1. Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Families
We said goodbye, today, to our Comenius College visitors from the Netherlands. It was s great experience for our students and we hope to continue the relationship built with the school through this trip and send some of our students to visit them next year. Thank you again to all of the homestay families. We also have another school group visiting us on Monday – Westridge School Glee Club and parents are invited to come and see the performance. The details are below. Thank you to Takako sensei for organizing this great even once again. Now we enter into the very busy lead up to the HIS Festival. Thank you to the PTA for all of the work that has been going into this event, which is shaping up to be a great day.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule (Principal)
2. The Crane Video
3. Incoming Teachers in 2017/2018
We are excited to welcome our four new teachers joining us in August 2017.
Edward Hardisty (Jamie) – Secondary Science
I am originally from the UK though I moved around Europe a lot as a child due to my father’s job. I have been a teacher for 17 years, 7 in the UK and the last 10 in Hong Kong. In this time I have taught all of the sciences with an emphasis on biology and environmental science. In my spare time I am rather keen on photography especially wildlife and action as well as watching sports with a special interest in ice hockey and rugby. I am looking forward to moving to Japan as it is a country I have visited several times from Hong Kong and I love the culture and beauty of the country.
Samuel Sheehy – Secondary English

Alexandra Omukova (Sasha) – Secondary Mathematics
Alexandra decided to become a teacher at the age of 6. At 4th grade she seriously thought about which subject she would want to teach, mathematics or English? Her homeroom teacher gave her an idea that she might be able to do both. Alexandra has earned a Master Degree in Mathematics at Yakutsk State University. Since then, Alexandra taught different ages in Russia, USA and Japan. Her passion for education and mathematics brought her to HIS.
Ryoko Jordan – Primary Teaching Assistant
Many in the HIS family know me as a teaching assistant and library coordinator at HIS from 2007 to 2014. Even from afar I have always cherished and loved being a part of the HIS community. I am very happy to join the team again.
4. Westridge School Glee Club
16:00 – Peace Park Tour end
5. School Calendar for 2017/2018
You will find the HIS Calendar 2017-2018 on the website and we will also publish the 2019/20120 calendar before the summer, just in case you need to organize those holidays and business trips in advance.
Please note:
- Next year, Festive Eve and Spring Concert will be on Saturdays. This will enable a greater number of our families to attend these great events.
- Thursday, November 23 is a national holiday, however school will be open as we will run an open house on this day. The following day will be a school holiday.
- Wednesday, March 21 is a national holiday, however we will have our student/parent conferences on this day so that it is easier for families to attend. The Friday of that week will be a school holiday.
6. HIS Idol Survey
HIS Idol is coming up and we would like to gather some feedback from the community before we decide on a venue and time as some different ideas have been proposed. You can access the HIS Idol survey here. Thanks for helping.
7. PTA News (日本語は以下)
There is some more information:
1) If you are not volunteering, please park your car at Fire Department School (Shobogakkou). A shuttle bus will start running at 10:00.
2) For people volunteering and park at the Special-needs Education School ( Shiengakkou), there is limited space in the shuttle bus. Please drop your children off at HIS first and park the car at Shiengakkou later. As well as the shuttle bus, A HIS school van will run temporarily at the peak time as well. It will be a 15 to 20 minute walk.
3) We are still accepting donation items at the 100 yen shop.
4) Empty plastic bottles are also very welcome as a tent stabilizer. Please leave 1.5L or 2L plastic bottles with your children in the morning.
8. From the International Deli Team
Kitchen Schedule for International Deli at HIS International Festival 2017
The International Deli (AKA “Bake Sale” for new folks!) will return at this year’s International Festival.
There are 4 ways to help:
- Bake some treats at home, wrap them individually and bring them to school on Friday April 14th. Please wrap in portion sizes that can be reasonably sold for at least ¥100. (If they are very small, put 2 or 3 in a package). Please let us know if you are baking something in advance, so we can get an idea of how much we will have to sell.
- Come and join us in the school kitchen any day the week before the festival for as short or as long a time as you are able to, and we can have a laugh baking and getting ready together. You can bring your own recipe and ingredients, or come and help us with what we are baking. Let us know if you plan to come, so we can make sure to let you know if plans change suddenly.
MONDAY: 10am to 3pm (Candy, chocolate treat, eggless cookies etc)
TUESDAY:9:30am to 4pm (Cookies, fruit cakes etc)
WEDNESDAY 9:30am to 4pm (Tarts, pies)
THURSDAY: 9:30am to 5pm (Brownies, muffins etc)
FRIDAY: 2pm till ready (Scones, cakes, cookie/cupcake decoration etc)
*Menu may vary depending on available ingredients and weather conditions.
- Those who can’t come to the kitchen to bake may like to donate any useful leftover ingredients they have in their pantry at home for the cooks at school to use. A chance to clear out your cupboards of things you may not use before their sell by dates, and increase the PTA profit margin since we won’t have to buy as many ingredients!
