The Crane 17 February 2017

1. Principal’s Message

Dear Parents

I would like to thank all of the parents and Board of Directors (BOD) members who came to the strategic planning meeting last weekend. It was wonderful to be see everyone working together and hearing all of the great ideas. If you would like to contribute, you can add your thoughts at this link. These are the questions that we focused on:

1. What would you consider the current strengths of HIS? (We have control over these.) HISの強みは何だと思われますか?

2. What would you consider the current weaknesses of HIS? (We have control over these.) HISの弱い所は何だと思われますか?

3. What would you consider the current opportunities for HIS? (We don’t have control over these.) HISにとっては現在何がチャンスだと思われますか?

4. What would you consider the threats to HIS? (We don’t have control over these.) HISにとっての脅威は何だと思われますか?

5. What ideas do you have for where you want HIS to be in the future?  (A good way to think about this question is, what would you like us to be known for? When someone hears the name HIS, what will they think of? HIS is the school that……) 将来HISにどのようになって欲しいと思われますか?(例えば、どんなことで有名になって欲しいですか?HISの名前を聞くと何を連想して欲しいですか?)

Thanks for your help in this important task. Remember, one week until our Spring Holiday childcare so please sign up soon if you would like to join.

Kind regards

Damian Rentoule (Principal)

2. Crane Video

3. Spring Holiday Child Care

We have three teachers joining us for the Holiday Care (Ryoko, Jerry and Denise) and we have a wonderful program organised including a rotation each day between the following activities, structured for the different age-groups:

  • Physical activity on the playground in the morning
  • Design thinking focus – problem solving each day. (e.g. Constructing free-standing structures, designing the ultimate animal, coin boat challenge.)
  • Music – singing and guitar
  • Art – Drawing lessons by our resident illustrator, Jerry as well as Arts and crafts
  • Library time to relax after lunch
  • Sports – freeze tag and a variety of other games.

Secondary CAS students under the supervision of the teachers will also join to lead activities that they have designed. A great way for our primary and secondary student to interact. For our PYP students (EC1-Grade 5).

  • Dates: Monday February 27 to Friday March 3
  • Time: Regular HIS hours 9:00am – 3:20pm
  • Cost: ¥20,000 for the week
  • Transport: A bus will be provided. Cost of bus to be determined.
  • Program: Creativity & Movement: The program for the week will focus on creativity and movement with a variety of activities each day keeping students physically active and engaged in the creative arts while maintaining an English language environment.
  • Application: Please email Ms Hirata at

4. Parent Workshop Presentations Available 

Thanks to all of the parents who attended our recent workshops held in town at Tully’s and at during the Open Campus. The presentations and materials for both of these are now on the “Secondary” page of the HIS website. To access them, simply select the “Curriculum” tab on our homepage. Select “Secondary.”
On the Secondary page, you will find two MYP presentations: IB Middle Years Programme at HIS and MYP Personal Project Parent Presentation.

You will also find information about English Language Acquisition in the Secondary Program, including presentation slides that outline the philosophy of the English language acquisition program at HIS and parent resources about the expected projection for language acquisition. Other helpful documents, a parent checklist, and a “more like/less like” profile of English language learners have also been added.

5. Hungry Hideout

There is going to be a fundraiser for child and breast cancer on 20th to 24th of February, in Hungry Hideout. Open during break and lunch, the fundraiser will be selling delicious brownies (on 21st to 22nd), only for 100 yen a piece. In addition, you can buy DIY cancer ribbons and earrings (both for pierced and non-pierced ears). Not only you can buy pretty accessories and brownies, you are also supporting women and children who are struggling with cancer.


6. PTA News

PTA News for the Crane (17 February 2017)(日本語は以下にあります)

1)  BOT election
One person has been nominated for the Board of Trustees so far.  If you would like to nominate yourself or another parent/guardian, please email us at  The deadline is 20 February. 

2) HIS Festival
1. Don’t forget to send in your volunteer sign-up sheet for the Festival.  Please sign up early so we can start preparing!

2.  Advertisement for HIS Festival pamphlet 
We still have plenty of space in the Festival pamphlet.  If you would like to advertise your business or service, contact the PTA.

3.  100 yen shop
Many donation goods have started to come to HIS.  Please don’t forget to send in anything you have at home which you don’t need anymore (in good condition).

100 Yen shop at Festival
4.  Car Park on the day of HIS Festival
The School for Children with Special Needs has kindly offered parking space to HIS for the Festival.  Parents and guardians of HIS family will therefore be able to park there, while other visitors will be able to park at either the fire academy or Nozomien.
There will be a shuttle bus going around between three premises.  However, space is limited so we will provide a parking permit for volunteers.  We can’t guarantee a space for those who don’t volunteer.  Please use public transport as much as possible if you are not planning to volunteer.

3)Wed 22 Feb   10:00am   PTA Monthly Meeting at Hacchobori Peace Cafe agenda:
report from Strategic Planning Workshop for parents and Guardians held on 11Feb
report about progress on HIS Festival
PTA events on May and June

Place:   Peace Café, Kamihatchobori, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City (there is a Thai Tuk-tuk in front of the café)
If you have any question, please email us at:
PTAからのお知らせ (2月17日)





③2月22日(水曜日) PTA定期ミーティング 10時より 八丁堀のピースカフェにて   

       議題 : 11日開催の保護者懇談会の報告 



ピースカフェ (お店の前のトゥク トゥクが目印)
広島市中区上八丁堀 -3林業ビル1F


7. Japanese Outline