1. Principal’s Message
Dear HIS Families
I hope you are enjoying some wonderful spring weather. Preparations are well underway for the HIS Festival, so I would like to thank all of the PTA for the hard work that is going into this event. We are all looking forward to it. Congratulations to our Cooking Club who were stars in a cooking show on TV, Thank you very much to both Jenny and Yumiko for your work with the Cooking Club. The show was great. Enjoy your week.
Damian Rentoule (Principal)
2. The Crane Video
3. Actor Mr. Rob Houchen Workshop @ HIS
- Tuesday, March 28
- Mr. Rob Houchen starred as Marius, Les Miserables in London, West End.
- Parents are invited to attend the Finale scene from 2:45pm in the Gym.
I would like to thank Robert Scott, Hiroshima resident, for making this event possible.
4. See Rob Houchen in Hiroshima – subsidizing his visit to HIS
Fresh from the West End stage, having appeared from 2013-2016 in the role of “Marius” nearly 1000 times in Les Miserables, here is your chance to attend a live event here in Hiroshima from a true London West End Star. Rob will be performing 2 live events on 25th and 26th Marchat Baker Street/Oasis Bar from 18:00. Tickets are 4,000 yen per person. With a maximum capacity of 50 people you will be able to hear Rob perform 2 sets of 40 minutes each night with songs from Les Miserables and other shows in a unique setting which is normally impossible to see here in Hiroshima. Rob’s visit to HIS is subsidized by Baker Street/ Oasis bar and any support from parents attending would be appreciated as these opportunities are very rare for students and parents alike.
To reserve tickets simply send a message to the organizers on the Facebook page above.
5. Comenius College visit from the Netherlands
From March 31-6 April, we will be hosting six students from Comenius College (Netherlands) and their teachers. The students and teachers speak English and they are coming to Hiroshima to carry out independent research. Students are ages 16-17 years old. They will be spending time at HIS and out and about doing fieldwork. Five HIS families have volunteered to host them while they are here, and we would like to express our deep appreciation to you for hosting a student. We hope that this becomes a partnership between the two schools so that HIS students can have a similar experience in the Netherlands in the future!
6. PTA News
The performance schedule for the HIS International Festival is now available! It will feature a great mix of HIS musical talent and outside performers, so be sure to invite your friends and family!
Thank you very much for putting your name down to the sign-up sheet! We are still looking for someone who can help Deli Team. If you haven’t put your name down yet, there is a chance for you.
Each team leader will contact you shortly.
2) We need more donation goods for the 100 yen shop!! If you have unused items lying around in your household, please help us by bringing them in. You can clean up your house and at the same time you can help the HIS community! Not all items will be 100 yen. We will price them differently depending on the condition of the items.
3) Request from G9 – Does anyone have an electric ice shaver so that they can borrow? We have a manual one at hand. We need an ELECTRIC one. If there is anyone who has one, please contact PTA team at
4) Does anyone have a child size golf club so that we can borrow for the day?
Plastic would be preferable. If you have one, please contact us.
5) We need volunteers who can help us on a PREVIOUS DAY of the Festival.
Basically the preparation starts after the school. However, we can start setting up on the field before the school finishes. Please send us an email and say you can help for the preparation as we want to know how many of you can help beforehand.
Email – club@angeviolet.com
Fax – 082 521 3350
Deadline March 27 5 pm
Age : 4-8 years old
Mr. Morisaki, star soccer player who just retired from San Frecce will interact with 30 kids for about 30 mins and play soccer.
This info is written on the poster

Fax – 082 521 3350
締め切り : 3月27日 17時
対象年齢 : 4~-8 才

7. Japanese Outline