Please send anything you would like to donate to school with your child on
Monday, April 10th.
Items we would gratefully accept include:
Flour, sugar, butter, eggs, baking powder, nuts, whole or ground, coconut, sprinkles or decorating items, chocopens, vanilla or other flavouring essences, chocolate chips, cocoa powder, raisins, currants, dried fruits, syrup, condensed or evaporated milk, powdered sugar or anything else usually used in baking.
If you have something else you think might be suitable that you would like rid of, please contact one of the deli team and ask if we can use it.
No need to go shopping specially, only if you have things on the shelf already! Thanks in advance.
- Help out selling the baked goods on the day of the Festival. We would really like to have as many volunteers as possible on the day. Please contact Jackie (jax@ck9.so-net.ne.jpor 09078909464 ) if you would like to volunteer.
You may also contact us via the LINE or FB groups if you have any questions.
What kind of things can you donate?
Anything HOMEMADE that can be individually wrapped. For example….
- cookies, muffins, cupcakes, brownies, tray bakes, macarons, slices or other sweets
- caramels, truffles other confectionery
- homemade bread rolls or loaves
- whole cakes, tarts, quiches, etc
- pies, savoury snacks,
- jams, lemon curds, pate etc
Please DON’T bring any of the following:
- sandwiches
- items which cannot be packaged individually (soups, liquids, messy things)
- Things which must be served with a spoon
- Store bought goods. Homemade only please.
- Things which will spoil if not eaten on the day of the Festival (no raw items, eg sushi!).
- Anything with fresh cream on it.
In the interests of safety for those with allergies, please include a memo with a list of all the ingredients.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know!
Thank you in advance for all your help!
今度のInternational FestivalでInternational Deli(ベイクセール)をすることになりました。
- ご自宅で作っていただいて、包んでいただいて、14日(金曜日)に学校に持って来ていただく。¥100からのお値段で売れる量で一個一個包んでいただくと助かります。(小さいものなら2個か3個入れるとか…)ラッピングが必要な方、ご相談ください。
- お菓子作りが苦手だけれど、協力はしたいわ!と思われている方、大丈夫です!!クッキングクラスさながらの楽しい雰囲気でお菓子作りを一緒にしましょう。4月10日から14日まで毎日学校のキッチンで作ります。ご自分のレシピ(と材料!)を持ってきていただいてもいいし、キッチンで作ってもいいし、私たちが用意しているレシピを手伝ってもいいです。短時間でも結構ですのでご気軽にお越しください。
- デリチームの中で学校でのクッキングには参加できないけれど、家にある食料品やクッキングアイテムをデリチームのクッキング用として提供してくださる方も募集しています。各家庭にある余分な物の提供は、家の中にある使っていないものを整理できるし、材料を買わずに済むとPTAの予算を抑えることにもなり、一石二鳥です。わざわざ買う必要はありません。もしご自宅に不要な食料品(賞味期限の近いものなども含め)がありましたら、4月10日(月)にお持ちいただくかお子様にもたせていただけませんでしょうか?例えば、小麦粉、砂糖、バター、たまご、ベーキングパウダー、ナッツ類(粒そのまま又は砕いたもの)、ココナッツ、スプリンクル又はデコレーションアイテム、チョコペン、バニラエッセンス、その他のフレーバーエッセンス、チョコチップ、ココアパウダー、レーズン、カレント、ドライフルーツ、シロップ、コンデンスミルク、エバミルク(無糖練乳)、パウダーシュガー、その他通常ベイキングに使うようなものは何でもありがたく使わせていただきます。
- 当日フェスティバルでデリを一緒に販売していただける方も大募集。販売のお手伝いが出来る時間帯をお知らせください。興味がある方、ジャッキーにご連絡ください。(jax@ck9.so-net.ne.jp09078909464)。
- たとえば …
- クッキー、マフィン、カップケーキ、ブラウニー、マカロン、スライスなどの焼き菓子
- キャラメル、トリュフ、ヌガーなどのスイーツ類
- 自家製のパン
- ホールケーキ、パイ、タルトなどの本格派
- ジャム、パテなど
- キッシュ、サモサなどの甘くないもの
- 「個別ラッピング」できるものを宜しくお願いしますね。
- サンドイッチ(生ものが入る)
- 個別ラッピングできない(スープ、液体、雑なもの)アイテム
- スプーンを支給しれなければならないもの
- 市販の商品(どうか手作りにこだわりましょう)
- 消費期限の短いデリケートなもの
- 生クリームがのっているもの
9. HIS Student Performances at HIS Festival April 15th
Takako Tokunaga
G2-5 Choir
- Meeting time 10:00 in the Music Room
- HIS Team Colour t-shirts
- Performance in the Gym 10:30-10:40
G9-10 Music Students
- Meeting time 10:15 in the Pink Room
- Coordinate appropriate outfit
- Performance in the Gym 10:45-11:00
10. Japanese Outline