Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Families
We have had an exciting week with the Rob Houchen workshop on Tuesday, which was an amazing experience, and then a visiting group of students from the Netherlands arriving at school on Friday. The EC class surprised our Dutch visitors by singing a song in Dutch as well as knowing how to say hello, good morning and goodbye in Dutch as well. The EC class has been learning about the Netherlands with Celeste, one of our student teachers, and about Canada with Chris, another of our student teachers. It is a good reminder that you never know when your learning is going to come in handy. Chris Suupa from Queens University, Canada has finished his three-week practical teaching with us and we would like to express our gratitude for both his enthusiasm and the care he showed our students. Thank you, Chris. Best of luck in your future teaching career.
Kind regards
Damian Rentoule (Principal)
Crane Video
Comenius College visitors from the Netherlands
Over the next week, if you are at school, you may get to meet our visitors from Comenius College in the Netherlands. We hope to send a group of our students on a reciprocal visit next year. The six students and four teachers will be participating in a range of activities and also conducting some independent research. Thank you to the Kamibeppu, Reinoos, van der Sanden, Watanabe and Takenaga families for being kind enough to host students.
Westridge School Choir visiting HIS
On Monday, April 10th, HIS Thousand Crane Club students will be hosting as HIS ambassadors, the Peace Monument tour around the Peace Park accompanying 34 students and staff from Westridge School Choir visiting HIS on an exchange program. Westridge School and HIS has a long relationship since their first visit in 2007. Thousand Crane Club guided them in the Peace Monument tour for the first time in their 2013 visit. We would like to continue the good will tradition. Thank you to Takako sensei for organizing and supporting this event.
Sport Day
On Friday 21st April HIS will be having the Annual Sports Day at Coca Cola Stadium. This has always been a day of fun, competition and performance and we’re looking forward to adding to this tradition this year. Students will have the opportunity to work within a multi age group completing a variety of activities, as well as, testing their best against their peers in Tack and Field events.
This is an all day event and everyone is to meet at the stadium by 8:45am. Sports Day will finish between 3:30 and 4:00 pm. Regular school bus riders can ride the bus from their usual spot, to Coca cola stadium. All other students are expected to arrange transportation to and from the stadium. Parents, relatives and friends are encouraged to come along to support and participate in the days events. The morning will consist of Track and Field Events followed by a cooperative team challenge competition in the afternoon.
PTA News
Just two weeks left before the HIS Festival!
1) We are still looking for goods for donation at 100 yen shop. We greatly appreciate if you can bring unused items and clean clothes from your house to school as a donation.
2) We will hand out HIS Festival pamphlet, parking permit and information about hygiene regulations by 7 April.
3) We need volunteers to help setting up on the PREVIOUS day of the Festival. Please sign up if you can spare some time to help our school.
4) We need lots of plastic bottles to stabilize the tents. Please leave 1.5L or 2L empty bottles with your sons and daughters.

Japanese Summary Video