursday 23 November from 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm. G10 & G11 parents are strongly encouraged to attend the sessions recommended in the letter attached. There will be 5 workshops taking place. We hope that you will consider joining us to learn more about the DP program, College Counseling and SAT & ACT. If you have questions in advance of the Open Day sessions, please contact Ms Pechhold or any of the teachers hosting sessions. Click here for more information: Open Day 2017.docx
6. MYP consultation visit – parents panel (Looking for more parents)
7. Japanese Workshop follow-up letter
Dear Parents,
We thank you for your attendance at the workshops explaining our new approach to Japanese kanji instruction and learning. We understand that our approach is a departure from methods used in the past; however, this new direction will align our Japanese language programs with the teaching and learning philosophy of the International Baccalaureate programmes.
We were able to address many questions and concerns at our most recent workshop in October. As a follow-up, we would like to expand on a few points that stood out in the parent questions and feedback:
- We will continue to develop our integration of kanji instruction into unit plans as shared by Yanagi-sensei. Periodic drills and tests may be a part of formative and summative assessments, but they will not be the only forms of assessment. When appropriate, paper and pencil kanji tests may be used. We feel that assessing kanji in a variety of context is not only an effective method of gaging students’ language development and usage skills, it is aligned with IB MYP assessment criteria.
- The kanji studied in each unit will be relevant to our units of study in our Japanese Language and Literature and Japanese Language Acquisition courses. Therefore, our students’ kanji learning will not mirror the units in local schools that follow the national curriculum. Our students will be learning kanji related to the texts and skills taught in our program.
- We will continue to differentiate instruction so that all students are supported in their kanji learning. The new structure for our units outlines the basic kanji students need to master as well as the kanji that will prepare them for the IB Diploma Programme. Instruction will support students who may not be as proficient in kanji and are challenged by the basic kanji list for the unit.
- As with any language learning, home support is required outside of the classroom in order for the language to fully develop. Outside reading in all languages, mother tongue and acquired languages, is critical for all students.
- For parents who would like to support kanji learning at home, unit overviews and the homework calendar provide information about the learning in each unit. Engaging students in discussions about what they are learning, monitoring homework and reviewing unit overviews with students are a few ways parents can support and extend kanji learning.
- HIS will order kanji grade-level workbooks, Akaneko kanji skills, for students to work from over the summer if families would like to pursue additional studies.
If parents and students would like to assess their kanji development compared to MEXT grade level guidelines, they may use Monka syo kanji grade level workbooks over the summer.
As in the past, our goal is to prepare students to be successful in Japanese language courses in the IB Diploma Programme. As implementation of our new approach to kanji learning progresses, we hope to share more with you related to instruction, assessment, and student outcomes.
HIS Pedagogical Learning Team & Japanese Language Department
- 日本語科教員、柳より説明があったように、漢字の指導と学習は引き続きユニットの学習計画の中に取り入れていきます。必要に応じ、漢字の書き取り練習や筆記テストもフォーマティブ・サマティブアセスメントとして行われる場合もありますが、それが唯一の評価方法ではありません。様々な方法で漢字学習を評価することは、生徒の語学の上達および使用スキルを評価する効果的な方法であるだけでなく、IB MYPの評価基準に沿っています。
- 各ユニットで学習する漢字はMYPの日本語:言語と文学クラス、そしてJapanese Language Acquisitionクラスの授業内容に関連する漢字となります。そのため、生徒が学習している漢字は、文部科学省のカリキュラムに沿っている学校に通っている生徒がその学年で学習している漢字と同じではないかもしれません。私たちの生徒は私たちのプログラムが使用しているテキストや学習しているスキルに関連する漢字を学んでいきます。
- 生徒にあった支援をする事により、全ての生徒が漢字学習の成果を出せるよう努めております。ユニットレッスンの中では、授業内容に関連する基本的な漢字からIBディプロマプログラムに必要な漢字を提示しています。漢字を苦手とする生徒はユニットの中の基本的な漢字から取り組むことで成果を上げていく事ができます。
- どの言語学習においても、言語を十分に発達させる為には家庭でのサポートが不可欠です。母語、学習言語、その他のいかなる言語にかかわらず、学校外で読書をする事は、語学を習得する上でたいへん重要な役割を担っています。
- ご家庭で漢字学習のサポートをしていただく時には、ユニットの学習内容を記載しておりますユニットサマリーとホームワークカレンダーを参考にしていただければと思います。また、学校で学習している事について話し合っていただいたり、宿題の進捗状況を確認していただく、あるいはユニットサマリーをお子様と一緒に見ていただく事も漢字学習の支援に繋がっていくと思います。
- 学年末には夏休みの家庭学習用として使用していただけるように、一条校で使用されている学年別の漢字ドリル『あかねこ漢字スキル』の注文用紙を配る予定にしております。これは夏休みの間に漢字をしっかりと復習していただくと共に、ご家庭でお子様の漢字学力を文科省のガイドラインと照らし合わて進めたいとお考えの方へのサポートになればと計画しているものです。この機会をご活用下さり、ご家庭における漢字学習にお役立て下さい。
HIS Pedagogical Learning Team & Japanese Language Department
6. PTA News

8. Japanese Outline